Screenshot of Database Configuration Assistant, Step 5 of 8: Database Connection Options At the top of the window is the text: "Select the mode in which you want your database to operate by default." Below this text are radio buttons labelled Dedicated Server Mode (currently selected) and Shared Server Mode. Under the Dedicated Server Mode button is the text: "For each client connection the database will allocate a resource dedicated to serving only that client. Use this mode when the number of total client connections is expected to be small or when clients will be making persistent, long-running requests to the database." Under the Shared Server Mode button is the text: "Several client connections share a database-allocated pool of resources. Use this mode when more than a small number of users need to connect to the database simultaneously while efficiently utilizing system resources. The Oracle shared server feature will be enabled." Below the radio buttons is a button (currently grayed out) labelled Edit Shared Connections Parameters... At the bottom of the window are buttons labelled Cancel, Help, Back, Next, and Finish.