Sun Ray [TM] Server Software: What Protocol and Ports Does the Software Use?
Document ID: ID75518
Synopsis: Sun Ray [TM] Server Software: What Protocol and Ports Does the Software Use?


You require detailed Sun Ray[TM] Server Software protocol and port
information because you want to block and open various ports on routers and
firewalls to provide service and security.  This document describes how you
can obtain that information.
Both TCP and UDP use ports. The Sun Ray protocol uses TCP ports 7009 and
7011 between the Sun Ray and the server, and random UDP ports above 30000.
The random ports are used for traffic from services on the server, which
includes the X server, audio, device settings, and video.  The port on the
Sun Ray is selected at random each time the Sun Ray presents a new token to
the server.  UDP port 7009 is also used for some control messages between
servers to support failover groups, and to implement a status query message
and response between the Sun Ray Server Software and server.

The Sun Ray Server Software also uses the tftp (69) and DHCP (67/68) UDP
ports for configuration and firmware downloads. The firmware download uses
a Sun Ray client port at, or above, 4096.