DUSKYF (n, au, iaudiag, nau, al, ialdiag, nal, iparam, rparam, iwrk, rwrk, ierror)
n integer*4 On entry, the order of the matrix A. On exit, n is unchanged. au real*8 On entry, an array containing information on the matrix A. If istore = 1 or 2, then au contains the upper triangular part, including the diagonal, of the matrix A, stored in the profile-in or diagonal-out mode, respectively. Array AU is of length at least nau, where nau is the envelope size of the upper triangular part of A, including the diagonal. If istore = 3, then au contains the matrix A, stored in the structurally symmetric, profile-in storage mode. In this case, array AU is of length at least nau, where nau is the envelope size of the matrix A. On exit, if istore = 1 or 2, au contains the factors U and D of the L*D*U factorization of the matrix A. If istore = 3, then au contains the factors L, U and D of the L*D*U factorization of the matrix A. au must remain unchanged between the call to the routine DUSKYF and any routines that use the factors such as DUSKYS, DUSKYC, DUSKYR, and DUSKYX. iaudiag integer*4 On entry, an array containing the pointers to the locations of the diagonal elements in array AU. iaudiag is of length at least n for the profile-in and the structurally symmetric profile-in storage modes. iaudiag is of length at least (n+1) for the diagonal- out storage mode. On exit, iaudiag is unchanged. nau integer*4 On entry, the number of elements stored in array AU. If istore = 1 or 2, then nau is the envelope size of the upper triangular part of the matrix A. If istore = 3, then nau is the envelope size of the matrix A. For the profile-in and the structurally symmetric profile- in storage modes, nau = IAUDIAG(n). For the diagonal-out storage mode, nau = IAUDIAG(n+1) - 1. On exit, nau is unchanged. al real*8 On entry, an array containing information on the matrix A. If istore = 1 or 2, then al contains the lower triangular part, including the diagonal, of the matrix A, stored in the profile-in or diagonal-out mode, respectively. Storage is allocated for the diagonal elements, though the elements themselves are not stored. Array AL is of length at least nal, where nal is the envelope size of the lower triangular part of A, including the diagonal. If istore = 3, then al is a dummy argument. On exit, if istore = 1 or 2, al contains the factor L of the L*D*U factorization of the matrix A. If istore = 3, then al is undefined. al must remain unchanged between the call to the routine DUSKYF and any routines that use the factors such as DUSKYS, DUSKYC, DUSKYR, and DUSKYX. ialdiag integer*4 On entry, an array containing the pointers to the locations of the diagonal elements in array AL. ialdiag is of length at least n for the profile-in storage mode. ialdiag is of length at least (n+1) for the diagonal-out storage mode. If istore = 3, then ialdiag is a dummy argument. On exit, ialdiag is unchanged. nal integer*4 On entry, the number of elements stored in array AL. If istore = 1 or 2, then nal is the envelope size of the lower triangular part of the matrix A. For the profile-in storage mode, nal = IALDIAG(n). For the diagonal-out storage mode, nal = IALDIAG(n+1) - 1. If istore = 3, then nal is a dummy argument. On exit, nal is unchanged. iparam integer*4 An array of length at least 100, containing the integer parameters for the L*D*U factorization. iparam(1): niparam On entry, defines the length of the array IPARAM. niparam >= 100. On exit, iparam(1) is unchanged. iparam(2): nrparam On entry, defines the length of the array IPARAM. nrparam >= 100. On exit, iparam(2) is unchanged. iparam(3): niwrk On entry, defines the size of the integer work array, IWRK. niwrk >= 4n. On exit, iparam(3) is unchanged. iparam(4): nrwrk On entry, defines the size of the real work array, RWRK. As the real work array is not used at present, nrwrk may be unspecified. On exit, iparam(4) is unchanged. iparam(5): iounit On entry, defines the I/O unit number for printing error messages and information from the routine DUSKYF. The I/O unit must be opened in the calling subprogram. If iounit <= 0, then no output is generated. On exit, iparam(5) is unchanged. iparam(6): iolevel On entry, defines the message level that determines the amount of information printed out to iounit, when iounit > 0. iolevel = 0 : fatal error messages only iolevel = 1 : fatal errors, warnings and minimal information iolevel = 2 : detailed information and statistics On exit, iparam(6) is unchanged. iparam(7): idefault On entry, defines if the default values should be used in arrays IPARAM and RPARAM. If idefault = 0, then the following default values are assigned: IPARAM(1) = niparam = 100 IPARAM(2) = nrparam = 100 IPARAM(6) = iolevel = 0 IPARAM(8) = istore = 1 IPARAM(9) = ibeg = 0 IPARAM(10) = idet = 0 IPARAM(11) = ipvt = 0 RPARAM(1) = pvt_sml = 10**(-12) If idefault = 1, then you must assign values to the above variables before the call to the DUSKYF routine. On exit, iparam(7) is unchanged. iparam(8): istore On entry, defines the type of storage scheme used for the skyline matrix. If istore = 1, the unsymmetric matrix A is stored using the profile-in storage mode; if istore = 2, the unsymmetric matrix A is stored using the diagonal-out storage mode; if istore = 3, the unsymmetric matrix A is stored using the structurally symmetric profile-in storage mode. Default: istore = 1. On exit, iparam(8) is unchanged. iparam(9): ibeg On entry, defines if full or partial factorization is to be performed. If ibeg = 0, then a full factorization is performed for rows and columns 1 through n. If ibeg > 0, then a partial factorization is performed starting from rows and columns ibeg+1 through n, that is, rows and columns from 1 through ibeg have already been factorized. Default: ibeg = 0. On exit, iparam(9) is unchanged. iparam(10): idet On entry, defines if the determinant of the matrix A is to be calculated. If idet = 0, then the determinant is not calculated; if idet = 1, the determinant is calculated as det_base * 10**det_pwr. See RPARAM(4) and RPARAM(5). Default: idet = 0. On exit, iparam(10) is unchanged. iparam(11): ipvt On entry, defines if the factorization should continue when a small pivot, defined by RPARAM(1), is encountered. If ipvt = 0 and the absolute value of the pivot element is smaller than pvt_sml = RPARAM(1), then the factorization process is stopped and control returned to the calling subprogram. If ipvt = 1 and a pivot smaller than RPARAM(1) in absolute value is encountered in the factorization, the process continues. If ipvt = 2 and a pivot smaller than RPARAM(1) in absolute value, is encountered in the factorization, it is replaced by a predetermined value pvt_new = RPARAM(2), and the factorization is continued. Default: ipvt = 0. On exit, iparam(11) is unchanged. iparam(12): ipvt_loc On entry, an unspecified variable. On exit, iparam(12) contains the location of the first pivot element, smaller in absolute value than pvt_sml. The pivot element is returned in pvt_val = RPARAM(3). If iparam(12) = 0, then no such pivot element exists. rparam real*8 An array of length at least 100, containing the real parameters for the L*D*U factorization. rparam(1): pvt_sml On entry, defines the value of the pivot element which is considered to be small. If a pivot element smaller than pvt_sml in absolute value is encountered in the factorization process, then, depending on the value of ipvt = IPARAM(11), the process either stops, continues or continues after the pivot is set equal to pvt_new = RPARAM(2). pvt_sml > 0. Recommended value: 10**(-15) <= pvt_sml <= 1. Default: pvt_sml = 10**(-12). On exit, rparam(1) is unchanged. rparam(2): pvt_new On entry, defines the value to which the pivot element must be set if ipvt = 2 and the pivot element is less than pvt_sml. pvt_new must be large enough to avoid overflow when calculating the reciprocal of the pivot element. On exit, rparam(2) is unchanged. rparam(3): pvt_val On entry, an unspecified variable. On exit, rparam(3) contains the value of the first pivot element smaller than pvt_sml in absolute value. The location of this element is returned in ipvt_loc = IPARAM(12). rparam(4): det_base On entry, an unspecified variable. On exit, defines the base for the determinant of the matrix A. If idet = 1, the determinant is calculated as det_base * 10**(det_pwr). 1.0 <= det_base < 10.0. rparam(5): det_pwr On entry, an unspecified variable. On exit, defines the power for the determinant of the matrix A. If idet = 1, the determinant is calculated as det_base * 10**det_pwr). iwrk integer*4 On entry, an array of length at least 4n used for integer workspace. On exit, iwrk contains information for use by routines that use the factorization such as DUSKYS, DUSKYC, DUSKYR and DUSKYX. The first 4n elements of iwrk should therefore be passed unchanged to these routines. rwrk real*8 On entry, an array used for real workspace. On exit, rwrk is unchanged. rwrk is not used by the routine DUSKYF at present but is reserved for future use. It can be a dummy variable. ierror integer*4 On entry, an unspecified variable. On exit, ierror contains the error flag. A value of zero indicates a normal exit from the routine DUSKYF.
DUSKYF obtains the factorization of the unsymmetric matrix A as: A = L D U where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, D is a diagonal matrix, and U is a unit upper triangular matrix. The matrix A is stored in a skyline form, using either the profile-in storage mode, the diagonal-out storage mode, or the structurally symmetric profile-in storage mode. The routine DUSKYF does not perform any pivoting to preserve the numerical stability of the L*D*U factorization. It is therefore primarily intended for the solution of systems that do not require pivoting for numerical stability, such as diagonally dominant systems. Caution is urged when using this routine for problems that require pivoting. If a small pivot in absolute value, pvt_sml, is encountered in the process of factorization, you have the option of either stopping the factorization process and returning to the calling program, continuing the factorization process, or continuing after setting the pivot equal to some predetermined value, pvt_new. The location of the first occurrence of a small pivot is returned in ipvt_loc and its value in pvt_val. In addition to the L*D*U factorization, the routine DUSKYF can be used to obtain the determinant of A. A partial factorization can also be obtained by appropriately setting the value of ibeg. If ibeg > 0, then factorization begins at row and column ibeg + 1; the rows and columns from 1 to ibeg are assumed to have been already factorized. When ibeg > 0, the determinant of A and the statistics on the matrix are calculated from rows and columns ibeg + 1 through n. If the factorization process is stopped at row i due to a small pivot, then the determinant and the statistics on the matrix are evaluated for rows ibeg + 1 through (i-1). The data in the first 4n elements of the integer workspace array, IWRK, are used in routines that use the L*D*U factorization, such as DUSKYS, DUSKYC, and DUSKYR. This data must therefore remain unchanged between the call to DUSKYF and any one of these routines. The real workspace array, RWRK, is not used at present. This routine is available in both serial and parallel versions. The routine names and parameter list are identical for both versions. For information about linking to the serial or to the parallel library, refer to the CXML Reference Manual.