Log Files

The Performance Manager GUI writes messages to a log file, /var/opt/pm/log/pmgr_gui.log. The Performance Manager daemon (pmgrd) also writes messages to a log file, /var/opt/pm/log/pmgrd.log. These log files provide a history that is useful for troubleshooting and debugging.

The installation procedure creates initial copies of the log files with appropriate protections. For security reasons, the log directory (/var/opt/pm/log) is protected so that no new files can be created in it. If a log file is deleted, an appropriately protected empty file must be left in its place; otherwise, no new process (that writes to that particular log file) can be started.

To view just the last 50 lines of a log file (the GUI log file, in this example), issue the following command:

   % tail -50 /var/opt/pm/log/pmgr_gui.log | more

Here is the entry format used in all log files. Each entry has three lines, the second and third lines being indented. Each field in a line is separated by vertical bars:


This table describes each field in a log file entry.

Here is an example log file entry.

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