Oracle® Objects for OLE Developer's Guide 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part Number B10118-01 |
NOTE: This is an incomplete code snippet, provided for your reference. A complete Visual Basic sample called LONGRAW that is based on this code snippet, is provided in the OO4O samples directory.
This code snippet demonstrates the use of AppendChunk to read a file into a LONG RAW column of a database. This code expects a valid dynaset named OraDynaset representing a table with a column named longraw.
Sub AppendChunkByteExample (FName As String)
'Declare various variables.
Dim NumChunks As Integer, RemChunkSize As Integer
Dim TotalSize As Long, CurChunkByte() As Byte
Dim I As Integer, FNum As Integer, ChunkSize As Integer
'Set the size of each chunk.
ChunkSize = 10240
frmChunk.MousePointer = HOURGLASS
'Begin an add operation.
'Clear the LONGRAW field.
OraDynaset.Fields("LONGRAW").Value = ""
'Get a free file number.
FNum = FreeFile
'Open the file.
Open FName For Binary As #FNum
'Get the total size of the file.
TotalSize = LOF(FNum)
'Set number of chunks.
NumChunks = TotalSize \ ChunkSize
'Set number of remaining bytes.
RemChunkSize = TotalSize Mod ChunkSize
'Loop through the file.
For I = 0 To NumChunks
'Calculate the new chunk size.
If I = NumChunks Then
ChunkSize = RemChunkSize
End If
ReDim CurChunkByte(ChunkSize)
'Read a chunk from the file.
Get #FNum, , CurChunkByte
'Append chunk to LONGRAW field.
OraDynaset.Fields("LONGRAW").AppendChunkByte (CurChunkByte)
Next I
'Complete the add operation and update the database.
'Close the file.
Close FNum
frmChunk.MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub