ILSUM (3sciport)


  kount = ILSUM( n, x, incx )


  ilsum           Integer.
                  Number of true values in a vector declared logical.


  n               Integer.
                  The number of elements in the vector.

  x               Logical vector.
                  An input vector of length x.

  incx            Integer.
                  The increment between elements of vector x. For contiguous
                  elements, incx = 1.


  The function ILSUM returns the number of TRUE values in an array. If the
  array is of type integer or real, ILSUM returns the number of negative
  values. ILSUM returns zero if the number of elements, n, is less than one.

  For equations and other information, see Volume 3: UNICOS Math and
  Scientific Library Reference Manual SR-2081 7.0, Cray Research, Inc.

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