CCNVL (3sciport)


  Call CCNVL( nh, nx, m, ny, h, inch, x, inc1x, inc2x, y, inc1y, inc2y )


  nh              Integer.
                  The length of input sequence h.

  nx              Integer.
                  The length of each input sequence x.

  m               Integer.
                  The number of sequences - x for input and y for output.

  ny              Integer.
                  The length of each output sequence y.

  h               Complex vector.
                  Input sequence to be convolved with the set x of input

  inch            Integer.
                  Increment between elements of vector h.

  x               Complex matrix.
                  A set of input sequences to be convolved with input
                  sequence h.

  inc1x           Integer.
                  The increment between elements within each input sequence

  inc2x           Integer.
                  The increment between x sequences.

  y               Complex matrix.
                  A set of output convolved sequences.

  inc1y           Integer.
                  The increment between elements within each output sequence

  incy2           Integer.
                  The increment between y sequences.


  Subroutine CCNVL can compute multiple convolutions with a single call.
  Input vector h is always a single sequence. However, input x can be a
  matrix, in which case CCNVL convolves each column of matrix x with sequence
  h, storing the result in a column of matrix y.

  For equations and other information, see Volume 3: UNICOS Math and
  Scientific Library Reference Manual SR-2081 7.0, Cray Research, Inc.


  Normally, input matrix x will have dimensions x( inc2x, m ) and output
  matrix y will dimensions y( inc2y, m ). To avoid problems, choose:

          inc2y >= ( ny-1 )*inc1y + 1,

  or otherwise ensure that output vectors of y do not overlap.

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