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Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
Release 2.6.3
Part Number B10284-02 |
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Vote Yes/No Activity
The Vote Yes/No activity lets you send a notification to a group of users in a role and tally the Yes/No responses from those users. The results of the tally determine the activity that the process transitions to next.
The Vote Yes/No activity, classified as a notification activity, first sends a notification message to a group of users and then performs a PL/SQL post-notification function to tally the users' responses (votes).
Activity Attributes
The Vote Yes/No activity has three activity attributes:
- Percent Yes--The percentage of Yes votes cast in order for the activity to complete with a result of Yes.
- Percent No--The percentage of No votes cast in order for the activity to complete with a result of No
Note: The values for the Percent Yes and Percent No attributes are both defined as null in order to use a Popularity voting method, in which the result is the response with the highest number of votes. See: Example Voting Methods
- Voting Option--specify how the votes are tallied by selecting one of three values:
- "Wait for All Votes"--the Workflow Engine waits until all votes are cast before tallying the results as a percentage of all the users notified. If a timeout condition occurs, the Workflow Engine calculates the resulting votes as a percentage of the total votes cast before the timeout occurred.
- "Tally on Every Vote"--the Workflow Engine keeps a running tally of the cumulative responses as a percentage of all the users notified. If a timeout condition occurs, then the responses are tallied as a percentage of the total number of votes cast. Note that this option is meaningless if any of the custom response activity attributes have a blank value.
- "Require All Votes"--the Workflow Engine evaluates the responses as a percentage of all users notified only after all votes are cast. If a timeout condition occurs, the Workflow Engine progresses along the standard timeout transition, or if none is available, raises an error, and does not tally any votes. See: To Define Activity Attribute Values.
See Also
Voting Activity

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