- abort response, 31-13
- two-phase commit, 31-13
- accounts
- operating system
- database administrator, 1-10
- user
- SYS and SYSTEM, 1-11
- ALTER DATABASE statement, 7-13
- ADD LOGFILE option
- ALTER DATABASE statement, 7-13
- ADD PARTITION clause, 17-27
- ADD SUBPARTITION clause, 17-29, 17-30
- about, 25-12
- revoking roles/privileges, 25-16
- ADMIN_TABLES procedure, 22-4
- DBMS_REPAIR package
- ADMIN_TABLES procedure, 22-3
- examples
- building orphan key table, 22-10
- building repair table, 22-9
- ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER system privilege, 27-8
- administration
- distributed databases, 29-1
- tools, 28-31
- administrators
- application, 1-4
- AFTER SUSPEND system event, 14-21
- AFTER SUSPEND trigger, 14-21
- example of registering, 14-23
- agent
- Heterogeneous Services, definition of, 28-5
- aggregate functions, 29-33
- alert file
- job failures and, 10-10
- alert log
- about, 5-15
- location of, 5-16
- size of, 5-16
- using, 5-15
- when written, 5-17
- ALL_DB_LINKS view, 29-21
- ALL_JOBS view
- jobs in system, viewing, 10-15
- allocation
- extents, 15-12
- minimizing extents for rollback segments, 13-24
- ALTER CLUSTER statement
- ALLOCATE EXTENT clause, 18-9
- using for hash clusters, 19-9
- using for index clusters, 18-9
- ALTER DATABASE statement
- ADD LOGFILE MEMBER option, 7-13
- ADD LOGFILE option, 7-13
- ARCHIVELOG option, 8-5
- CLEAR LOGFILE option, 7-19
- database partially available to users, 4-9
- DATAFILE...OFFLINE DROP clause, 12-9
- datafiles online or offline, 11-24, 12-10
- default temporary tablespace, specifying, 2-24
- DROP LOGFILE MEMBER option, 7-17
- DROP LOGFILE option, 7-16
- MOUNT clause, 4-9
- NOARCHIVELOG option, 8-5
- OPEN clause, 4-10
- READ ONLY clause, 4-10
- RENAME FILE clause, 12-13
- tempfiles online or offline, 11-24, 12-10
- ALTER FUNCTION statement
- COMPILE clause, 21-25
- ALTER INDEX statement
- COALESCE clause, 16-8
- for maintaining partitioned indexes, 17-23 to 17-61
- MONITORING USAGE clause, 16-21
- ALTER PACKAGE statement
- COMPILE clause, 21-25
- COMPILE clause, 21-25
- ALTER PROFILE statement
- altering resource limits, 24-21
- ALTER RESOURCE COST statement, 24-21
- ALTER ROLE statement
- changing authorization method, 25-7
- bringing segments online, 13-22
- changing storage parameters, 13-21
- taking segment offline, 13-23
- ALTER SEQUENCE statement, 20-13
- ALTER SESSION statement
- ADVISE clause, 32-10
- CLOSE DATABASE LINK clause, 30-2
- SET SQL_TRACE initialization parameter, 5-17
- setting time zone, 2-28
- system privilege, 30-2
- ALTER SYSTEM statement
- ARCHIVE LOG ALL option, 8-9
- ARCHIVE LOG option, 8-8
- RESUME clause, 4-17
- SCOPE clause for SET, 2-47
- SET RESOURCE_LIMIT option, 24-19
- SET SHARED_SERVERS initialization parameter, 5-10
- setting initialization parameters, 2-47
- SUSPEND clause, 4-17
- SWITCH LOGFILE option, 7-18
- to enable Database Resource Manager, 27-24
- ALTER TABLE statement
- ADD (column) clause, 15-13
- ALLOCATE EXTENT clause, 15-12
- DEALLOCATE UNUSED clause, 15-13
- DISABLE ALL TRIGGERS clause, 21-14
- DISABLE integrity constraint clause, 21-18
- DROP COLUMN clause, 15-14
- DROP integrity constraint clause, 21-19
- DROP UNUSED COLUMNS clause, 15-15
- ENABLE ALL TRIGGERS clause, 21-13
- ENABLE integrity constraint clause, 21-18
- external tables, 15-38
- for maintaining partitions, 17-23 to 17-61
- MODIFY (column) clause, 15-13
- modifying index-organized table attributes, 15-30
- MOVE clause, 15-12, 15-30
- reasons for use, 15-10
- RENAME COLUMN clause, 15-14
- SET UNUSED clause, 15-15
- ADD DATAFILE parameter, 11-11
- ONLINE option, example, 11-23
- READ ONLY option, 11-25
- READ WRITE option, 11-27
- RENAME DATAFILE clause, 12-11
- taking datafiles/tempfiles online/offline, 11-23, 12-9
- ALTER TRIGGER statement
- DISABLE clause, 21-14
- ENABLE clause, 21-13
- ALTER USER privilege, 24-6
- ALTER USER statement
- default roles, 25-21
- ALTER VIEW statement
- COMPILE clause, 21-25
- altering indexes, 16-19 to 16-21
- altering storage parameters, 15-11
- altering users, 24-6
- ANALYZE statement, 21-5
- CASCADE clause, 21-7
- corruption reporting, 22-5
- LIST CHAINED ROWS clause, 21-7
- listing chained rows, 21-7
- validating structure, 22-4
- ANALYZE TABLE statement, 30-7
- analyzing redo log files, 9-1
- analyzing schema objects, 21-3 to 21-6
- analyzing tables
- cost-based optimization, 30-7
- application administrators, 23-12
- application context, 23-4
- application developers
- privileges for, 23-10
- roles for, 23-11
- application development
- constraints, 30-3
- database links
- controlling connections, 30-2
- distributed databases, 30-1
- analyzing execution plan, 30-9
- controlling connections, 30-2
- handling errors, 30-3
- handling RPC errors, 30-11
- managing distribution of data, 30-2
- managing referential integrity, 30-3
- optimizing distributed queries, 28-47
- overview, 28-44
- remote procedure calls, 28-46
- tuning distributed queries, 30-3
- tuning using collocated inline views, 30-4
- using cost-based optimization, 30-5
- using hints to tune queries, 30-8
- distributing data, 30-2
- referential integrity, 30-3
- remote connections
- terminating, 30-2
- security for, 23-10
- applications
- administrator, 1-4
- errors
- RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR() procedure, 30-11
- applications administrator, 1-4
- AQ_USER_ROLE role, 25-6
- ARCH process
- specifying multiple processes, 8-19
- architecture
- Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), 2-7
- ARCHIVE LOG option
- ALTER SYSTEM statement, 8-8
- archive processes, 5-12
- ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter, 7-11
- archived redo logs, 8-2
- archiving modes, 8-5
- controlling destination availability state, 8-14
- destination status, 8-12
- destinations
- mandatory, 8-16
- minimum number of, 8-16
- re-archiving to failed, 8-18
- sample scenarios, 8-17
- failed destinations and, 8-16
- multiplexing, 8-10
- normal transmission of, 8-14
- specifying destinations for, 8-10
- standby transmission of, 8-14
- status information, 8-24
- transmitting, 8-14
- tuning, 8-19
- archived redo mandatory destinations
- for archived redo logs, 8-16
- ARCHIVELOG mode, 8-3
- advantages, 8-3
- archiving, 8-2
- automatic archiving in, 8-3
- definition of, 8-3
- distributed databases, 8-4
- enabling, 8-5
- manual archiving in, 8-3
- running in, 8-3
- switching to, 8-5
- taking datafiles offline and online in, 12-9
- archivelog process (ARCn)
- tracing, 8-21
- archiver, 5-12
- archiving
- advantages, 8-2
- automatic
- disabling, 8-8
- disabling at instance startup, 8-8
- enabling after instance startup, 8-7
- enabling at instance startup, 8-7
- changing archiving mode, 8-5
- controlling destination availability state, 8-14
- controlling number of processes, 8-7
- destination status, 8-12
- destinations
- failure, 8-16
- disabling, 8-5, 8-8
- disadvantages, 8-2
- enabling, 8-5, 8-7
- manual, 8-9
- multiple ARCH processes, 8-19
- privileges
- disabling, 8-8
- enabling, 8-6
- for manual archiving, 8-9
- setting initial mode, 8-5
- to failed destinations, 8-18
- trace, controlling, 8-21
- tuning, 8-19
- viewing information on, 8-24
- AUDIT statement
- BY proxy clause, 26-13
- schema objects, 26-12
- statement auditing, 26-11
- system privileges, 26-11
- audit trail, 26-15
- archiving, 26-17
- auditing changes to, 26-18
- controlling size of, 26-15
- creating and deleting, 26-19
- deleting views, 26-20
- dropping, 26-19
- interpreting, 26-20
- maximum size of, 26-16
- protecting integrity of, 26-18
- purging records from, 26-16
- recording changes to, 26-18
- reducing size of, 26-17
- table that holds, 26-2
- views on, 26-19
- AUDIT_FILE_DEST initialization parameter, 26-8
- setting for OS auditing, 26-8
- AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS initialization parameter, 26-8
- auditing SYS, 26-6
- AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter, 26-8
- auditing SYS, 26-6
- setting, 26-8
- auditing, 26-2
- audit option levels, 26-9
- audit trail records, 26-4
- database links, 28-31
- default options, 26-13
- disabling default options, 26-15
- disabling options, 26-8, 26-13, 26-14
- disabling options versus auditing, 26-14
- enabling options, 26-8
- privileges for, 26-8
- enabling options versus auditing, 26-10
- fine-grained, 26-18
- guidelines, 26-2
- historical information, 26-4
- information stored in OS file, 26-5
- keeping information manageable, 26-3
- managing the audit trail, 26-19
- multi-tier environments, 26-13
- operating-system audit trails, 26-2
- policies for, 23-20
- privilege audit options, 26-11
- privileges required for object, 26-12
- privileges required for system, 26-12
- schema objects, 26-12
- session level, 26-11
- statement, 26-11
- statement level, 26-11
- suspicious activity, 26-3
- SYS, 26-6
- system privileges, 26-11
- to OS file, 26-8
- using the database, 26-2
- viewing
- active object options, 26-22
- active privilege options, 26-22
- active statement options, 26-22
- default object options, 26-23
- views, 26-19
- CREATE DATABASE LINK statement, 29-16
- authentication
- by database, 24-9
- by SSL, 24-8, 24-14
- database links, 28-25
- directory service, 24-14
- external, 24-11
- global, 24-13
- operating system, 1-17
- password policy, 23-5
- proxy, 24-16
- selecting a method, 1-15
- specifying when creating a user, 24-3
- users, 23-2
- using password file, 1-19
- ways to authenticate users, 24-8
- authorization
- changing for roles, 25-7
- global, 24-13
- omitting for roles, 25-7
- operating-system role management and, 25-9
- roles, about, 25-8
- automatic undo management, 2-24
- background processes, 5-11 to 5-13
- FMON, 12-17
- BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter, 5-16
- backups
- after creating new databases, 2-22
- guidelines, 1-7
- effects of archiving on, 8-3
- BLANK_TRIMMING initialization parameter, 15-13
- BLOCKSIZE clause
- broken jobs
- about, 10-12
- running, 10-13
- BUFFER_POOL storage parameter
- description, 14-11
- buffers
- buffer cache in SGA, 2-40
- calls
- remote procedure, 28-46
- CASCADE clause
- when dropping unique or primary keys, 21-19
- cascading revokes, 25-19
- running, 26-19
- CATBLOCK.SQL script, 5-15
- running, 26-20
- centralized user management
- distributed systems, 28-27
- chained rows
- eliminating from table, procedure, 21-8
- used by ANALYZE statement, 21-7
- change vectors, 7-2
- CHAR datatype
- increasing column length, 15-13
- character sets
- multibyte characters in role names, 25-7
- multibyte characters in role passwords, 25-8
- specifying when creating a database, 2-3
- CHECK_OBJECT procedure, 22-2, 22-4, 22-5
- example, 22-10
- checkpoint process, 5-12
- checksums
- for data blocks, 12-14
- redo log blocks, 7-18
- CJQ0 background process, 10-2
- ALTER DATABASE statement, 7-19
- clearing redo log files, 7-7, 7-19
- restrictions, 7-19
- client/server architectures
- distributed databases, 28-6
- direct and indirect connections, 28-7
- Globalization Support, 28-47
- ALTER SESSION statement, 30-2
- closing database links, 29-19
- clustered tables. See clusters.
- clusters
- allocating extents, 18-9
- altering, 18-8
- analyzing, 21-3 to 21-6
- cluster indexes, 18-10
- altering, 18-9
- creating, 18-8
- dropping, 18-11
- cluster keys
- columns for, 18-4
- definition, 18-2
- SIZE parameter, 18-5
- clustered tables, 18-2, 18-4, 18-7, 18-11
- ALTER TABLE restrictions, 18-9
- columns for cluster key, 18-4
- creating, 18-6
- deallocating extents, 18-9
- dropping, 18-10
- estimating space, 18-5, 18-6
- guidelines for managing, 18-4 to 18-6
- hash
- contrasted with index, 19-2
- hash clusters, 19-1 to 19-9
- index
- contrasted with hash, 19-2
- location, 18-6
- overview of, 18-2
- privileges
- for altering, 18-8
- for creating, 18-6
- for dropping, 18-11
- selecting tables, 18-4
- single-table hash clusters, 19-5
- specifying PCTFREE for, 14-4
- truncating, 21-9
- validating structure, 21-6
- COALESCE PARTITION clause, 17-32
- coalescing indexes
- costs, 16-8
- collocated inline views
- tuning distributed queries, 30-4
- columns
- adding, 15-13
- displaying information about, 21-34
- dropping, 15-14 to 15-16
- granting privileges for selected, 25-15
- granting privileges on, 25-15
- increasing length, 15-13
- INSERT privilege and, 25-15
- listing users granted to, 25-28
- modifying definition, 15-13
- privileges, 25-15
- renaming, 15-14
- revoking privileges on, 25-18
- COMMENT statement, 15-40
- COMMIT COMMENT statement
- used with distributed transactions, 32-2, 32-10
- commit phase, 31-11, 31-23
- two-phase commit, 31-14
- commit point site, 31-7
- commit point strength, 31-8, 32-2
- determining, 31-9
- distributed transactions, 31-6, 31-8
- how Oracle determines, 31-8
- commit point strength
- definition, 31-8
- specifying, 32-2
- COMMIT statement
- FORCE clause, 32-10, 32-11, 32-12
- forcing, 32-9
- two-phase commit and, 28-36
- COMMIT_POINT_STRENGTH initialization parameter, 31-8, 32-2
- committing transactions
- distributed
- commit point site, 31-7
- composite limits
- costs and, 24-22
- composite partitioned tables
- subpartition template, modifying, 17-48
- composite partitioning
- creating tables using, 17-14
- default partition, 17-10
- range-list, 17-8, 17-15
- when to use, 17-7
- CONNECT command
- starting an instance, 4-3
- desupported, 1-15
- CONNECT role, 25-5
- connected user database links, 29-12
- advantages and disadvantages, 28-16
- creating, 29-12
- definition, 28-16
- example, 28-19
- REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT initialization parameter, 28-17
- connection qualifiers
- database links and, 29-13
- connections
- auditing, 26-11
- remote
- terminating, 30-2
- constraints
- See also integrity constraints
- application development issues, 30-3
- disabling at table creation, 21-17
- dropping integrity constraints, 21-19
- enable novalidate state, 21-16
- enabling example, 21-17
- enabling when violations exist, 21-16
- exceptions, 21-16, 21-21
- exceptions to integrity constraints, 21-21
- integrity constraint states, 21-15
- keeping index when disabling, 21-18
- keeping index when dropping, 21-18
- ORA-02055
- constrain violation, 30-3
- renaming, 21-19
- setting at table creation, 21-17
- when to disable, 21-15
- control files
- adding, 6-5
- changing size, 6-5
- conflicts with data dictionary, 6-9
- creating
- about, 6-2
- additional control files, 6-5
- initially, 6-4
- new files, 6-6
- creating as Oracle-managed files, 3-17
- default name, 2-36, 6-5
- dropping, 6-11
- errors during creation, 6-10
- guidelines for, 6-2 to 6-4
- importance of multiplexed, 6-3
- location of, 6-3
- log sequence numbers, 7-5
- mirrored, 6-3
- mirroring, 2-36
- moving, 6-5
- multiplexed
- importance of, 6-3
- names, 6-2
- number of, 6-3
- overwriting existing, 2-36
- relocating, 6-5
- renaming, 6-5
- requirement of one, 6-2
- size of, 6-4
- specifying names before database creation, 2-36
- troubleshooting, 6-9
- unavailable during startup, 4-6
- CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter
- overwriting existing control files, 2-36
- setting
- before database creation, 6-4
- names for, 6-2
- setting before database creation, 2-36
- warning about setting, 2-36
- corruption
- data block
- repairing, 22-2 to 22-15
- cost-based optimization, 30-5
- distributed databases, 28-47
- hints, 30-8
- using for distributed queries, 30-5
- costs
- resource limits and, 24-22
- CREATE CLUSTER statement
- creating clusters, 18-7
- example, 18-7
- for hash clusters, 19-4
- HASH IS option, 19-4, 19-6
- HASHKEYS option, 19-4, 19-7
- SIZE option, 19-6
- about, 6-6
- checking for inconsistencies, 6-9
- NORESETLOGS option, 6-8
- RESETLOGS option, 6-8
- CREATE DATABASE LINK statement, 29-9
- MAXLOGFILES option, 7-10
- MAXLOGMEMBERS parameter, 7-10
- password for SYS, 2-23
- password for SYSTEM, 2-23
- setting time zone, 2-28
- specifying FORCE LOGGING, 2-29
- UNDO TABLESPACE clause, 2-24
- used to create an undo tablespace, 13-6
- using Oracle-managed files, 3-8
- CREATE INDEX statement
- ON CLUSTER option, 18-8
- partitioned indexes, 17-12 to 17-15
- using, 16-10
- with a constraint, 16-11
- CREATE PROFILE statement
- about, 24-20
- CREATE ROLE statement
- IDENTIFIED BY option, 25-8
- about, 13-19
- CREATE SCHEMA statement
- multiple tables and views, 21-2
- CREATE SEQUENCE statement, 20-12
- CREATE SPFILE statement, 2-46
- CREATE SYNONYM statement, 20-14
- CREATE TABLE statement
- AS SELECT clause, 15-4, 15-8
- CLUSTER option, 18-7
- COMPRESS clause, 15-29
- creating partitioned tables, 17-11 to 17-21
- creating temporary table, 15-8
- INCLUDING clause, 15-28
- index-organized tables, 15-25
- MONITORING clause, 15-9
- NOLOGGING clause, 15-4
- OVERFLOW clause, 15-27
- parallelizing, 15-8
- PCTTHRESHOLD clause, 15-28
- TABLESPACE clause, specifying, 15-3
- use of, 15-7
- BLOCKSIZE CLAUSE, using, 11-19
- FORCE LOGGING clause, using, 11-20
- Oracle-managed files, 3-14
- example, 11-10
- Oracle-managed files, 3-16
- Oracle-managed files, 3-14
- using to create an undo tablespace, 13-6
- using, 16-11
- CREATE USER statement
- IDENTIFIED BY option, 24-3
- CREATE VIEW statement
- about, 20-2
- OR REPLACE option, 20-11
- Database Resource Manager, 27-10
- creating a database
- default temporary tablespace, specifying, 2-24
- creating an audit trail, 26-19
- creating connected user links
- scenario, 29-35, 29-36
- creating current user links
- scenario, 29-37
- creating database links, 29-8
- connected user, 29-12
- current user, 29-12
- example, 28-19
- fixed user, 29-11
- private, 29-9
- public, 29-10
- service names within link names, 29-13
- specifying types, 29-9
- creating databases, 2-1, 8-5
- backing up the new database, 2-22
- executing CREATE DATABASE, 2-18
- manually from a script, 2-5
- preparing to, 2-2
- prerequisites for, 2-4
- problems encountered while, 2-31
- UNDO MANAGEMENT clause, 2-24
- upgrading to a new release, 2-5
- using Database Configuration Assistant, 2-5
- with locally managed tablespaces, 2-26
- creating datafiles, 12-5
- creating fixed user links
- scenario, 29-34, 29-35
- creating indexes
- after inserting table data, 16-3
- associated with integrity constraints, 16-11
- USING INDEX clause, 16-11
- creating profiles, 24-20
- creating sequences, 20-12
- creating synonyms, 20-14
- creating views, 20-2
- current user database links, 29-12
- advantages and disadvantages, 28-18
- cannot access in shared schema, 28-28
- creating, 29-12
- definition, 28-16
- example, 28-19
- schema independence, 28-28
- cursors
- and closing database links, 30-2
- data
- loading using external tables, 15-35
- security of, 23-3
- data block corruption
- repairing, 22-2 to 22-15
- data blocks
- altering size of, 2-37
- managing space in, 14-2 to 14-7
- non-standard block size, 2-37
- PCTFREE in clusters, 18-5
- shared in clusters, 18-2
- specifying size of, 2-37
- standard block size, 2-37
- transaction entry settings, 14-8
- verifying, 12-14
- data dictionary
- changing storage parameters, 21-30
- changing storage parameters of, 21-27
- conflicts with control files, 6-9
- purging pending rows from, 32-13, 32-14
- schema object views, 21-30
- segments in the, 21-28
- V$DBFILE view, 2-31
- V$LOGFILE view, 2-31
- data dictionary views
- DBA_DB_LINKS, 29-21, 32-3, 32-5
- USER, 32-3, 32-5
- data encryption
- distributed systems, 28-30
- data manipulation language
- statements allowed in distributed transactions, 28-33
- database
- granting privileges, 25-11
- granting roles, 25-11
- database administrators, 1-2
- application administrator versus, 23-12
- initial priorities, 1-4 to 1-8
- operating system account, 1-10
- password files for, 1-16
- responsibilities of, 1-2
- roles
- about, 1-13
- for security, 23-9
- security and privileges of, 1-10
- security for, 23-8
- security officer versus, 1-3, 23-2
- SYS and SYSTEM accounts, 1-11
- utilities for, 1-26
- database authentication, 24-9
- Database Configuration Assistant
- advantages, 2-6
- configuring options, 2-9
- creating databases, 2-7 to 2-9
- defined, 2-5
- deleting databases, 2-9
- managing templates, 2-9
- templates, using, 2-11
- database links
- advantages, 28-11
- auditing, 28-31
- authentication, 28-25
- without passwords, 28-26
- closing, 29-19, 30-2
- connected user, 29-12, 29-35
- advantages and disadvantages, 28-16
- definition, 28-16
- connections
- controlling, 30-2
- determining open, 29-24
- creating, 29-8
- connected user, 29-12, 29-35
- connected user, shared, 29-36
- current user, 29-12, 29-37
- example, 28-19
- fixed user, 29-11, 29-34
- fixed user, shared, 29-35
- obtaining necessary privileges, 29-8
- private, 29-9
- public, 29-10
- scenarios, 29-34
- shared, 29-14, 29-15
- specifying types, 29-9
- current user, 28-15, 29-12
- advantages and disadvantages, 28-18
- definition, 28-16
- data dictionary views
- ALL, 32-3, 32-5
- DBA_DB_LINKS, 32-3, 32-5
- USER, 29-21, 32-3, 32-5
- definition, 28-8
- distributed queries, 28-34
- distributed transactions, 28-35
- dropping, 29-19
- enforcing global naming, 29-3
- enterprise users and, 28-28
- fixed user, 29-34
- advantages and disadvantages, 28-17
- definition, 28-16
- global
- definition, 28-15
- global names, 28-12
- global object names, 28-36
- handling errors, 30-3
- job queues and, 10-9
- limiting number of connections, 29-20
- listing, 29-21, 32-3, 32-5
- managing, 29-18
- minimizing network connections, 29-14
- name resolution, 28-36
- schema objects, 28-38
- views, synonyms, and procedures, 28-42
- when global database name is complete, 28-37
- when global database name is partial, 28-37
- when no global database name is specified, 28-37
- names for, 28-14
- passwords, viewing, 29-22
- private
- definition, 28-15
- public
- definition, 28-15
- referential integrity in, 30-3
- remote queries, 28-33
- remote transactions, 28-33, 28-35
- resolution, 28-36
- restrictions, 28-22
- roles on remote database, 28-23
- schema objects, 28-20
- name resolution, 28-22
- synonyms for, 28-21
- service names used within link names, 29-13
- shared, 28-10
- configuring, 29-16
- creating, 29-14
- creating links to dedicated servers, 29-16
- creating links to shared servers, 29-17
- determining whether to use, 29-14
- shared SQL, 28-34
- tuning distributed queries, 30-3
- tuning queries with hints, 30-8
- tuning using collocated inline views, 30-4
- types of links, 28-15
- types of users, 28-16
- users
- specifying, 29-11
- using cost-based optimization, 30-5
- viewing, 29-21
- Database Resource Manager
- active session pool with queuing, 27-6
- administering system privilege, 27-8 to 27-10
- automatic consumer group switching, 27-7
- CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN procedure, 27-10
- description, 27-2
- enabling, 27-24
- execution time limit, 27-7
- managing resource consumer groups, 27-20
- changing resource consumer groups, 27-21
- granting the switch privilege, 27-21, 27-22
- revoking the switch privilege, 27-23
- setting initial resource consumer group, 27-21
- switching a session, 27-21
- switching sessions for a user, 27-22
- multiple level CPU resource allocation, 27-6
- pending area, 27-12 to 27-14
- resource allocation methods, 27-4
- CPU resource, 27-14
- EMPHASIS, 27-14
- limiting degree of parallelism, 27-15
- ROUND-ROBIN, 27-16
- resource consumer groups, 27-3
- creating, 27-16 to 27-17
- DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP, 27-16, 27-17, 27-21, 27-23
- deleting, 27-17
- LOW_GROUP, 27-17, 27-29
- managing, 27-20 to 27-23
- OTHER_GROUPS, 27-6, 27-13, 27-16, 27-19, 27-28
- parameters, 27-16
- SYS_GROUP, 27-17, 27-28
- updating, 27-17
- resource plan directives, 27-4, 27-12
- deleting, 27-19
- specifying, 27-17 to 27-20
- updating, 27-19
- resource plans, 27-3
- creating, 27-10 to 27-16
- deleting, 27-15
- examples, 27-4, 27-25
- parameters, 27-14
- plan schemas, 27-6, 27-12, 27-16, 27-25, 27-32
- subplans, 27-5, 27-6, 27-16
- SYSTEM_PLAN, 27-15, 27-17, 27-28
- top plan, 27-6, 27-13, 27-24
- updating, 27-15
- specifying a parallel degree limit, 27-7
- undo pool, 27-7
- used for quiescing a database, 4-15
- validating plan schema changes, 27-12
- views, 27-31
- database users
- enrolling, 1-7
- database writer, 5-12
- database writer process
- calculating checksums for data blocks, 12-14
- name of default temporary tablespace, 2-25
- databases
- administering, 1-1
- administration of distributed, 29-1
- altering availability, 4-9 to 4-11
- auditing, 26-1
- backing up, 2-22
- after creation of, 1-7
- configuring options using DBCA, 2-9
- control files of, 6-2
- creating, 8-5
- opening and, 1-6
- creating manually, 2-14 to 2-22
- creating using DBCA, 2-7
- default temporary tablespace, specifying, 2-24
- deleting using DBCA, 2-9
- design of
- implementing, 1-7
- distributed
- site autonomy of, 28-24
- dropping, 2-31
- global database name, about, 2-35
- global database names in distributed systems, 2-36
- hardware evaluation, 1-5
- logical structure of, 1-5
- mounting a database, 4-6
- mounting to an instance, 4-9
- names, about, 2-36
- names, conflicts in, 2-36
- opening a closed database, 4-10
- password encryption, 23-5
- physical structure, 1-6
- physical structure of, 1-6
- planning, 1-5
- production, 23-10, 23-12
- quiescing, 4-14
- read-only, opening, 4-10
- recovery, 4-8
- renaming, 6-6, 6-8
- restricting access, 4-11
- resuming, 4-17
- security. See also security.
- shutting down, 4-11 to 4-14
- specifying control files, 2-36
- starting up, 4-3 to 4-9
- structure of
- distributed database, 1-6
- suspending, 4-17
- templates (DBCA), 2-9
- test, 23-10
- troubleshooting creation problems, 2-31
- tuning
- archiving large databases, 8-19
- responsibilities for, 1-8
- undo management, 2-24
- upgrading, 2-5
- user responsibilities, 1-4
- viewing datafiles and redo log files, 2-31
- with locally managed tablespaces, 2-26
- datafiles
- adding to a tablespace, 12-5
- bringing online and offline, 12-8
- checking associated tablespaces, 11-51
- creating, 12-5
- creating as Oracle-managed files, 3-14
- database administrators access, 1-10
- default directory, 12-5
- definition, 12-2
- deleting, 11-29
- dropping, 12-9, 12-14
- dropping Oracle-managed files, 3-21
- file numbers, 12-2
- fully specifying filenames, 12-5
- guidelines for managing, 12-2 to 12-4
- identifying filenames, 12-12
- location, 12-4
- mapping files to physical devices, 12-15 to 12-27
- minimum number of, 12-2
- MISSING, 6-9
- monitoring using views, 12-28
- online, 12-9
- relocating, 12-10, 12-13
- relocating, example, 12-12
- renaming, 12-10, 12-13
- renaming for single tables, 12-11
- reusing, 12-5
- size of, 12-4
- statements to create, 12-5
- storing separately from redo log files, 12-4
- taking offline, 11-23
- unavailable when database is opened, 4-6
- V$DBFILE and V$LOGFILE views, 2-31
- verifying data blocks, 12-14
- DB_BLOCK_CHECKING initialization parameter, 22-4, 22-5
- DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM initialization parameter, 12-14
- enabling redo block checking with, 7-18
- DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter
- setting, 2-37
- DB_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter
- setting, 2-40
- DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST initialization parameter
- described, 3-5
- DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n initialization parameter
- described, 3-5
- DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter
- setting before database creation, 2-35, 2-36
- DB_FILES initialization parameter, 12-3
- DB_NAME initialization parameter
- setting before database creation, 2-35
- DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter
- using with transportable tablespaces, 11-41
- DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameters
- setting, 2-40
- DB_VERIFY utility, 22-4, 22-5
- DBA role, 1-13, 25-5
- DBA. See database administrators.
- DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS view, 32-5
- using to trace session tree, 32-6
- DBA_2PC_PENDING view, 32-3, 32-13, 32-22
- using to list in-doubt transactions, 32-3
- DBA_DATA_FILES view, 11-50
- DBA_DB_LINKS view, 29-21, 32-3, 32-5
- DBA_JOBS view
- jobs in system, viewing, 10-15
- running jobs, viewing, 10-15
- DBA_RESUMABLE view, 14-21
- DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS view, 13-25, 13-26
- DBA_SEGMENTS view, 11-50
- DBA_TEMP_FILES view, 11-50
- DBA_TS_QUOTAS view, 11-50
- undo tablespace extents, 13-12
- DBA_USERS view, 11-50
- DBCA. See Database Configuration Assistant
- setting undo retention period for, 13-10
- DBMS_JOB package, 10-3
- DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD procedure, 9-6
- GET_DDL function, 21-31
- using for object definition, 21-31
- redefining tables online, 15-17
- DBMS_REPAIR package, 22-2 to 22-15
- CHECK_OBJECT procedure, 22-2
- DUMP_ORPHAN_KEYS procedure, 22-3
- examples, 22-8 to 22-15
- limitations, 22-3
- procedures, 22-2
- SEGMENT_FIX_STATUS procedure, 22-3
- SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS procedure, 22-3
- using, 22-3 to 22-8
- DBMS_REPAIR procedure
- FIX_CORRUPT_BLOCKS procedure, 22-2
- REBUILD_FREELISTS procedure, 22-3
- DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package, 27-4, 27-9, 27-20, 27-21
- procedures (table of), 27-8
- DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package, 27-9, 27-20
- procedures (table of), 27-9
- DBMS_RESUMABLE package, 14-22
- DBMS_SESSION package, 27-23
- DBMS_SPACE package, 14-25
- example for unused space, 21-32
- FREE_BLOCK procedure, 21-31
- SPACE_USAGE procedure, 21-31
- UNUSED_SPACE procedure, 21-31
- DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package, 11-30 to 11-33
- DBMS_STATS package, 21-4
- invoking for file mapping, 12-22
- DBMS_STORAGE_MAPPING package, 12-22, 12-23
- PURGE_LOST_DB_ENTRY procedure, 32-13
- DBMS_UTILITY package
- ANALYZE_SCHEMA procedure
- used for computing statistics, 21-6
- DEALLOCATE UNUSED clause, 14-26
- deallocating unused space, 14-25
- DBMS_SPACE package, 14-25
- DEALLOCATE UNUSED clause, 14-26
- examples, 14-26
- high water mark, 14-25
- declarative referential integrity constraints, 30-3
- dedicated server processes, 5-2
- trace files for, 5-15
- default
- audit options, 26-13
- disabling, 26-15
- DEFAULT keyword
- list partitioning, 17-13
- default partitions, 17-7
- default roles, 25-21
- default subpartition, 17-10
- DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP for Database Resource Manager, 27-16, 27-17, 27-21, 27-23
- defaults
- profile, 24-20
- role, 24-7
- tablespace quota, 24-4
- user tablespaces, 24-3
- dependencies
- displaying, 21-34
- destinations
- archived redo logs
- optional, 8-16
- sample scenarios, 8-17
- developers, application, 23-10
- dictionary protection mechanism, 25-2
- dictionary-managed tablespaces, 11-10 to 11-12
- migrating SYSTEM to locally managed, 11-34
- Digital's POLYCENTER Manager on NetView, 28-32
- directory service
- See also enterprise directory service.
- DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT clause, 17-10
- disabling audit options, 26-13, 26-14
- disabling auditing, 26-8
- disabling recoverer process
- distributed transactions, 32-25
- disabling resource limits, 24-19
- disconnections
- auditing, 26-11
- dispatcher processes, 5-6, 5-10, 5-13
- DISPATCHERS initialization parameter
- setting initially, 5-6
- distributed applications
- distributing data, 30-2
- distributed databases
- administration
- overview, 28-23
- application development
- analyzing execution plan, 30-9
- controlling connections, 30-2
- handling errors, 30-3
- handling RPC errors, 30-11
- managing distribution of data, 30-2
- managing referential integrity, 30-3
- tuning distributed queries, 30-3
- tuning using collocated inline views, 30-4
- using cost-based optimization, 30-5
- using hints to tune queries, 30-8
- client/server architectures, 28-6
- commit point strength, 31-8
- cost-based optimization, 28-47
- distributed processing, 28-3
- distributed queries, 28-34
- distributed updates, 28-34
- distributing an application's data, 30-2
- global database names
- how they are formed, 29-2
- global object names, 28-22, 29-2
- global users
- schema-dependent, 28-27
- schema-independent, 28-28
- Globalization Support, 28-47
- location transparency, 28-44
- creating, 29-26
- creating using procedures, 29-30
- creating using synonyms, 29-28
- creating using views, 29-26
- restrictions, 29-33
- management tools, 28-31
- managing read consistency, 32-25
- nodes of, 28-6
- overview, 28-2
- referential integrity
- application development, 30-3
- remote object security, 29-28
- remote queries and updates, 28-33
- replicated databases and, 28-4
- resumable space allocation, 14-18
- running in ARCHIVELOG mode, 8-4
- running in NOARCHIVELOG mode, 8-4
- scenarios, 29-34
- security, 28-24
- site autonomy, 28-24
- SQL transparency, 28-45
- starting a remote instance, 4-9
- transaction processing, 28-33
- transparency, 28-44
- queries, 29-32
- updates, 29-32
- distributed processing
- distributed databases, 28-3
- distributed queries, 28-34
- analyzing tables, 30-7
- application development issues, 30-3
- cost-based optimization, 30-5
- optimizing, 28-47
- distributed systems
- data encryption, 28-30
- distributed transactions, 28-35
- case study, 31-19
- commit point site, 31-7
- commit point strength, 31-8
- committing, 31-8
- database server role, 31-5
- defined, 31-2
- DML and DDL, 31-3
- failure during, 32-23
- global coordinator, 31-6
- local coordinator, 31-6
- lock timeout interval, 32-23
- locked resources, 32-23
- locks for in-doubt, 32-24
- management, 31-1, 32-1
- manually overriding in-doubt, 32-9
- naming, 32-2, 32-10
- recovery in single-process systems, 32-25
- session trees, 31-4
- clients, 31-5
- commit point site, 31-6, 31-8
- database servers, 31-5
- global coordinators, 31-6
- local coordinators, 31-6
- setting advice, 32-10
- specifying
- commit point strength, 32-2
- tracing session tree, 32-5
- transaction control statements, 31-4
- transaction timeouts, 32-23
- two-phase commit, 31-10
- discovering problems, 32-8
- example, 31-19
- viewing information about, 32-3
- distributed updates, 28-34
- distributing I/O, 2-2
- DML. See data manipulation language
- DRIVING_SITE hint, 30-9
- DROP CLUSTER statement
- dropping cluster, 18-10
- dropping cluster index, 18-10
- dropping hash cluster, 19-9
- INCLUDING TABLES option, 18-10
- ALTER DATABASE statement, 7-17
- ALTER DATABASE statement, 7-16
- DROP PARTITION clause, 17-32
- DROP PROFILE statement, 24-23
- DROP ROLE statement, 25-10, 25-11
- DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT statement, 13-25
- DROP SYNONYM statement, 20-15
- DROP TABLE statement
- about, 15-23
- for clustered tables, 18-11
- DROP TABLESPACE statement, 11-30
- DROP USER privilege, 24-8
- DROP USER statement, 24-8
- dropping an audit trail, 26-19
- dropping columns from tables, 15-14
- marking unused, 15-15
- remove unused columns, 15-15
- dropping database links, 29-19
- dropping datafiles
- Oracle managed, 3-21
- dropping profiles, 24-23
- dropping tables
- CASCADE clause, 15-23
- consequences of, 15-23
- privileges, 15-23
- dropping tempfiles
- Oracle managed, 3-21
- dropping users, 24-7
- DUMP_ORPHAN_KEYS procedure, 22-3, 22-6, 22-7
- example, 22-13
- EMPHASIS resource allocation method, 27-14
- ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT clause, 17-10, 17-11
- enabling recoverer process
- distributed transactions, 32-25
- enabling resource limits, 24-19
- encryption
- database passwords, 23-5, 24-9
- enterprise directory service, 23-8, 25-10
- enterprise roles, 23-8, 24-14, 25-10
- enterprise users, 23-8, 24-14, 25-10
- definition, 28-28
- errors
- alert log and, 5-15
- messages
- trapping, 30-11
- ORA-00028, 5-22
- ORA-00900, 30-11
- ORA-01090, 4-11
- ORA-01173, 6-10
- ORA-01176, 6-10
- ORA-01177, 6-10
- ORA-01578, 12-14
- ORA-01591, 32-24
- ORA-02015, 30-11
- ORA-02049, 32-23
- ORA-02050, 32-8
- ORA-02051, 32-8
- ORA-02054, 32-8
- ORA-02055
- integrity constrain violation, 30-3
- ORA-02067
- rollback required, 30-3
- ORA-06510
- PL/SQL error, 30-12
- ORA-1215, 6-10
- ORA-1216, 6-10
- ORA-1547, 21-30
- ORA-1628 through 1630, 21-30
- remote procedures, 30-11
- snapshot too old, 13-9, 13-18
- trace files and, 5-15
- when creating a database, 2-31
- when creating control file, 6-10
- while starting a database, 4-8
- while starting an instance, 4-8
- exception handler, 30-11
- local, 30-12
- EXCEPTION keyword, 30-11
- exceptions
- assigning names
- integrity constraints, 21-21
- user-defined
- PL/SQL, 30-11
- EXCHANGE PARTITION clause, 17-37
- executing jobs
- enabling processes for, 10-2
- execution plans
- analyzing for distributed queries, 30-9
- EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, 25-5
- Export utility
- about, 1-26
- restricted mode and, 4-7
- exporting jobs, 10-6
- extents
- allocating
- clusters, 18-9
- allocating for tables, 15-12
- data dictionary views for, 21-33
- deallocating
- clusters, 18-9
- displaying free extents, 21-36
- displaying information on, 21-35
- external authentication
- by network, 24-13
- by operating system, 24-12
- external procedures
- managing processes for, 5-20
- external tables
- altering, 15-38
- creating, 15-35
- defined, 15-33
- dropping, 15-39
- object privileges, 15-39
- object privileges for directory, 15-39
- system privileges, 15-39
- uploading data example, 15-35
- failures
- media
- multiplexed online redo logs, 7-5
- features, new, xlviii to lxi
- file mapping
- examples, 12-25
- how it works, 12-16
- how to use, 12-21
- overview, 12-16
- structures, 12-18
- views, 12-23
- file system
- used for Oracle-managed files, 3-3
- FILE_MAPPING initialization parameter, 12-22
- filenames
- Oracle-managed files, 3-7
- files
- Oracle-managed, 3-1 to 3-28
- fine-grained access control, 23-4
- fine-grained auditing, 26-18
- FIX_CORRUPT_BLOCKS procedure, 22-2, 22-7
- example, 22-12
- fixed user database links
- 07_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY initialization parameter, 28-18
- advantages and disadvantages, 28-17
- creating, 29-11
- definition, 28-16
- example, 28-20
- flashback query
- setting retention period for, 13-10
- FMON background process, 12-17
- FMPUTL external process
- used for file mapping, 12-18
- FOR PARTITION clause, 17-44
- FORCE clause
- COMMIT statement, 32-10
- ROLLBACK statement, 32-10
- performance considerations, 2-30
- forcing
- COMMIT or ROLLBACK, 32-4, 32-9
- forcing a log switch, 7-18
- using ARCHIVE_LAG_TIME, 7-10
- with the ALTER SYSTEM statement, 7-18
- forget phase
- two-phase commit, 31-15
- free space
- coalescing, 11-16
- listing free extents, 21-36
- tablespaces and, 11-51
- FREELIST GROUPS storage parameter
- description, 14-11
- FREELISTS GROUPS parameter, 11-8, 11-9
- FREELISTS parameter, 11-8, 11-9
- FREELISTS storage parameter
- description, 14-11
- function-based indexes, 16-14 to 16-18
- functions
- recompiling, 21-25
- generic connectivity
- definition, 28-6
- global authentication and authorization, 24-13
- global cache service, 5-13
- global coordinators, 31-6
- distributed transactions, 31-6
- global database consistency
- distributed databases and, 31-14
- global database links, 28-15
- creating, 29-11
- global database name, 2-35
- global database names
- changing the domain, 29-4
- database links, 28-12
- distributed databases
- how they are formed, 29-2
- enforcing for database links, 28-14
- enforcing global naming, 29-3
- impact of changing, 28-42
- querying, 29-4
- global object names
- database links, 28-36
- distributed databases, 29-2
- global roles, 24-13, 25-10
- global users, 24-13, 29-37
- distributed systems
- schema-dependent, 28-27
- schema-independent, 28-28
- using to determine global database name, 29-4
- GLOBAL_NAMES initialization parameter, 28-14
- Globalization Support
- client/server architectures, 28-48
- distributed databases
- clients and servers may diverge, 28-47
- heterogeneous systems, 28-49
- homogeneous systems, 28-48
- GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE system privilege, 25-14, 25-17
- for proxy authorization, 24-16
- GRANT statement, 25-11
- creating a new user, 25-12
- object privileges, 25-12
- SYSOPER/SYSDBA privileges, 1-24
- system privileges and roles, 25-11
- when takes effect, 25-20
- granting privileges and roles
- listing grants, 25-26
- SYSOPER/SYSDBA privileges, 1-24
- GV$DBLINK view, 29-25
- hardware
- evaluating, 1-5
- hash clusters
- advantages and disadvantages, 19-2 to 19-3
- altering, 19-9
- choosing key, 19-5
- contrasted with index clusters, 19-2
- controlling space use of, 19-5
- creating, 19-4
- dropping, 19-9
- estimating storage, 19-8
- examples, 19-7
- hash function, 19-2, 19-3, 19-4, 19-6
- HASH IS option, 19-4, 19-6
- HASHKEYS option, 19-4, 19-7
- single-table, 19-5
- SIZE option, 19-6
- hash functions
- for hash cluster, 19-2
- hash partitioning
- creating tables using, 17-12
- index-organized tables, 17-21
- when to use, 17-5
- heterogeneous distributed systems
- definition, 28-5
- Heterogeneous Services
- overview, 28-5
- high water mark, 14-25
- hints, 30-8
- NO_MERGE, 30-8
- using to tune distributed queries, 30-8
- historical tables
- moving time window, 17-61
- HP's OpenView, 28-32
- HS_ADMIN_ROLE role, 25-6
- IBM's NetView/6000, 28-32
- IMP_FULL_DATABASE role, 25-5
- implementing database design, 1-7
- Import utility
- about, 1-26
- restricted mode and, 4-7
- importing jobs, 10-6
- index clusters. See clusters.
- indexes
- altering, 16-19 to 16-21
- analyzing, 21-3 to 21-6
- choosing columns to index, 16-4
- cluster indexes, 18-8, 18-9, 18-10
- coalescing, 16-8, 16-21
- column order for performance, 16-5
- creating, 16-9 to 16-19
- disabling and dropping constraints cost, 16-9
- dropping, 16-5, 16-22
- estimating size, 16-6
- explicitly creating a unique index, 16-11
- function-based, 16-14 to 16-18
- guidelines for managing, 16-2 to 16-9
- keeping when disabling constraint, 21-18
- keeping when dropping constraint, 21-18
- key compression, 16-18
- limiting per table, 16-5
- monitoring space use of, 16-21
- monitoring usage, 16-21
- parallelizing index creation, 16-7
- partitioned, 17-2
- see also partitioned indexes
- PCTFREE for, 16-5
- PCTUSED for, 16-5
- privileges
- for altering, 16-19
- for dropping, 16-22
- rebuilding, 16-8, 16-20
- rebuilding online, 16-20
- separating from a table, 15-6
- setting storage parameters for, 16-6
- space used by, 16-21
- specifying PCTFREE for, 14-4
- statement for creating, 16-10
- tablespace for, 16-6
- temporary segments and, 16-3
- updating global indexes, 17-26
- validating structure, 21-6
- when to create, 16-4
- index-organized tables
- analyzing, 15-32
- AS subquery, 15-27
- converting to heap, 15-33
- creating, 15-25
- described, 15-24
- hash partitioning, 17-21
- INCLUDING clause, 15-28
- key compression, 15-29
- maintaining, 15-30
- ORDER BY clause, using, 15-33
- overflow clause, 15-27
- partitioning, 17-10, 17-19 to 17-21
- partitioning secondary indexes, 17-20
- range partitioning, 17-20
- rebuilding with MOVE clause, 15-30
- threshold value, 15-28
- updating key column, 15-31
- in-doubt transaction
- manually committing, example, 32-15
- in-doubt transactions, 31-14
- after a system failure, 32-8
- automatic resolution, 31-16
- failure during commit phase, 31-17
- failure during prepare phase, 31-16
- deciding how to handle, 32-7
- deciding whether to perform manual override, 32-9
- manually committing, 32-11
- manually overriding, 31-18, 32-10
- scenario, 32-15
- manually rolling back, 32-12
- overriding manually, 32-9
- overview, 31-15
- pending transactions table, 32-22
- purging rows from data dictionary, 32-13
- deciding when necessary, 32-14
- recoverer process, 32-24
- rollback segments, 32-9
- rolling back, 32-11, 32-12, 32-13
- SCNs and, 31-19
- simulating, 32-24
- tracing session tree, 32-5
- viewing information about, 32-3
- INITIAL storage parameter
- cannot alter, 14-13, 15-12
- description, 14-10
- rollback segments, 13-18, 13-20
- when deallocating unused space, 14-26
- initialization parameter file
- creating, 2-15
- creating for database creation, 2-15
- editing before database creation, 2-35
- individual parameter names, 2-35
- server parameter file, 2-44 to 2-51, 4-4
- initialization parameters
- buffer cache, 2-40
- LOG_ARCHIVE_START, 8-7, 8-8, 8-13
- shared server and, 5-5
- SPFILE, 2-47
- UNDO_MANAGEMENT, 2-24, 13-3
- INITRANS storage parameter
- altering, 15-11
- guidelines for setting, 14-8
- INSERT privilege
- granting, 25-15
- revoking, 25-18
- installation
- Oracle9i, 1-5
- instances
- aborting, 4-13
- shutting down immediately, 4-12
- shutting down normally, 4-12
- starting up, 4-2 to 4-9
- transactional shutdown, 4-13
- integrity constraints
- See also constraints
- cost of disabling, 16-9
- cost of dropping, 16-9
- creating indexes associated with, 16-11
- dropping tablespaces and, 11-30
- ORA-02055
- constraint violation, 30-3
- security for, 23-8
- INTERNAL username
- connecting for shutdown, 4-11
- I/O
- distributing, 2-2
- IOT. See index-organized tables.
- Jnnn processes
- managing job queues, 10-3 to 10-14
- job queues
- altering jobs, 10-11
- broken jobs, 10-12
- CJQ background process, 10-2
- DBMS_JOB package, 10-3
- executing jobs in, 10-9
- Jnnn processes, 10-2
- locks, 10-9
- removing jobs from, 10-10
- submitting jobs to, 10-4 to 10-9
- terminating jobs, 10-14
- viewing information, 10-15
- JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization parameter, 10-2
- jobs
- altering, 10-11
- broken, 10-12
- database links and, 10-9
- environment, recording when submitted, 10-6
- executing, 10-9
- exporting, 10-6
- forcing to execute, 10-14
- importing, 10-6
- job definition, 10-7
- job execution interval, 10-8
- job number, 10-7
- ownership of, 10-7
- removing from job queue, 10-10
- running broken jobs, 10-13
- submitting to job queue, 10-4
- terminating, 10-14
- trace files for job failures, 10-10
- troubleshooting, 10-10
- join views
- definition, 20-3
- DELETE statements, 20-8
- key-preserved tables in, 20-6
- modifying, 20-5
- rule for, 20-7
- updating, 20-5
- joins
- distributed databases
- managing statement transparency, 29-33
- JQ locks, 10-9
- key compression, 15-29
- indexes, 16-18
- key-preserved tables
- in join views, 20-6
- keys
- cluster, 18-2, 18-4, 18-5
- of ANALYZE statement, 21-7
- list partitioning
- adding values to value list, 17-45
- creating tables using, 17-13
- DEFAULT keyword, 17-13
- dropping values from value-list, 17-46
- when to use, 17-5
- listing database links, 29-21, 32-3, 32-5
- loading data
- using external tables, 15-35
- LOBs
- storage parameters for, 14-12
- local coordinators, 31-6
- distributed transactions, 31-6
- locally managed tablespaces, 11-5 to 11-10
- automatic segment space management, 11-8
- DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package, 11-30
- detecting and repairing defects, 11-30
- migrating SYSTEM from dictionary-managed, 11-34
- tempfiles, 11-13
- temporary, creating, 11-13
- location transparency
- distributed databases
- creating using procedures, 29-30
- creating using synonyms, 29-28
- creating using views, 29-26
- using procedures, 29-30, 29-31, 29-32
- lock timeout interval
- distributed transactions, 32-23
- locks
- in-doubt distributed transactions, 32-23, 32-24
- job queue, 10-9
- monitoring, 5-15
- log sequence number
- control files, 7-5
- log switches
- description, 7-5
- forcing, 7-18
- log sequence numbers, 7-5
- multiplexed redo log files and, 7-7
- privileges, 7-18
- using ARCHIVE_LAG_TIME, 7-10
- waiting for archiving to complete, 7-7
- log writer process (LGWR), 5-12
- multiplexed redo log files and, 7-6
- online redo logs available for use, 7-3
- trace file monitoring, 5-16
- trace files and, 7-6
- writing to online redo log files, 7-3
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST initialization parameter
- specifying destinations using, 8-10
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter, 8-10
- REOPEN option, 8-18
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameter, 8-14
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST initialization parameter
- specifying destinations using, 8-10
- LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES initialization parameter, 8-7, 8-19
- LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST initialization parameter, 8-16
- LOG_ARCHIVE_START initialization parameter, 8-7, 8-13
- setting, 8-8
- LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE initialization parameter, 8-21
- LOGGING clause
- logical structure of a database, 1-5
- logical volume manager
- used for Oracle-managed files, 3-2
- logical volume managers
- mapping files to physical devices, 12-15 to 12-27
- LogMiner
- continuous mining, 9-25
- formatting returned data, 9-17
- LogMiner utility
- analyzing output, 9-16
- dbmslmd.sql script, 9-6
- dictionary options, 9-5
- ending a session, 9-28
- executing reconstructed SQL, 9-17
- extracting a dictionary file, 9-6
- extracting data values from redo logs, 9-18
- graphical user interface, 9-1
- re-creating LogMiner tables in alternate tablespace, 9-11
- redo log files, 9-4
- specifying redo logs for analysis, 9-24
- starting, 9-26
- steps in a typical session, 9-23
- supplemental logging, 9-19
- identification keys, 9-20
- log groups, 9-22
- suppressing delimiters in SQL_REDO and SQL_UNDO, 9-17
- tracking DDL statements, 9-9
- using the online catalog, 9-8
- using to analyze redo log files, 9-1
- V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view, 9-16
- views, 9-15
- LogMiner Viewer, 9-1
- LOGON trigger
- setting resumable mode, 14-20
- LONG columns, 29-33
- LONG RAW columns, 29-33
- LOW_GROUP for Database Resource Manager, 27-17, 27-29
- managing datafiles, 12-1 to 12-29
- managing job queues, 10-3 to 10-14
- managing roles, 25-6
- managing sequences, 20-11 to 20-13
- managing synonyms, 20-13 to 20-15
- managing tables, 15-1 to 15-41
- managing views, 20-2 to 20-11
- manual archiving
- in ARCHIVELOG mode, 8-9
- manual overrides
- in-doubt transactions, 32-10
- MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE initialization parameter, 5-16
- MAX_ENABLED_ROLES initialization parameter
- enabling roles and, 25-22
- MAX_ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS initialization parameter, 13-15
- MAXDATAFILES parameter
- changing, 6-6
- MAXEXTENTS storage parameter
- description, 14-10
- rollback segments, 13-17, 13-20
- setting for the data dictionary, 21-28
- MAXINSTANCES parameter
- changing, 6-6
- CREATE DATABASE statement, 7-10
- MAXLOGFILES parameter
- changing, 6-6
- changing, 6-6
- changing, 6-6
- CREATE DATABASE statement, 7-10
- MAXTRANS storage parameter
- altering, 15-11
- guidelines for setting, 14-8
- media recovery
- effects of archiving on, 8-3
- memory
- viewing per user, 24-26
- MERGE PARTITIONS clause, 17-38
- messages
- error
- trapping, 30-11
- migrated rows
- eliminating from table, procedure, 21-8
- MINEXTENTS storage parameter
- cannot alter, 14-13, 15-12
- deallocating unused space, 14-26
- description, 14-10
- rollback segments, 13-18, 13-20
- mirrored control files, 6-3
- mirrored files
- online redo log, 7-6
- location, 7-9
- size, 7-9
- mirroring
- control files, 2-36
- MISSING datafiles, 6-9
- using for partitioned tables, 17-43
- of ALTER TABLE, 17-43
- MODIFY PARTITION clause, 17-44, 17-48, 17-51
- monitoring datafiles, 12-28
- of ALTER INDEX statement, 16-21
- MOUNT option
- STARTUP command, 4-7
- mounting a database, 4-6
- MOVE PARTITION clause, 17-44, 17-48
- MOVE SUBPARTITION clause, 17-44, 17-49
- moving control files, 6-5
- multiplexed control files
- importance of, 6-3
- multiplexing
- archived redo logs, 8-10
- control files, 6-3
- redo log files, 7-5
- groups, 7-6
- multi-tier environments
- auditing clients, 26-13
- name resolution
- distributed databases, 28-22
- impact of global name changes, 28-42
- schema objects, 28-38
- when global database name is complete, 28-37
- when global database name is partial, 28-37
- when no global database name is specified, 28-37
- named user limits
- setting initially, 2-43
- nested tables
- storage parameters for, 14-12
- network
- authentication, 24-13
- network authentication, 24-13
- network connections
- minimizing, 29-14
- networks
- distributed databases use of, 28-2
- new features, xlviii to lxi
- NEXT storage parameter
- altering, 14-13, 15-12
- description, 14-10
- rollback segments, 13-18, 13-20
- setting for the data dictionary, 21-28
- NO_DATA_FOUND keyword, 30-11
- NO_MERGE hint, 30-8
- dropping datafiles, 12-9
- archiving, 8-2
- definition, 8-2
- media failure, 8-3
- no hot backups, 8-3
- running in, 8-2
- switching to, 8-5
- taking datafiles offline in, 12-9
- NOAUDIT statement
- disabling audit options, 26-13
- disabling default object audit options, 26-15
- disabling object auditing, 26-14
- disabling statement and privilege auditing, 26-14
- NOMOUNT option
- STARTUP command, 4-6
- normal transmission mode
- definition, 8-14
- Novell's NetWare Management System, 28-32
- O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY initialization parameter, 25-3
- object privileges
- for external tables, 15-39
- granting on behalf of the owner, 25-14
- revoking, 25-16
- revoking on behalf of owner, 25-17
- objects
- See also schema objects
- referencing with synonyms, 29-28
- See also schema objects
- offline tablespaces
- priorities, 11-21
- rollback segments and, 13-22
- taking offline, 11-21
- online redefinition of tables
- abort and cleanup, 15-20
- example, 15-20
- features of, 15-16
- intermediate synchronization, 15-19
- restrictions, 15-22
- steps, 15-17
- online redo log, 7-2
- See also redo logs
- creating
- groups and members, 7-12
- creating members, 7-13
- dropping groups, 7-16
- dropping members, 7-16
- forcing a log switch, 7-18
- guidelines for configuring, 7-5
- INVALID members, 7-17
- location of, 7-9
- managing, 7-1
- moving files, 7-14
- number of files in the, 7-10
- optimum configuration for the, 7-10
- privileges
- adding groups, 7-12
- dropping groups, 7-16
- dropping members, 7-17
- forcing a log switch, 7-18
- renaming files, 7-14
- renaming members, 7-14
- specifying ARCHIVE_LAG_TIME, 7-10
- STALE members, 7-17
- viewing information about, 7-20
- online redo log files
- creating as Oracle-managed files, 3-19
- OPEN_LINKS initialization parameter, 29-20
- opening a database
- after creation, 1-6
- operating systems
- accounts, 25-24
- authentication, 24-12, 25-22
- database administrators requirements for, 1-10
- enabling and disabling roles, 25-25
- renaming and relocating files, 12-10
- role identification, 25-23
- roles and, 25-22
- security in, 23-3
- Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), 2-7
- OPTIMAL storage parameter
- description, 14-11
- rollback segments, 13-17, 13-18, 13-20
- optional destinations
- for archived redo logs
- destinations
archived redo logs
mandatory, 8-16
- ORA_TZFILE environment variable
- specifying time zone file for database, 2-29
- ORA-00900 error, 30-11
- ORA-02015 error, 30-11
- ORA-02055 error
- integrity constraint violation, 30-3
- ORA-02067 error
- rollback required, 30-3
- ORA-06510 error
- PL/SQL error, 30-12
- Oracle
- installing, 1-5
- release numbers, 1-8
- Oracle Call Interface. See OCI
- Oracle Enterprise Manager, 4-2
- Oracle Managed Files feature
- See also Oracle-managed files
- Oracle Net
- service names in, 8-15
- transmitting archived logs via, 8-15
- Oracle Universal Installer, 2-5
- Oracle9i Real Application Clusters
- allocating extents for cluster, 18-9
- sequence numbers and, 20-13
- threads of online redo log, 7-2
- Oracle-managed files
- behavior, 3-21
- benefits, 3-3
- CREATE DATABASE statement, 3-8
- creating, 3-6 to 3-21
- creating control files, 3-17
- creating datafiles, 3-14
- creating online redo log files, 3-19
- creating tempfiles, 3-16
- described, 3-2
- dropping datafile, 3-21
- dropping online redo log files, 3-22
- dropping tempfile, 3-21
- initialization parameters, 3-4
- introduction, 2-25
- naming, 3-7
- renaming, 3-22
- scenarios for using, 3-22 to 3-28
- ORAPWD utility, 1-20
- of CREATE TABLE, 15-35
- OS authentication, 1-17
- OS_ROLES parameter
- operating-system authorization and, 25-9
- REMOTE_OS_ROLES and, 25-25
- using, 25-23
- OSDBA group, 1-18
- OSOPER group, 1-18
- OTHER_GROUPS for Database Resource Manager, 27-6, 27-13, 27-16, 27-19, 27-28
- packages
- DBMS_JOB, 10-3
- DBMS_REPAIR, 22-2 to 22-15
- DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, 27-4, 27-8, 27-9, 27-20, 27-21
- DBMS_SPACE, 14-25, 21-31
- DBMS_STATS, 15-9, 21-4
- DBMS_STORAGE_MAPPING, 12-22, 12-23
- used for computing statistics, 21-6
- privileges for recompiling, 21-25
- recompiling, 21-25
- parallel execution
- managing, 5-18
- parallel hints, 5-18
- parallelizing index creation, 16-7
- resumable space allocation, 14-18
- parallel hints, 5-18
- PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_ABSOLUTE resource allocation method, 27-15
- parallelizing table creation, 15-4, 15-8
- parameter files
- See also initialization parameter file.
- PARTITION BY HASH clause, 17-12
- PARTITION BY LIST clause, 17-13
- PARTITION BY RANGE clause, 17-11
- for composite-partitioned tables, 17-14, 17-15
- PARTITION clause
- for composite-partitioned tables, 17-14, 17-15
- for hash partitions, 17-12
- for list partitions, 17-13
- for range partitions, 17-11
- partition views
- converting to partitioned table, 17-62
- partitioned indexes, 17-1 to 17-65
- adding partitions, 17-31
- creating local index on composite partitioned table, 17-15
- creating local index on hash partitioned table, 17-13
- creating range partitions, 17-12
- description, 17-2
- dropping partitions, 17-35
- global, 17-3
- local, 17-3
- maintenance operations, 17-22 to 17-61
- table of, 17-24
- modifying partition default attributes, 17-43
- modifying real attributes of partitions, 17-45
- moving partitions, 17-49
- rebuilding index partitions, 17-50
- renaming index partitions/subpartitions, 17-52
- secondary indexes on index-organized tables, 17-20
- splitting partitions, 17-57
- partitioned tables, 17-1 to 17-65
- adding partitions, 17-27
- adding subpartitions, 17-29, 17-30
- coalescing partitions, 17-31
- converting partition views, 17-62
- creating composite partitions and subpartitions, 17-14
- creating hash partitions, 17-12
- creating list partitions, 17-13
- creating range partitions, 17-11, 17-12
- description, 17-2
- dropping partitions, 17-32
- exchanging partitions, 17-35
- exchanging subpartitions, 17-37, 17-38
- global indexes on, 17-3
- index-organized tables, 17-10, 17-20, 17-21
- local indexes on, 17-3
- maintenance operations, 17-22 to 17-61
- table of, 17-23
- marking indexes UNUSABLE, 17-28, 17-30, 17-31, 17-33, 17-35, 17-36, 17-38, 17-44, 17-45, 17-48, 17-52, 17-59
- merging partitions, 17-38
- modifying default attributes, 17-43
- modifying real attributes of partitions, 17-44
- modifying real attributes of subpartitions, 17-45
- moving partitions, 17-48
- moving subpartitions, 17-49
- rebuilding index partitions, 17-50
- renaming partitions, 17-51
- renaming subpartitions, 17-51
- splitting partitions, 17-52
- truncating partitions, 17-59
- truncating subpartitions, 17-61
- updating global indexes automatically, 17-26
- partitioning
- composite, 17-7
- creating partitions, 17-10 to 17-21
- default partition, 17-7
- default subpartition, 17-10
- hash, 17-5
- indexes, 17-2
- See also partitioned indexes
- index-organized tables, 17-10, 17-20, 17-21
- list, 17-5, 17-45, 17-46
- maintaining partitions, 17-22 to 17-61
- methods, 17-3
- range, 17-4
- range-list, 17-8, 17-15
- subpartition templates, 17-17
- tables, 17-2
- See also partitioned tables
- partitions
- See also partitioned tables.
- See also partitioned indexes.
- for hash partitions, 17-12
- password file authentication, 1-19
- passwords
- changing for roles, 25-7
- default for SYS and SYSTEM, 1-11
- encrypted
- database, 23-5
- encryption, 24-9
- password file, 1-23
- creating, 1-20
- OS authentication, 1-16
- removing, 1-25
- state of, 1-25
- privileges for changing for roles, 25-8
- privileges to alter, 24-6
- roles, 25-8
- security policy for users, 23-5
- setting REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORD parameter, 1-22
- user authentication, 24-9
- viewing for database links, 29-22
- PCTFREE parameter
- clustered tables, 14-4
- clusters, used in, 18-5
- guidelines for setting, 14-4
- indexes, 14-4
- non-clustered tables, 14-4
- PCTUSED, use with, 14-7
- usage, 14-2
- PCTFREE storage parameter
- altering, 15-11
- table creation, 15-2
- PCTINCREASE parameter
- altering, 14-13
- rollback segments, 13-18, 13-20
- setting for the data dictionary, 21-28
- PCTINCREASE storage parameter
- altering, 15-12
- description, 14-10
- PCTUSED parameter, 11-8, 11-9
- clusters, used in, 18-5
- guidelines for setting, 14-6
- PCTFREE, use with, 14-7
- usage, 14-5
- PCTUSED storage parameter
- altering, 15-11
- table creation, 15-2
- pending area for Database Resource Manager plans, 27-12 to 27-14
- validating plan schema changes, 27-12
- pending transaction tables, 32-22
- performance
- index column order, 16-5
- location of datafiles and, 12-4
- tuning archiving, 8-19
- physical structure of a database, 1-6
- plan schemas for Database Resource Manager, 27-6, 27-12, 27-16, 27-25, 27-32
- examples, 27-25
- validating plan changes, 27-12
- planning
- database creation, 2-2
- relational design, 1-6
- the database, 1-5
- errors
- ORA-06510, 30-12
- program units
- replaced views and, 20-11
- user-defined exceptions, 30-11
- assigning exception names, 30-12
- predefined roles, 1-13
- prepare phase, 31-11
- recognizing read-only nodes, 31-12
- two-phase commit, 31-11
- prepare/commit phases
- effects of failure, 32-23
- failures during, 32-8
- locked resources, 32-23
- pending transaction table, 32-22
- prepared response
- two-phase commit, 31-12
- prerequisites
- for creating a database, 2-4
- PRIMARY KEY constraints
- associated indexes, 16-11
- dropping associated indexes, 16-23
- enabling on creation, 16-11
- foreign key references when dropped, 21-19
- indexes associated with, 16-11
- private database links, 28-15
- private rollback segments, 13-15, 13-19
- taking offline, 13-24
- private synonyms, 20-13
- granting privileges and roles
- specifying ALL, 25-4
- revoking privileges and roles
- specifying ALL, 25-4
- privileges, 25-2
- See also system privileges.
- adding redo log groups, 7-12
- altering
- indexes, 16-19
- passwords, 24-7
- sequences, 20-12
- users, 24-6
- altering role authentication method, 25-8
- altering tables, 15-10
- application developers and, 23-10
- audit object, 26-12
- auditing system, 26-12
- auditing use of, 26-11
- cascading revokes, 25-19
- closing a database link, 30-2
- column, 25-15
- creating
- sequences, 20-12
- synonyms, 20-14
- views, 20-2
- creating database links, 29-8
- creating roles, 25-7
- creating rollback segments, 13-19
- creating tables, 15-6
- creating tablespaces, 11-4
- creating users, 24-2
- database administrator, 1-10
- disabling automatic archiving, 8-8
- dropping
- indexes, 16-22
- online redo log members, 7-17
- redo log groups, 7-16
- sequences, 20-13
- synonyms, 20-14
- views, 20-10
- dropping profiles, 24-23
- dropping roles, 25-10
- dropping rollback segments, 13-25
- dropping tables, 15-23
- enabling and disabling resource limits, 24-19
- enabling and disabling triggers, 21-13
- enabling automatic archiving, 8-6
- for external tables, 15-39
- forcing a log switch, 7-18
- granting, 25-11
- granting object privileges, 25-12
- granting system privileges, 25-11
- granting, about, 25-11
- grouping with roles, 25-6
- individual privilege names, 25-2
- listing grants, 25-27
- managing with procedures, 29-32
- managing with synonyms, 29-30
- managing with views, 29-28
- manually archiving, 8-9
- object, 25-4
- on selected columns, 25-18
- policies for managing, 23-6
- recompiling packages, 21-25
- recompiling procedures, 21-25
- recompiling views, 21-25
- renaming
- objects, 21-3
- redo log members, 7-14
- replacing views, 20-10
- RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege, 4-7
- revoking, 25-16
- revoking object, 25-16
- revoking object privileges, 25-16, 25-19
- revoking system privileges, 25-16
- setting resource costs, 24-22
- system, 25-2
- taking tablespaces offline, 11-21
- truncating, 21-11
- See also system privileges.
- procedures
- external, 5-20
- location transparency using, 29-30, 29-31, 29-32
- recompiling, 21-25
- remote calls, 28-46
- process monitor, 5-12
- processes
- See also server processes
- PROCESSES initialization parameter
- setting before database creation, 2-41
- profiles, 24-18
- altering, 24-21
- assigning to users, 24-20
- creating, 24-20
- default, 24-20
- disabling resource limits, 24-19
- dropping, 24-23
- enabling resource limits, 24-19
- listing, 24-23
- managing, 24-18
- privileges for dropping, 24-23
- privileges to alter, 24-21
- privileges to set resource costs, 24-22
- setting a limit to null, 24-21
- viewing, 24-25
- program global area (PGA)
- effect of MAX_ENABLED_ROLES on, 25-22
- proxies
- auditing clients of, 26-13
- proxy authentication and authorization, 24-16
- proxy authentication, 24-16
- proxy authorization, 24-16
- proxy servers
- auditing clients, 26-13
- PROXY_USERS view, 24-16
- public database links
- connected user, 29-35
- fixed user, 29-34
- public fixed user database links, 29-34
- public rollback segments, 13-19
- taking offline, 13-24
- public synonyms, 20-13
- PUBLIC user group
- granting and revoking privileges to, 25-20
- procedures and, 25-20
- dropping profiles and, 24-23
- using, 24-20
- DBMS_TRANSACTION package, 32-13
- purging pending rows
- from data dictionary, 32-13
- when necessary, 32-14
- queries
- distributed, 28-34
- application development issues, 30-3
- distributed or remote, 28-33
- location transparency and, 28-45
- post-processing, 30-4
- remote, 30-4
- transparency, 29-32
- quiescing a database, 4-14
- quotas
- listing, 24-23
- revoking from users, 24-4
- setting to zero, 24-4
- tablespace, 24-4
- tablespace quotas, 11-3
- temporary segments and, 24-4
- unlimited, 24-4
- viewing, 24-25
- range partitioning
- creating tables using, 17-11
- index-organized tables, 17-20
- when to use, 17-4
- range-hash partitioning
- subpartitioning template, 17-17
- range-list partitioning, 17-8, 17-15
- subpartitioning template, 17-19
- read consistency
- managing in distributed databases, 32-25
- read-only database
- opening, 4-10
- read-only response
- two-phase commit, 31-12
- read-only tablespaces
- datafiles, 12-8
- read-only tablespaces, see tablespaces, read-only
- REBUILD PARTITION clause, 17-49, 17-51
- REBUILD_FREELISTS procedure, 22-3, 22-6, 22-8
- example, 22-13
- rebuilding indexes, 16-20
- costs, 16-8
- online, 16-20
- RECOVER option
- STARTUP command, 4-8
- recoverer process, 5-13
- recoverer process (RECO)
- disabling, 32-24, 32-25
- distributed transaction recovery, 32-24
- enabling, 32-24, 32-25
- pending transaction table, 32-24
- recovery
- creating new control files, 6-6
- Recovery Manager
- starting a database, 4-2
- starting an instance, 4-2
- redefining tables
- online, 15-16 to 15-22
- redo log files
- active (current), 7-4
- analyzing, 9-1
- archived
- advantages of, 8-2
- contents of, 8-2
- log switches and, 7-5
- archived redo log files, 8-5
- archived redo logs, 8-2
- available for use, 7-3
- circular use of, 7-3
- clearing, 7-7, 7-19
- restrictions, 7-19
- contents of, 7-2
- creating
- groups and members, 7-12
- creating members, 7-13
- distributed transaction information in, 7-3
- groups, 7-6
- creating, 7-12
- dropping, 7-16
- members, 7-6
- threads, 7-2
- how many in redo log, 7-10
- inactive, 7-4
- legal and illegal configurations, 7-7
- LGWR and the, 7-3
- log sequence numbers of, 7-5
- log switches, 7-5
- members, 7-6
- creating, 7-12
- dropping, 7-16
- maximum number of, 7-10
- mirrored
- log switches and, 7-7
- multiplexed
- diagrammed, 7-6
- if all inaccessible, 7-7
- multiplexing, 7-5
- groups, 7-6
- if some members inaccessible, 7-7
- online, 7-2
- recovery use of, 7-2
- requirement of two, 7-3
- threads of, 7-2
- online redo log, 7-1
- planning the, 7-5, 7-10
- privileges
- adding groups and members, 7-12
- redo entries, 7-2
- requirements, 7-7
- verifying blocks, 7-18
- viewing, 2-31
- redo logs
- See also online redo log
- storing separately from datafiles, 12-4
- unavailable when database is opened, 4-6
- redo records, 7-2
- REFERENCES privilege
- revoking, 25-18
- referential integrity
- distributed database systems
- application development, 30-3
- relational design
- planning, 1-6
- release number format, 1-8
- releases, 1-8
- checking the Oracle database release number, 1-10
- relocating control files, 6-5
- remote connections, 1-25
- connecting as SYSOPER/SYSDBA, 1-13
- password files, 1-20
- remote data
- querying, 29-33
- updating, 29-33
- remote procedure calls, 28-46
- distributed databases and, 28-46
- remote queries, 30-4
- distributed databases and, 28-33
- execution, 30-4
- post-processing, 30-4
- remote transactions, 28-35
- defined, 28-35
- REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter, 1-22
- REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT initialization parameter, 28-17
- setting, 24-12
- REMOTE_OS_ROLES initialization parameter
- setting, 25-9, 25-26
- RENAME PARTITION clause, 17-51
- RENAME statement, 21-3
- renaming control files, 6-5
- renaming files
- Oracle-managed files, 3-22
- REOPEN option
- LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter, 8-18
- repairing data block corruption
- DBMS_REPAIR, 22-2 to 22-15
- resource allocation methods, 27-4
- active session pool, 27-15
- CPU resource, 27-14
- EMPHASIS, 27-14
- limit on degree of parallelism, 27-15
- limiting degree of parallelism, 27-15
- queueing resource allocation method, 27-15
- ROUND-ROBIN, 27-16
- resource consumer groups, 27-3
- creating, 27-16 to 27-17
- DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP, 27-16, 27-17, 27-21, 27-23
- deleting, 27-17
- LOW_GROUP, 27-17, 27-29
- managing, 27-20 to 27-23
- OTHER_GROUPS, 27-6, 27-13, 27-16, 27-19, 27-28
- parameters, 27-16
- SYS_GROUP, 27-17, 27-28
- updating, 27-17
- resource limits
- altering in profiles, 24-21
- assigning with profiles, 24-20
- costs and, 24-22
- creating profiles and, 24-20
- disabling, 24-19
- enabling, 24-19
- privileges to enable and disable, 24-19
- privileges to set costs, 24-22
- profiles, 24-18
- PUBLIC_DEFAULT profile and, 24-20
- setting to null, 24-21
- resource plan directives, 27-4, 27-12
- deleting, 27-19
- specifying, 27-17 to 27-20
- updating, 27-19
- resource plans, 27-3
- creating, 27-10 to 27-16
- deleting, 27-15
- examples, 27-4, 27-25
- parameters, 27-14
- plan schemas, 27-6, 27-12, 27-16, 27-25, 27-32
- subplans, 27-5, 27-6, 27-16
- SYSTEM_PLAN, 27-15, 27-17, 27-28
- top plan, 27-6, 27-13, 27-24
- updating, 27-15
- validating, 27-12
- RESOURCE role, 25-5
- RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter
- enabling and disabling limits, 24-19
- RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN initialization parameter, 27-24
- resources
- profiles, 24-18
- responsibilities
- database administrator, 1-2
- of database users, 1-4
- STARTUP command, 4-7
- RESTRICTED SESSION system privilege
- connecting to database, 4-7
- connecting to database., 4-7
- restricted mode and, 4-7
- resumable space allocation
- correctable errors, 14-17
- detecting suspended statements, 14-21
- disabling, 14-19
- distributed databases, 14-18
- enabling, 14-19
- example, 14-23
- how resumable statements work, 14-15
- naming statements, 14-20
- parallel execution and, 14-18
- resumable operations, 14-16
- setting as default for session, 14-20
- timeout interval, 14-19, 14-20
- revoking proxy authorization, 24-16
- REVOKE statement, 25-16
- when takes effect, 25-20
- revoking privileges and roles
- on selected columns, 25-18
- REVOKE statement, 25-16
- when using operating-system roles, 25-25
- RMAN. See Recovery Manager.
- role identification
- operating system accounts, 25-24
- roles
- ADMIN OPTION and, 25-12
- application developers and, 23-11
- AQ_USER_ROLE, 25-6
- authorization, 25-8
- authorized by enterprise directory service, 25-10
- changing authorization for, 25-7
- changing passwords, 25-7
- CONNECT role, 25-5
- database authorization, 25-8
- DBA role, 1-13, 25-5
- default, 24-7, 25-21
- definition, 25-5
- disabling, 25-21
- dropping, 25-10
- enabling, 25-21
- enterprise, 24-14, 25-10
- global, 24-13, 25-10
- global authorization, 25-10
- GRANT statement, 25-25
- granting, 25-11
- granting, about, 25-11
- listing, 25-30
- listing grants, 25-28
- listing privileges and roles in, 25-30
- management using the operating system, 25-22
- managing, 25-6
- maximum, 25-22
- multibyte characters in names, 25-7
- multibyte characters in passwords, 25-8
- network authorization, 25-9
- obtained through database links, 28-23
- operating system, 25-24
- operating system granting of, 25-23, 25-25
- operating-system authorization, 25-9
- OS management and the shared server, 25-25
- passwords for enabling, 25-8
- predefined, 1-13, 25-5
- privileges for creating, 25-7
- privileges for dropping, 25-10
- privileges, changing authorization method for, 25-8
- privileges, changing passwords, 25-8
- RESOURCE role, 25-5
- REVOKE statement, 25-25
- revoking, 25-16
- revoking ADMIN OPTION, 25-16
- security and, 23-6
- SET ROLE statement, 25-25
- unique names for, 25-7
- WITH GRANT OPTION and, 25-13
- without authorization, 25-7
- rollback segments
- acquiring automatically, 13-15, 13-23
- acquiring on startup, 2-43
- altering storage parameters, 13-21
- AVAILABLE, 13-22
- bringing online, 13-22
- bringing online when new, 13-19
- bringing PARTLY AVAILABLE segment online, 13-23
- checking if offline, 13-23
- creating, 13-19 to 13-21
- displaying information about, 13-26
- displaying names of all, 13-28
- displaying PENDING OFFLINE segments, 13-29
- dropping, 13-22, 13-25
- equally sized extents, 13-17
- explicitly assigning transactions to, 13-24
- guidelines for managing, 13-13 to 13-18
- in-doubt distributed transactions, 32-9
- initial creation of SYSTEM, 13-14
- INITIAL storage parameter, 13-18, 13-20
- initialization parameters used with, 13-5
- invalid status, 13-25
- listing extents in, 21-35
- location of, 13-18
- making available for use, 13-22
- maximum number of, 13-15
- MINEXTENTS, 13-17, 13-18, 13-20
- NEXT, 13-18, 13-20
- OFFLINE, 13-22
- OPTIMAL, 13-17, 13-18, 13-20
- PCTINCREASE, 13-18, 13-20
- private, 13-15, 13-19
- privileges for dropping, 13-25
- privileges required to create, 13-19
- public, 13-19
- public vs. private, 13-15
- setting size of, 13-16
- shrinking size of, 13-21
- starting an instance using, 13-4
- status for dropping, 13-25
- status or state, 13-22
- storage parameters, 13-20
- taking offline, 13-23
- taking tablespaces offline and, 11-23
- using multiple, 13-14
- ROLLBACK statement
- FORCE clause, 32-10, 32-11, 32-12
- forcing, 32-9
- ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS initialization parameter, 13-15
- adding rollback segments to, 13-19, 13-23
- dropping rollback segments, 13-25
- online at instance startup, 13-16
- setting before database creation, 2-43
- rollbacks
- ORA-02067 error, 30-3
- ROUND-ROBIN resource allocation method, 27-16
- row movement clause for partitioned tables, 17-10
- rows
- chaining across blocks, 14-4
- listing chained or migrated, 21-7
- Sample Schemas
- description, 2-33
- savepoints
- in-doubt transactions, 32-11, 32-13
- schema objects
- analyzing, 21-3 to 21-6
- cascading effects on revoking, 25-19
- creating multiple objects, 21-2
- default audit options, 26-13
- default tablespace for, 24-3
- defining using DBMS_METADATA package, 21-31
- dependencies between, 21-23
- disabling audit options, 26-14
- distributed database naming conventions for, 28-22
- enabling audit options on, 26-12
- global names, 28-22
- granting privileges, 25-12
- in a revoked tablespace, 24-4
- listing by type, 21-33
- name resolution in SQL statements, 21-25
- obtaining metadata about, 21-31
- owned by dropped users, 24-7
- privileges to access, 25-4
- privileges to rename, 21-3
- privileges with, 25-4
- renaming, 21-3
- revoking privileges, 25-16
- validating structure, 21-6
- viewing information, 21-30
- schema-independent users, 24-14
- SCN. See system change number.
- SCOPE clause
- Secure Sockets Layer, 23-2, 24-8, 24-14
- security
- accessing a database, 23-2
- administrator of, 23-2
- application developers and, 23-10
- auditing policies, 23-20
- authentication of users, 23-2
- data, 23-3
- database security, 23-2
- database users and, 23-2
- distributed databases, 28-24
- centralized user management, 28-27
- establishing policies, 23-1
- general users, 23-4
- level of, 23-3
- multibyte characters in role names, 25-7
- multibyte characters in role passwords, 25-8
- operating-system security and the database, 23-3
- policies for database administrators, 23-8
- privilege management policies, 23-6
- privileges, 23-2
- protecting the audit trail, 26-18
- remote objects, 29-28
- REMOTE_OS_ROLES parameter, 25-26
- roles to force security, 23-6
- security officer, 1-3
- test databases, 23-10
- using synonyms, 29-30
- SEGMENT_FIX_STATUS procedure, 22-3
- segments
- available space, 21-31
- data dictionary, 21-28
- data dictionary views for, 21-33
- deallocating unused space, 14-25
- displaying information on, 21-35
- monitoring rollback, 13-27
- rollback. See rollback segments.
- temporary
- storage parameters, 14-13
- SELECT statement
- FOR UPDATE clause, 29-33
- sequences
- altering, 20-13
- creating, 20-12
- dropping, 20-13
- managing, 20-11
- Oracle Real Applications Clusters and, 20-13
- privileges for altering, 20-12
- privileges for creating, 20-12
- privileges for dropping, 20-13
- SERVER parameter
- net service name, 29-16
- server parameter file
- creating, 2-46
- defined, 2-44
- error recovery, 2-50
- exporting, 2-49
- migrating to, 2-45
- RMAN backup, 2-50
- setting initialization parameter values, 2-47
- SPFILE initialization parameter, 2-47
- STARTUP command behavior, 2-45, 4-3
- viewing parameter settings, 2-51
- server processes
- archiver (ARCn), 5-12
- background, 5-11 to 5-13
- checkpoint (CKPT), 5-12
- database writer (DBWn), 5-12
- dedicated, 5-2
- dispatcher (Dnnn), 5-13
- dispatchers, 5-6 to 5-10
- global cache service (LMS), 5-13
- job queue coordinator process (CJQ0), 5-13, 10-2
- log writer (LGWR), 5-12
- monitoring, 5-13
- monitoring locks, 5-15
- process monitor (PMON), 5-12
- recoverer (RECO), 5-13
- shared server, 5-3 to 5-10
- system monitor (SMON), 5-12
- trace files for, 5-15
- servers
- role in two-phase commit, 31-5
- service names
- database links and, 29-13
- session trees
- distributed transactions, 31-4
- clients, 31-5
- commit point site, 31-6, 31-8
- database servers, 31-5
- global coordinators, 31-6
- local coordinators, 31-6
- tracing, 32-5
- sessions
- auditing connections and disconnections, 26-11
- listing privilege domain of, 25-29
- setting advice for transactions, 32-10
- terminating, 5-21 to 5-23
- viewing memory use, 24-26
- sessions, user
- active, 5-22
- inactive, 5-23
- marked to be terminated, 5-22
- terminating, 5-21
- viewing terminated sessions, 5-23
- SET ROLE statement
- how password is set, 25-8
- used to enable/disable roles, 25-21
- when using operating-system roles, 25-25
- SET TIME_ ZONE clause
- SET TIME_ZONE clause
- time zone files, 2-28
- naming transactions, 32-2
- USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT option, 13-24
- SGA. See system global area.
- SGA_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter, 2-38
- setting size, 2-40
- shared database links
- configuring, 29-16
- creating links, 29-14, 29-15
- to dedicated servers, 29-16
- to shared servers, 29-17
- determining whether to use, 29-14
- example, 28-20
- SHARED keyword
- CREATE DATABASE LINK statement, 29-15
- shared server, 5-3
- adjusting number of dispatchers, 5-8
- enabling and disabling, 5-10
- initialization parameters, 5-5
- OS role management restrictions, 25-25
- setting initial number of dispatchers, 5-6
- setting initial number of servers, 5-7
- setting minimum number of servers, 5-10
- views, 5-10
- shared server processes
- trace files for, 5-15
- shared SQL
- for remote and distributed statements, 28-34
- SHARED_SERVERS initialization parameter
- initial setting, 5-7
- SHUTDOWN command
- ABORT option, 4-13
- IMMEDIATE option, 4-12
- NORMAL option, 4-12
- TRANSACTIONAL option, 4-13
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support
- database management, 28-32
- single-process systems
- enabling distributed recovery, 32-25
- single-table hash clusters, 19-5
- site autonomy
- distributed databases, 28-24
- SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS procedure, 22-3, 22-7
- example, 22-14
- snapshot too old
- OPTIMAL storage parameter and, 13-18
- undo retention and, 13-9
- SNMPAGENT role, 25-6
- SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter
- index creation and, 16-3
- space allocation
- resumable, 14-14 to 14-25
- space management
- data blocks, 14-2 to 14-7
- datatypes, space requirements, 14-29
- deallocating unused space, 14-25
- setting storage parameters, 14-9 to 14-13
- SPACE_ERROR_INFO procedure, 14-21
- specifying destinations
- for archived redo logs, 8-10
- specifying multiple ARCH processes, 8-19
- SPFILE initialization parameter, 2-47
- specifying from client machine, 4-5
- SPLIT PARTITION clause, 17-27, 17-52
- SQL errors
- ORA-00900, 30-11
- ORA-02015, 30-11
- SQL statements
- disabling audit options, 26-14
- distributed databases and, 28-33
- enabling audit options on, 26-11
- SQL*Loader
- about, 1-26
- SQL*Plus
- starting, 4-3
- starting a database, 4-2
- starting an instance, 4-2
- SQL_TRACE initialization parameter
- trace files and, 5-15
- SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer.
- STALE status
- of redo log members, 7-17
- standby transmission mode
- definition of, 8-14
- Oracle Net and, 8-15
- RFS processes and, 8-15
- starting a database
- forcing, 4-8
- Oracle Enterprise Manager, 4-2
- recovery and, 4-8
- Recovery Manage, 4-2
- restricted mode, 4-7
- SQL*Plus, 4-2
- when control files unavailable, 4-6
- when redo logs unavailable, 4-6
- starting an instance
- automatically at system startup, 4-9
- database closed and mounted, 4-6
- database name conflicts and, 2-36
- enabling automatic archiving, 8-7
- forcing, 4-8
- mounting and opening the database, 4-6
- normally, 4-6
- Oracle Enterprise Manager, 4-2
- recovery and, 4-8
- Recovery Manager, 4-2
- remote instance startup, 4-9
- restricted mode, 4-7
- SQL*Plus, 4-2
- when control files unavailable, 4-6
- when redo logs unavailable, 4-6
- without mounting a database, 4-6
- STARTUP command
- default behavior, 2-45
- MOUNT option, 4-7
- NOMOUNT option, 2-17, 4-6
- RECOVER option, 4-8
- RESTRICT option, 4-7
- starting a database, 4-2, 4-3
- statistics
- automatically collecting for tables, 15-9
- storage
- quotas and, 24-4
- revoking tablespaces and, 24-4
- unlimited quotas, 24-4
- STORAGE clause
- See also storage parameters
- storage parameters
- altering, 15-11
- altering defaults for tablespaces, 11-11
- applicable objects, 14-8
- BUFFER POOL, 14-11
- changing for data dictionary objects, 21-27
- data dictionary, 21-27
- default, 14-9
- example, 14-14
- for the data dictionary, 21-28
- FREELISTS, 14-11
- INITIAL, 14-10
- INITIAL, cannot alter, 15-12
- INITRANS, altering, 15-11
- MAXTRANS, altering, 15-11
- MINEXTENTS, cannot alter, 15-12
- NEXT, 14-10
- NEXT, altering, 15-12
- OPTIMAL, 14-11
- OPTIMAL (in rollback segments), 13-18
- PCTFREE, altering, 15-11
- PCTFREE, specifying, 15-2
- PCTINCREASE, altering, 15-12
- PCTUSED, altering, 15-11
- PCTUSED, specifying, 15-2
- precedence of, 14-13
- rollback segments, 13-20
- setting, 14-9 to 14-13
- SYSTEM rollback segment, 13-21
- temporary segments, 14-13
- storage subsystems
- mapping files to physical devices, 12-15 to 12-27
- STORE IN clause, 17-14
- stored procedures
- distributed query creation, 30-3
- managing privileges, 29-32
- privileges for recompiling, 21-25
- remote object security, 29-32
- using privileges granted to PUBLIC, 25-20
- for composite-partitioned tables, 17-14
- for composite-partitioned tables, 17-15
- SUBPARTITION clause, 17-29, 17-30, 17-54
- for composite-partitioned tables, 17-14, 17-15
- subpartition template
- modifying, 17-48
- subpartition templates, 17-17
- subpartitions, 17-2
- SUBPARTITIONS clause, 17-29, 17-54
- for composite-partitioned tables, 17-14
- subqueries, 29-33
- in remote updates, 28-34
- SunSoft's SunNet Manager, 28-32
- supplemental logging
- for LogMiner utility, 9-19
- LogMiner utility
- identification keys, 9-20
- log groups, 9-22
- ALTER SYSTEM statement, 7-18
- synonyms
- CREATE statement, 29-28
- creating, 20-14
- definition and creation, 29-28
- displaying dependencies of, 21-34
- dropping, 20-15
- examples, 29-29
- location transparency using, 29-28
- managing, 20-13 to 20-15
- managing privileges, 29-30
- name resolution, 28-42
- name resolution in distributed databases, 28-42
- private, 20-13
- privileges for creating, 20-14
- privileges for dropping, 20-14
- public, 20-13
- remote object security, 29-30
- specifying password for CREATE DATABASE statement, 2-23
- SYS account
- default password, 1-11
- objects owned, 1-12
- policies for protecting, 23-8
- privileges, 1-12
- user, 1-12
- SYS_GROUP for Database Resource Manager, 27-17, 27-28
- SYS.AUD$ table
- audit trail, 26-2
- creating and deleting, 26-19
- SYSDBA system privilege
- connecting to database, 1-14
- SYSOPER system privilege
- connecting to database, 1-14
- SYSOPER/SYSDBA privileges
- adding users to the password file, 1-23
- connecting with, 1-13
- determining who has privileges, 1-24
- granting and revoking, 1-24
- specifying password for CREATE DATABASE, 2-23
- SYSTEM account
- default password, 1-11
- objects owned, 1-12
- policies for protecting, 23-8
- system change number
- using V$DATAFILE to view information about, 12-29
- when assigned, 7-2
- system change numbers (SCN)
- coordination in a distributed database system, 31-14
- in-doubt transactions, 32-12
- system global area
- initialization parameters affecting size, 2-38
- specifying buffer cache sizes, 2-40
- system monitor, 5-12
- system privileges, 25-2
- described, 25-2
- for external tables, 15-39
- granting, 25-11
- SYSTEM rollback segment
- altering storage parameters of, 13-21
- SYSTEM Tablespace
- creating locally managed, 2-26
- SYSTEM tablespace
- cannot drop, 11-29
- initial rollback segment, 13-14
- restrictions on taking offline, 12-8
- when created, 11-3
- SYSTEM_PLAN for Database Resource Manager, 27-15, 27-17, 27-28
- tables
- adding columns, 15-13
- allocating extents, 15-12
- altering, 15-10
- altering physical attributes, 15-11
- analyzing, 21-3 to 21-6
- clustered (hash). See hash clusters
- clustered (index). See clusters.
- creating, 15-7
- creating in locally managed tablespaces, 15-3
- data block space, specifying, 15-2
- designing before creating, 15-2
- dropping, 15-23
- dropping columns, 15-14 to 15-16
- estimating size, 15-4
- external, 15-33 to 15-39
- guidelines for managing, 15-2
- hash clustered. See hash clusters
- historical
- moving time windows, 17-61
- increasing column length, 15-13
- index-organized, 15-24 to 15-33
- partitioning, 17-19 to 17-21
- key-preserved, 20-6
- limiting indexes on, 16-5
- managing, 15-1 to 15-41
- modifying column definition, 15-13
- moving, 15-12
- parallelizing creation, 15-4, 15-8
- partitioned, 17-2 to 17-65
- see also partitioned tables
- planning large tables, 15-5
- privileges for creation, 15-6
- privileges to alter, 15-10
- redefining online, 15-16 to 15-22
- renaming columns, 15-14
- restrictions when creating, 15-6
- separating from indexes, 15-6
- setting storage parameters, 15-4
- specifying location, 15-3
- specifying PCTFREE for, 14-4
- statistics collection, automatic, 15-9
- temporary, 15-8
- temporary space for creation, 15-6
- truncating, 21-9
- unrecoverable (NOLOGGING), 15-4
- validating structure, 21-6
- views, 15-40
- tablespace set, 11-37
- tablespaces
- adding datafiles, 12-5
- altering storage parameters, 11-11
- assigning defaults for users, 24-3
- assigning user quotas, 11-3
- automatic segment space management, 11-8
- checking default storage parameters, 11-51
- coalescing free space, 11-16
- creating a default temporary tablespace, 2-24
- creating undo tablespace at database creation, 2-24
- DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package, 11-30
- default quota, 24-4
- detecting and repairing defects, 11-30
- dictionary managed, 11-10 to 11-12
- dropping, 11-29
- guidelines for managing, 11-2
- listing files of, 11-51
- listing free space in, 11-51
- locally managed, 11-5 to 11-10
- locally managed SYSTEM, 2-26
- locally managed temporary, 11-13
- location, 12-4
- making read-only, 11-25
- making read-only writable, 11-27
- migrating SYSTEM to locally managed, 11-34
- multiple block sizes, 11-41
- on a WORM device, 11-27
- privileges for creating, 11-4
- privileges to take offline, 11-21
- quotas for users, 24-4
- quotas, assigning, 11-3
- revoking from users, 24-4
- setting default storage parameters, 14-11
- setting default storage parameters for, 11-3
- specifying non-standard block sizes, 11-19
- SYSTEM tablespace, 11-3
- taking offline normal, 11-21
- taking offline temporarily, 11-22
- tempfiles in locally managed, 11-13
- temporary
- assigning to users, 24-5
- for creating large indexes, 16-13
- temporary, creating, 11-12
- transportable, 11-35 to 11-49
- undo, 13-2 to 13-13
- unlimited quotas, 24-4
- using multiple, 11-2
- viewing quotas, 24-25
- tempfiles, 11-13
- creating as Oracle-managed files, 3-16
- dropping Oracle-managed files, 3-21
- taking offline, 11-23
- templates
- for databases (DBCA), 2-11
- temporary segments
- index creation and, 16-3
- temporary tables
- creating, 15-8
- temporary tablespaces, see tablespaces, temporary
- terminating user sessions
- active sessions, 5-22
- identifying sessions, 5-22
- inactive session, example, 5-23
- inactive sessions, 5-23
- threads
- online redo log, 7-2
- time zone
- files, 2-28
- setting for database, 2-28
- TNSNAMES.ORA file, 8-11
- trace files
- job failures and, 10-10
- location of, 5-16
- log writer, 5-16
- log writer process and, 7-6
- size of, 5-16
- using, 5-15, 5-16
- when written, 5-17
- tracing
- archivelog process, 8-21
- transaction control statements
- distributed transactions and, 31-4
- transaction failures
- simulating, 32-24
- transaction management
- overview, 31-10
- transaction processing
- distributed systems, 28-33
- transactions
- assigning to specific rollback segment, 13-24
- closing database links, 30-2
- distributed
- two-phase commit and, 28-36
- in-doubt, 31-14
- after a system failure, 32-8
- pending transactions table, 32-22
- recoverer process (RECO) and, 32-24
- manually overriding in-doubt, 32-9
- naming distributed, 32-2, 32-10
- remote, 28-35
- rollback segments and, 13-24
- TRANSACTIONS initialization parameter, 13-15
- TRANSACTIONS_PER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT initialization parameter, 13-15
- transmitting archived redo logs, 8-14
- in normal transmission mode, 8-14
- in standby transmission mode, 8-14
- transparency
- location
- using procedures, 29-30, 29-31, 29-32
- query, 29-32
- update, 29-32
- transportable tablespaces, 11-35 to 11-49
- multiple block sizes, 11-41
- transporting tablespaces between databases, 11-34 to 11-49
- triggers
- disabling, 21-13
- distributed query creation, 30-3
- enabling, 21-13
- privileges for enabling and disabling, 21-13
- TRUNCATE PARTITION clause, 17-59
- TRUNCATE statement, 21-10
- DROP STORAGE clause, 21-11
- REUSE STORAGE clause, 21-11
- vs. dropping table, 15-23
- tuning
- analyzing tables, 30-7
- archiving, 8-19
- cost-based optimization, 30-5
- databases, 1-8
- two-phase commit
- case study, 31-19
- commit phase, 31-14, 31-23
- steps in, 31-14
- described, 28-35
- distributed transactions, 31-10
- tracing session tree, 32-5
- viewing information about, 32-3
- forget phase, 31-15
- in-doubt transactions, 31-15
- automatic resolution, 31-16
- manual resolution, 31-18
- SCNs and, 31-19
- phases, 31-10
- prepare phase, 31-11
- abort response, 31-13
- prepared response, 31-12
- read-only response, 31-12
- responses, 31-11
- steps, 31-13
- problems, 32-8
- recognizing read-only nodes, 31-12
- specifying commit point strength, 32-2
- undo space management
- automatic undo management mode, 13-3 to 13-13
- described, 13-2
- rollback segment undo mode, 13-13 to 13-29
- specifying mode, 13-3
- undo tablespaces
- altering, 13-7
- creating, 13-6
- dropping, 13-7
- estimating space requirements, 13-11
- initialization parameters for, 13-3
- monitoring, 13-12
- PENDING OFFLINE status, 13-8
- specifying at database creation, 2-24
- specifying retention period, 13-9
- starting an instance using, 13-3
- statistics for, 13-12
- switching, 13-8
- used with flashback queries, 13-10
- user quotas, 13-9
- viewing information about, 13-11
- UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter, 2-24
- starting instance as AUTO, 13-3
- UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter
- for undo tablespaces, 13-9
- UNDO_SUPPRESS_ERROR initialization parameter
- for undo tablespaces, 13-4
- UNDO_TABLESPACE initialization parameter
- starting an instance using, 13-3
- UNIQUE key constraints
- associated indexes, 16-11
- dropping associated indexes, 16-23
- enabling on creation, 16-11
- foreign key references when dropped, 21-19
- indexes associated with, 16-11
- UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege, 24-5
- ALTER DATABASE statement, 7-20
- of ALTER TABLE, 17-26
- UPDATE privilege
- revoking, 25-18
- updates
- location transparency and, 28-45
- transparency, 29-32
- upgrading a database, 2-5
- USER_DB_LINKS view, 29-21
- USER_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter, 5-16
- USER_JOBS view
- jobs in system, viewing, 10-15
- USER_RESUMABLE view, 14-21
- USER_SEGMENTS view, 11-50
- usernames
- SYS and SYSTEM, 1-11
- users
- altering, 24-6
- assigning profiles to, 24-20
- assigning tablespace quotas, 11-3
- assigning unlimited quotas for, 24-4
- authentication
- about, 23-2, 24-8
- changing default roles, 24-7
- database authentication, 24-9
- default tablespaces, 24-3
- dropping, 24-7
- dropping profiles and, 24-23
- dropping roles and, 25-10
- end-user security policies, 23-6
- enrolling, 1-7
- enterprise, 24-14, 25-10
- external authentication, 24-11
- global, 24-13
- in a newly created database, 2-32
- limiting number of, 2-43
- listing, 24-23
- listing privileges granted to, 25-27
- listing roles granted to, 25-28
- managing, 24-2
- network authentication, 24-13
- objects after dropping, 24-7
- operating system authentication, 24-12
- password security, 23-5
- policies for managing privileges, 23-6
- privileges for changing passwords, 24-6
- privileges for creating, 24-2
- privileges for dropping, 24-8
- proxy authentication and authorization, 24-16
- PUBLIC group, 25-20
- schema-independent, 24-14
- security and, 23-2
- security for general users, 23-4
- session, terminating, 5-23
- specifying user names, 24-3
- tablespace quotas, 24-4
- unique user names, 2-43
- viewing information on, 24-25
- viewing memory use, 24-26
- viewing tablespace quotas, 24-25
- utilities
- Export, 1-26
- for the database administrator, 1-26
- Import, 1-26
- SQL*Loader, 1-26
- listing chained rows, 21-7
- UTLCHN1.SQL script
- listing chained rows, 21-7
- UTLLOCKT.SQL script, 5-15
- V$ARCHIVE view, 8-23
- obtaining destination status, 8-13
- V$DATABASE view, 8-24
- V$DATAFILE view, 11-50
- V$DBFILE view, 2-31
- V$DBLINK view, 29-25
- monitoring shared server dispatchers, 5-8
- monitoring shared server dispatchers, 5-8
- for database quiesce state, 4-16
- V$LOG view, 8-23
- displaying archiving status, 8-23
- online redo log, 7-20
- viewing redo data with, 7-20
- viewing redo data, 7-20
- V$LOGFILE view, 2-31
- log file status, 7-17
- viewing redo data, 7-20
- V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view, 9-16
- for monitoring index usage, 16-21
- V$PWFILE_USERS view, 1-24
- V$QUEUE view
- monitoring shared server dispatchers, 5-8
- finding PENDING OFFLINE segments, 13-29
- finding PENDING OFFLINE segments, 13-29
- undo segments, 13-12
- V$SESSION view, 5-23
- V$SORT SEGMENT view, 11-50
- V$SORT_USER view, 11-50
- V$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP view, 11-50
- V$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL view, 11-50
- V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER view, 11-50
- V$TEMPFILE view, 11-50
- V$THREAD view, 7-20
- time zone table information, 2-29
- undo tablespaces information, 13-12
- statistics for undo tablespaces, 13-12
- V$VERSION view, 1-10
- varrays
- storage parameters for, 14-12
- verifying blocks
- redo log files, 7-18
- views
- creating, 20-2
- creating with errors, 20-4
- Database Resource Manager, 27-31
- displaying dependencies of, 21-34
- dropping, 20-10
- file mapping views, 12-23
- for monitoring datafiles, 12-28
- FOR UPDATE clause and, 20-3
- join. See join views.
- location transparency using, 29-26
- managing, 20-2, 20-11
- managing privileges with, 29-28
- name resolution in distributed databases, 28-42
- ORDER BY clause and, 20-3
- privileges, 20-2
- privileges for dropping, 20-10
- privileges for recompiling, 21-25
- privileges to replace, 20-10
- recompiling, 21-25
- remote object security, 29-28
- tables, 15-40
- V$ARCHIVE, 8-23
- V$DATABASE, 8-24
- V$LOG, 7-20, 8-23
- V$LOGFILE, 7-17, 7-20
- V$THREAD, 7-20
- wildcards in, 20-4
- wildcards
- in views, 20-4
- Windows operating system
- OS audit trail, 26-2, 26-9
- WORM devices
- and read-only tablespaces, 11-27