Text for image substit.gif
substit.gif shows the Substitution Variables screen in a web browser. The Substitution Variables screen has three main areas, a header, a body and a footer, Each separated by a horizontal line.
The header contains the following elements:
- The Oracle iSQL*Plus logo in the top left.
- The five standard iSQL*Plus icons in the top right. They are:
- Logout - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- New Session - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- History - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- Preferences - with a light brown background to indicate it is unavailable.
- Help - with a clear background to indicate it is available.
- The breadcrumbs navigation line is located under the Oracle iSQL*Plus logo. It shows Work Screen > Substitution Variables. Work Screen is an underlined link back to the Work screen.
- The screen title "Substitution Variables" is under the breadcrumbs line.
The body has a line of text and a group of two text input fields. The left side labels of the text input fields have a heading "Variable", and the right side text input fields have a heading "Value". The text line above the fields is "Enter values for substitution variables in the script to execute:". The two fields are:
- sortcol which is blank.
- mytable which contains the text "emp_details_view".
The footer has two buttons aligned horizontally on the bottom right: