Configuration Files: ImageMagick depends on a number of external configuration files which include delegates.mgk, magic.mgk, and modules.mgk. ImageMagick searches in the following order, and will use the first configuration file found: MagickModulesPath $HOME/.magick/ $MAGICK_HOME/ / MagickLibPath MagickSharePath X11ConfigurePath Where MagickSharePath, MagickLibPath, and MagickModulesPath are defined by the configure program on Unix, and default to /usr/local/share/ImageMagick/, /usr/local/lib/ImageMagick/ and /usr/local/lib/ImageMagick/modules/coders/ respectively. X11ConfigurePath defines where to find the X11 color database, rgb.txt. It defaults to /usr/X11R6/lib and is set to its actual path by the configure program. MagickLibPath, MagickModulesPath, and X11ConfigurePath are defined under Win32, VMS, and Macintosh as c:\ImageMagick\, sys$login, and the current directory respectively. Environment Variables: In addition to the MAGICK_HOME environment variable defined above, you may find these variables useful: MAGICK_CACHE_THRESHOLD megabytes of memory available to pixel cache TMPDIR path to store temporary files LD_LIBRARY_PATH path to Unix/Linux/Cygwin Install: Download and type gunzip -c ImageMagick-5.3.0.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd ImageMagick-5.3.0 ./configure -prefix=/usr/local make make install identify -verbose logo: Alternatively, download the appropriate binary from The Unix binaries must be installed in the /usr/local. If you require a different install directory, follow these steps (here we assume an install directory of /opt/ImageMagick): gunzip -c ImageMagick-*.tar.gz | tar xvf - /bin/mv share/ImageMagick/* /opt/ImageMagick /bin/mv lib/ImageMagick/* /opt/ImageMagick /bin/mv lib/ImageMagick/modules/coders/* /opt/ImageMagick /bin/mv lib/libMagick* /opt/ImageMagick /bin/mv bin/* /opt/ImageMagick setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/ImageMagick setenv MAGICK_HOME /opt/ImageMagick /opt/ImageMagick/convert Win2K, NT, Win98, Win95 Install: Download and double click on it to extract the distribution. Select Start->Programs->Command Prompt. In the Command Prompt window type cd ImageMagick-win2k identify -verbose logo: Alternatively, download the ImageMagick NT source and read README.txt for detailed instructions on compiling the ImageMagick source as well as additional details on ways to tell ImageMagick how to find any of its configuration files and components. MAC Install: Download and double click on it to extract the distribution. Move to the ImageMagick-5.3.0 directory and double click on the identify program icon. Next, type -verbose logo: in the command window and choose File->Quit to exit. Alternatively, download the ImageMagick MAC source and double click on the Make AppleScript script to build from the source. VMS Install: Type unzip set default [.imagemagick] @make identify -verbose logo: