Given: interface Foo { void bar(); long baz(in string blum); }; you want to write a server for this interface. After running orbit-idl on this .idl file, you will get a foo.h, and foo-{stubs,common,skels}.c Now, in your server program you write implementation functions called: void do_Foo_bar(PortableServer_Servant servant, CORBA_Environment *ev); CORBA_long do_Foo_baz(PortableServer_Servant, CORBA_char *blum, CORBA_Environment *ev); You will notice that the signatures for these functions look almost like the signatures for the client-side stubs, but they take a servant as the first argument instead of a CORBA_Object. A servant is a language-specific object that holds information needed to process requests for a CORBA_Object. There is not always a 1:1 mapping between a particular CORBA_Object and a particular servant - the CORBA POA allows multiple servants to be used to handle different requests on the same CORBA_Object, and it is also possible to use one servant to handle requests for multiple CORBA_Object's. Looking in foo.h, you will notice a POA_Foo__epv type definition. You need to create a structure of this type and fill it in with the pointers to your implementation functions: POA_Foo__epv my_Foo_epv = { NULL, /* Leave the ORB-private data NULL */ &do_Foo_bar, &do_Foo_baz }; You also need a PortableServer_ServantBase__epv that contains the function table listing your implementations for the basic servant functions (this structure is defined in : PortableServer_ServantBase__epv base_epv = { NULL, /* Leave the ORB-private data NULL */ NULL, /* We don't have a servant finalization function that we want run when this servant is destroyed */ NULL, /* We don't have a default_POA function (not sure what this does :) */ }; Now we need to define a POA_Foo__vepv that lists the epv's for all the different classes: POA_Foo__vepv foo_vepv = { &base_epv, /* function table for the PortableServer_ServantBase routines */ &my_Foo_epv, /* function table for the POA_Foo routines (for interface X, the server-side POA stuff is placed in the "POA" namespace, so the servant stuff for X starts with POA_X_ */ }; Last, but not least, we define the actual servant structure itself: POA_Foo my_Foo_servant = { NULL, /* Leave ORB-private data NULL */ &foo_vepv /* Pointer to the vepv (list of function tables) */ }; Now in our program, when we want to tell the ORB that we want a bona-fide CORBA_Object, able to take requests, we would do something like: /** begin C code **/ /**** create_Foo_Object Inputs: None Outputs: Return value - stringified IOR of the activated object Description: Initializes the servant for use by the ORB, tells the ORB to send requests to the servant, and turns the servant into an object reference that can be passed to other programs for use. */ char *create_Foo_Object(PortableServer_POA poa, CORBA_Environment *ev) { char *retval; CORBA_Object obj; /* An ObjectId is a unique identifier for a specific CORBA_Object... The first member should be zero, the second should be the size of the object identifier string (including the terminating \0), and the third member should be the string itself */ PortableServer_ObjectId objid = {0, sizeof("myFoo"), "myFoo" }; /* First, ask the ORB to fill in our servant structure so it can handle requests */ POA_Foo__init(&my_Foo_servant); /* Now tell the POA to make requests on this objid be sent to our servant */ PortableServer_POA_activate_object_with_id(poa, &objid, &my_Foo_servant, ev); obj = PortableServer_POA_servant_to_reference(poa, &my_Foo_servant, ev); retval = CORBA_ORB_object_to_string(obj, ev); CORBA_Object_release(obj, ev); /* Now tell the POA manager to start taking incoming requests on the POA that this servant is using */ PortableServer_POAManager_activate(PortableServer_POA__get_the_POAManager(poa, ev), ev); /* And tell the world how to get to this object */ return retval; } /** end C code **/ Now when you want to deactivate the servant, you would do: /** begin C code **/ void destroy_Foo_Object(PortableServer_POA poa, CORBA_Environment *ev) { PortableServer_ObjectId objid = {0, sizeof("myFoo"), "myFoo" }; PortableServer_POA_deactivate_object(poa, &objid, ev); POA_Foo__fini(&my_Foo_servant); } /** end C code **/ -- Elliot