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Oracle Migration Workbench Reference Guide for Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server Migrations
Release 9.2.0 for Microsoft Windows 98/2000 and Microsoft Windows NT

Part Number A97248-01
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accessing remote databases, 4-1
AFTER triggers, 3-1
application development tools, 4-4
arithmetic operators, 2-43
ASSIGNMENT statement, 3-55


BEGIN TRAN statement, 3-14
BEGIN TRANSACTION statement, 3-14
bit operators, 2-44
BLOBs, 2-6
built-in functions, 2-45, 3-80
byte-stream, 3-4


Capture Wizard, 1-3
changing NULL constructs, 2-42
CHAR(n) data type, 2-12
character functions, 2-45
check constraints, 2-7
column aliases, 3-62
column names, 2-3
column-level CHECK constraint, 2-7
COMMIT TRAN statement, 3-14
COMMIT TRANSACTION statement, 3-14
comparison operators, 2-39
connecting to a database, 2-26
control files, 2-24
converting multiple result sets, 3-12
CREATE PROCEDURE statement, 3-38
cursor handling, 3-70
cursor variables, 3-4
cursor variables, return query results, 3-10
customized error messages, 3-16


data block, 2-20
data concurrency, 2-51
data manipulation language, 2-25
data storage concepts, 2-20
data type mappings, 2-8
data types, 3-16
data types, conversion considerations, 2-3
database devices, 2-20
datafiles, 2-20
date functions, 2-48
DATETIME data type, 2-3, 2-14
DB-Library code, 3-6
DDL constructs, 3-84
declarative referential integrity, 2-7
DECLARE statement, 3-40
t_table_catalog, 5-11
DELETE statement, 2-38
DELETE triggers, 3-2
DELETE with FROM statement, 3-65
destination database, 1-3
Disconnected Source Model Load, 1
distributed environments, 4-1


emulate temporary tables, 5-7
entity integrity constraints, 2-6
error handling, 3-15
error-handling semantics, 3-77
exception-handling semantics, 3-77
EXECUTE statement, 3-47
explicit transaction model, 3-73
extent, 2-20


features, 1-2
FETCH request, 3-4
Flat File Generation Scripts, 1
FLOAT data type, 2-11
function, schema object, 3-24
functions, defining in Oracle, 2-48


global variables, 3-54, 3-79
GOTO statement, 3-53


IF statement, 3-41
IMAGE data type, 2-6
implicit transaction model, 3-73
IN OUT parameter, 3-11
individual SQL statements, 3-13
INSERT statement, 2-35
INSERT triggers, 3-2


locking concepts, 2-51
logical transaction, 3-14
logical transaction handling, 2-56


maintenance of temporary tables, 5-10
mathematical functions, 2-50
metadata flat files
generating, 1
Migration Wizard, 1-3
miscellaneous functions, 2-47
multiple queries, 5-5
multiple result sets, 3-81
multiple results sets, 3-12
multi-row array, 3-7
multi-row query, 3-10
multi-table joins, performance, 5-4


object names, 2-3
ODBC, 3-6
operators, 2-39, 3-80
Oracle Model, 1-3
output variables, 3-4


package body, 3-32
package, schema object, 3-28
page, 2-20
page-level locking, 2-54
parameter passing, 3-39
permanent tables, 5-8
PL/SQL and T-SQL constructs, comparison, 3-36
PL/SQL and T-SQL, language elements, 3-73
PL/SQL tables as output variables, 3-7
procedure, schema object, 3-18
product description, 1-1


RAISERROR statement, 3-16, 3-46
read consistency, 2-55
redo log files, 2-22
referential integrity, 3-2
referential integrity constraints, 2-7
remote objects, Oracle, 4-2
remote objects, SQL Server and Sybase, 4-2
replace temporary tables, 5-7
replication, 4-3
repository, 1-4
reserved words, 2-3
result set with multiple rows, 3-6
result set, converted using cursor variable, 3-68
result sets, 3-4
RETURN statement, 3-45
ROLLBACK TRAN statement, 3-14
row-level locking, 2-54


schema migration, 2-1
schema object similarities, 2-1
segments, 2-21
SELECT INTO statement, 2-31
SELECT statement, 2-27, 3-56
SELECT statement, part of SELECT list, 3-59
SELECT statement, result sets, 3-7
SELECT statement, with GROUP BY clause, 3-61
SELECT statements without FROM clauses, 2-30
SELECT with GROUP BY statement, 2-34
set operators, 2-44
single result set, 3-80
source database, 1-4
Source Model, 1-4
special global variables, 3-79
stored procedures, SQL Server, 3-1
stored subprograms, Oracle, 3-1
string operators, 2-43
subqueries, 2-33
SYSNAME data type, 2-18


definition, 5-11
table design considerations, 2-3
table-level CHECK constraint, 2-7
tablespace, 2-21
temporary table usage, 5-1
temporary tables, comparison, 3-67
temporary tables, creating dynamically, 5-7
temporary tables, emulate, 5-7
temporary tables, maintenance, 5-10
temporary tables, replace, 5-7
TEXT data type, 2-6
TIMESTAMP data type, 2-18
transaction handling semantics, 3-73
transaction handling statements, 3-72
triggers, Oracle, 3-1
triggers, SQL Server, 3-1
T-SQL and PL/SQL constructs, comparison, 3-36
T-SQL and PL/SQL, language elements, 3-73
T-SQL local variables, 3-17


unique keys, 2-7
UPDATE statement, 2-36
UPDATE triggers, 3-2
UPDATE with FROM statement, 3-63
user-defined types, SQL Server, 2-6


VARCHAR(n) data type, 2-13


WHILE statement, 3-48

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