Secure Global Desktop Administration Guide > Commands > The tarantella status command

The tarantella status command


tarantella status [ --summary | --byserver | --server serv | --ping [serv] ]
                  [ --format text|xml ] [ --verbose ]


Reports Secure Global Desktop server information: array details, the number of webtop and emulator sessions running or suspended across the array, and how those sessions are distributed.

Subcommand Description
--summary Summarizes the information array-wide. This is the default.
--byserver Displays detailed information for each server in the array.
--server serv Displays detailed information for the server serv (use a peer DNS name).
--format text | xml Specifies the output format. The default is text.
--ping [serv] Performs a quick health check of all array members or just one server if you specify a server.
--verbose Displays the server health check and lists servers being contacted, before the command output.


tarantella status

Summarizes information about sessions across the array.

tarantella status --server

Reports detailed status information for the Secure Global Desktop server

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