- Add New Service button, 4-3
- Add New Target button, 3-4
- Add New Target command, 3-10
- adding
- a data item to a user-defined class, 4-22
- advanced events
- setting up, 2-1
- advice
- diagnostic, 3-18
- Agent
- accessing through intermediate host, 3-3, 4-3
- Agent data gathering service's integration with, 3-2, 4-1
- checking the log file, 4-25
- checking the status of, 4-25
- Oracle Data Gatherer's integration with, 3-2, 4-1
- setting the location of, 3-3, 4-3
- troubleshooting, 4-25
- Agent data gathering service
- See Agent
- analysis
- adding data from other classes to, 4-43
- copying, 4-40
- creating from a data class, 4-38
- generating a report for an, 4-51
- identifying user-defined and predefined, 4-39
- modifying the selection criteria for an existing, 4-44
- printing, 4-50
- saving predefined, 4-50
- saving results of, 4-50
- saving user-defined, 4-50
- viewing and modifying an existing, 4-39
- See also charts
- Analysis window
- overview of, 4-42
- using the scroll bar, 4-46
- zooming in, 4-46
- zooming out, 4-46
- analyzing
- collected historical data, 4-35
- annotation box
- moving in an analysis chart, 4-49
- auto-scaling
- chart data, 4-47
- Average Elapsed Time data view, 7-7
- bar charts, 3-13
- Basic Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch drill-down data view, 7-16
- Capacity Planner
- See Oracle Capacity Planner
- Chart, 3-16
- Chart Format button, 3-13
- chart group
- definition, 3-11
- Chart Status button, 3-16, 3-30, 3-35
- using, 3-17
- charts
- auto-scaling the data included in, 4-47
- chart-specific commands, 3-16
- constraints, 3-14
- displaying or hiding the chart legend, 4-45
- drilling down, 3-16
- excluding data points from, 4-45
- filtering chart data, 3-15
- formats of, 3-13
- generating reports for, 3-23
- getting help on, 3-22
- hiding the chart legend, 4-45
- orientations, 3-21
- printing, 3-23
- removing lines from, 4-44
- saving your changes, 3-21
- scaling the data in, 4-47
- selecting a line in, 4-43
- setting chart options, 3-14
- sorting data in table, 3-21
- viewing, 3-10
- viewing the values of data points in, 4-42
- See also analysis
- class
- contents of data tables in the historical database, 4-53
- definition, 4-15
- modifying selection criteria for including in an analysis, 4-44
- names of data tables in the historical database, 4-52
- specifying for historical data collection, 4-15
- specifying selection criteria for including in an analysis, 4-38
- understanding the data tables in the historical database, 4-52
- class reference table
- understanding, 4-52
- collected data
- analyzing, 4-35
- browsing, 4-37
- definition, 3-12
- collection frequency
- specifying for a target, 4-9
- collection problems
- troubleshooting, 4-25
- connecting
- manually to a target, 3-9
- to a discovered target, 3-9
- to a target, 3-10
- to an historical database, 4-35
- constraints
- selecting chart, 3-14
- copying
- a user-defined class, 4-24
- an analysis, 4-40
- user-defined charts, 3-27
- CPU Statistics data view, 7-8
- CPU Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch drill-down data view, 7-16
- creating
- a copy of an analysis, 4-40
- a user-defined class, 4-20
- an analysis from a data class, 4-38
- classes like existing user-defined classes, 4-24
- like user-defined charts, 3-27
- user-defined charts, 3-25
- critical threshold, 3-30
- data
- analyzing collected, 4-35
- browsing collected, 4-37
- determining what is being collected, 4-17
- organization of collected, 4-36
- selecting collected, 3-12
- data class
- definition, 4-16
- in Capacity Planner analysis view, 4-36
- modifying selection criteria, 4-44
- saving as an analysis, 4-38
- specifying for historical data collection, 4-15
- specifying selection criteria for, 4-38
- viewing an analysis for, 4-37
- data collection
- See historical data collection
- data item
- adding to a user-defined class, 4-22
- definition, 4-17
- modifying in a user-defined class, 4-22
- removing from a user-defined class, 4-22
- selecting for collection, 4-17
- stopping collection for a, 4-18
- Data Items page in user-defined charts, 3-26
- data point
- displaying a currently excluded point in a chart, 4-45
- excluding from a chart, 4-45
- viewing the value of a, 4-42
- data samples
- specifying the length of time between, 4-10
- specifying the number to collect for a time interval, 4-10
- data source
- definition, 3-12, 4-17
- designating for a user-defined class, 4-21
- examples of, 4-17
- selecting, 3-12
- selecting for collection, 4-17
- stopping collection for a, 4-18
- Data View wizard
- choosing an event, 7-19
- choosing items, 7-20
- choosing sort criteria, 7-22
- creating data views using, 7-18
- defining number of rows, 7-22
- Data Viewer, 7-1
- computing statistics, 7-4
- starting, 7-2
- usage scenarios, 7-2
- data views
- creating, 7-12
- definition of, 7-2
- definitions, 7-9
- displaying, 7-5
- drill down to related events, 7-13
- drill-down
- selecting, 7-16
- modifying, 7-12
- descriptions, 7-13
- options, 7-13
- sort order, 7-13
- options, 7-10
- saving, 7-18
- See also drill-down data views, 7-1
- SQL statement, 7-11
- statistics, 7-10, 7-12
- viewing data, 7-10
- data views in Oracle Trace
- Average Elapsed Time, 7-7
- CPU Statistics, 7-8
- Disk Reads, 7-6
- Disk Reads/Execution Ratio, 7-7
- Disk Reads/Logical Reads Ratio, 7-7
- Disk Reads/Rows Fetched Ratio, 7-6
- Execute Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Fetch Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Logical Reads, 7-6
- Logical Reads/Rows Fetched Ratio, 7-6
- Number of Rows Processed, 7-8
- Parse Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Parse/Execution Ratio, 7-7
- Re-Parse Frequency, 7-7
- Rows Fetched/Fetch Count Ratio, 7-9
- Rows Sorted, 7-9
- Sorts in Memory, 7-9
- Sorts on Disk, 7-9
- Total Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Waits by Average Wait Time, 7-9
- Waits by Event Frequency, 7-9
- Waits by Total Wait Time, 7-9
- deleting
- a data item from a user-defined class, 4-22
- lines from a chart, 4-44
- recordings, 3-25
- user-defined analysis, 4-41
- user-defined classes, 4-25
- designating a data source for a user-defined class, 4-21
- disconnecting
- from historical database, 4-36
- Disk Reads data view, 7-6
- Disk Reads/Execution Ratio data view, 7-7
- Disk Reads/Logical Reads Ratio data view, 7-7
- Disk Reads/Rows Fetched Ratio data view, 7-6
- displaying
- a chart legend, 4-45
- existing user-defined analyses, 4-39
- predefined analyses, 4-40
- Documentation Accessibility, xix
- drill-down
- of data views, 7-13
- drill-down charts, 3-16
- drilling down to historical data, 3-19
- drill-down data views
- descriptions, 7-14
- modifying, 7-17
- selecting, 7-16
- SQL statement, 7-15
- statistics, 7-15
- drill-down data views in Oracle Trace
- Basic Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- CPU Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- I/O Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- Parse Statistics, 7-16
- Row Statistics for Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- Enterprise mode
- running Performance Manager in, 3-6
- EPC_ERROR.LOG file, 7-29
- event permissions, 3-33
- events
- in Performance Manager, 3-29
- multiple targets, 3-32
- registering in Performance Manager, 3-33
- excluding a data point from a chart, 4-45
- Execute Elapsed Time data view, 7-8
- Fetch Elapsed Time data view, 7-8
- filtering chart data, 3-15
- green dot on class icon in navigator panel
- meaning of, 4-18
- help
- accessing for Oracle Capacity Planner, 4-5
- for charts, 3-22
- Help menu in Oracle TopSessions, 6-8
- hiding
- a chart legend, 4-45
- the list of predefined analyses, 4-40
- hierarchical charts, 3-13
- historical data collection
- aggregation of data in, 4-12
- setting up a, 4-6
- specifying a target for, 4-7
- specifying the age of the data saved for analysis, 4-14
- specifying the classes of data to collect, 4-15
- stopping for a class of data, 4-18
- historical database
- connecting to, 4-35
- contents of data tables for classes in, 4-53
- disconnecting from, 4-36
- names of data tables for a class, 4-52
- specifying the location of a, 4-11
- understanding the class reference table, 4-52
- understanding the data tables for a class in, 4-52
- understanding the logical structure of, 4-51
- understanding the service reference table, 4-51
- unsupported modifications to, 4-51
- horizontal orientation
- of a chart, 3-21
- Intelligent Agent
- See Agent
- I/O Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch drill-down data view, 7-16
- Kill menu item
- in Performance Manager, 3-16
- line charts, 3-13
- load frequency
- specifying for a target, 4-11
- load problems
- troubleshooting, 4-25
- loader passes
- selecting the length of time between, 4-11
- selecting the number for a time interval, 4-11
- log file for Agent, 4-25
- Logical Reads data view, 7-6
- Logical Reads/Rows Fetched Ratio data view, 7-6
- main window
- of Oracle Performance Manager, 3-7
- menu bar
- of Oracle TopSessions, 6-5
- menus
- Help menu
- of Oracle TopSessions, 6-8
- Microsoft SQL Server, 1-9
- modifying
- a data item in a user-defined class, 4-22
- existing analysis, 4-39
- selection criteria for a class of data in an analysis chart, 4-44
- user-defined classes, 4-23
- modifying user-defined charts, 3-26
- monitoring SQL Server, 1-9
- moving
- annotation box in an analysis chart, 4-49
- Number of Rows Processed data view, 7-8
- occurrences, 3-32
- See
- Options dialog box, 6-15
- Oracle Capacity Planner
- drilling down to, 3-19
- functions of, 4-1
- how it collects and stores data, 4-2
- setting up, 2-2
- starting, 4-4
- two-step process for using, 4-6
- usage scenarios for, 4-4
- Oracle Data Gatherer
- See Agent
- Oracle Performance Manager
- functions of, 3-1
- setting up, 2-2
- starting, 3-5
- usage scenarios for, 3-4
- Oracle TopSessions
- displaying, 6-3
- Oracle Trace
- data views
- Average Elapsed Time, 7-7
- CPU Statistics, 7-8
- Disk Reads, 7-6
- Disk Reads/Execution Ratio, 7-7
- Disk Reads/Logical Reads Ratio, 7-7
- Disk Reads/Rows Fetched Ratio, 7-6
- Execute Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Fetch Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Logical Reads, 7-6
- Logical Reads/Rows Fetched Ratio, 7-6
- Number of Rows Processed, 7-8
- Parse Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Parse/Execution Ratio, 7-7
- Re-Parse Frequency, 7-7
- Rows Fetched/Fetch Count Ratio, 7-9
- Rows Sorted, 7-9
- Sorts in Memory, 7-9
- Sorts on Disk, 7-9
- Total Elapsed Time, 7-8
- Waits by Average Wait Time, 7-9
- Waits by Event Frequency, 7-9
- Waits by Total Wait Time, 7-9
- drill-down data views
- Basic Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- CPU Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- I/O Statistics for Parse/Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- Parse Statistics, 7-16
- Row Statistics for Execute/Fetch, 7-16
- Oracle Trace Data Viewer
- See Data Viewer, 7-1
- overview charts
- viewing, 3-11
- Parse Elapsed Time data view, 7-8
- Parse Statistics drill-down data view, 7-16
- Parse/Execution Ratio data view, 7-7
- Performance Manager
- See Oracle Performance Manager
- performance statistics
- projecting, 4-47
- pie chart, 3-13
- predefined analyses
- definition, 4-36
- displaying or hiding the list of, 4-40
- identifying icon, 4-39
- printing
- a chart, 3-23
- an analysis, 4-50
- problems
- troubleshooting, 4-25
- property sheets
- Options property sheet, 6-15
- purging
- determining how much historical data to keep before, 4-14
- recording chart data, 3-23
- recordings
- removing, 3-25
- starting, 3-24
- stopping, 3-24
- Recordings folder, 3-8
- removing
- a data item from a user-defined class, 4-22
- a line from a chart, 4-44
- renaming
- a data item in a user-defined class, 4-22
- a user-defined analysis, 4-41
- a user-defined class, 4-23
- Re-Parse Frequency data view, 7-7
- report
- generating for an analysis report, 4-51
- reports
- generating for charts, 3-23
- right mouse button
- using in Oracle TopSessions, 6-13
- Row Statistics for Execute/Fetch drill-down data views, 7-16
- Rows Fetched/Fetch Count Ratio data view, 7-9
- Rows Sorted data view, 7-9
- saving
- analysis results, 4-50
- class data as a user-defined analysis, 4-38
- Performance Manager charts, 3-21
- scrolling
- in the Analysis window, 4-46
- selection criteria
- modifying for class data in an analysis, 4-44
- service reference table
- understanding, 4-51
- Session Details display
- Statistics page, 6-15
- sessions
- viewing details about, 6-13
- Set Connection Details menu item, 3-4, 4-3
- Set Options button, 3-16
- setting up
- Advanced Events, 2-1
- Capacity Planner, 2-2
- Performance Manager, 2-2
- Trace, 2-6
- shortcut keys, 3-28
- Show Overview Charts
- menu option, 3-11
- toolbar button, 3-11
- sorting
- data in a table chart, 3-21
- sorting TopSessions entries, 6-13
- Sorts in Memory data view, 7-9
- Sorts on Disk data view, 7-9
- SQL script
- evaluating in a user-defined chart, 3-26
- SQL statements
- in data views, 7-11
- of drill-down data views, 7-15
- SQL support, 1-9
- Standalone mode
- running Performance Manager in, 3-7
- starting
- Oracle Capacity Planner, 4-4
- Oracle Performance Manager, 3-5
- starting Data Viewer, 7-2
- from Oracle Enterprise Manager Program Group, 7-3
- from within Oracle Trace, 7-3
- statistics
- computing using Data Viewer, 7-4
- of data views, 7-10, 7-12
- of drill-down data views, 7-15
- selecting the statistics to display for a session, 6-15
- stopping
- collection of data for a data source or data item, 4-18
- strip charts, 3-13
- table charts, 3-13
- sorting data in, 3-21
- target
- connecting manually, 3-9
- connecting to discovered, 3-9
- selecting for historical data collection, 4-7
- specifying the classes of data to collect from, 4-15
- specifying the collection frequency for, 4-9
- specifying the load frequency for, 4-11
- threshold associations
- editing, 3-19, 3-37
- threshold state indicators, 3-4
- thresholds
- critical, 3-17
- editing, 3-31
- order of precedence, 3-31
- refreshing, 3-37
- resetting, 3-19, 3-36
- setting, 3-31
- triggered events, 3-32
- types, 3-30
- viewing, 3-34
- warning, 3-17
- TopSessions
- accessing from Console, 6-2
- accessing from console, 6-3
- customizing display, 6-15
- Data Options page, 6-16
- filtering, 6-4
- filtering criteria, 6-10
- menus, 6-5
- Options page, 6-18
- overview, 6-1
- session details page, 6-14
- Session Filtering Page, 6-17
- sort statistics, 6-10
- sorting entries, 6-13
- statistics page, 6-15
- toolbar, 6-8
- viewing session details, 6-13
- Total Elapsed Time data view, 7-8
- Trace
- setting up, 2-6
- trend analysis
- definition, 4-47
- specifying and performing, 4-48
- to a point in time, 4-47
- to a value, 4-47
- troubleshooting
- collection and load problems, 4-25
- usage scenarios
- for Data Viewer, 7-2
- for Oracle Capacity Planner, 4-4
- for Oracle Performance Manager, 3-4
- user-defined analysis
- creating, 4-38
- definition, 4-36
- deleting, 4-41
- identifying icon, 4-39
- renaming, 4-41
- user-defined charts, 3-25
- copying, 3-27
- creating like, 3-27
- Data Items page, 3-26
- defining a new chart, 3-26
- modifying, 3-26
- restriction when drilling down, 3-20
- user-defined class
- adding a data item to, 4-22
- copying, 4-24
- creating, 4-20
- creating another class like, 4-24
- deleting, 4-25
- designating a data source for, 4-21
- modifying, 4-23
- modifying a data item in, 4-22
- removing a data item from, 4-22
- specifying the SQL statement to create, 4-20
- starting collection for, 4-21
- stopping collection for, 4-25
- using Oracle Capacity Planner help, 4-5
- vertical orientation
- of a chart, 3-21
- viewing
- an analysis of a data class, 4-37
- an existing analysis, 4-39
- chart data by zooming and scrolling, 4-46
- overview charts, 3-11
- Performance Manager charts, 3-10
- the selection criteria for a class of data in an analysis, 4-44
- Waits by Average Wait Time data view, 7-9
- Waits by Event Frequency data view, 7-9
- Waits by Total Wait Time data view, 7-9
- warning threshold, 3-30
- wizard
- See
- See Data View wizard, 7-18
- zoom buttons
- on Analysis window toolbar, 4-46