scadm help

Use the scadm help command to list the available commands for the scadm utility and to show their syntax.

How to Use the scadm help Command

Log in to the host server as root.

At the system's superuser prompt, type the following command:

# scadm help

For example:

# scadm help

USAGE: scadm <command> [options]

For a list of commands, type "scadm help"


help, date, set, show, resetrsc, download, send_event, modem_setup, useradd, userdel, usershow, userpassword, userperm, shownetwork, loghistory, version


scadm help => this message
scadm date [-s] | [[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy] [.SS] => print or set date
scadm set <variable> <value> => set variable to value
scadm show [variable] => show variable(s)
scadm resetrsc [-s] => reset SC (-s soft reset)
scadm download [boot] <file> => program firmware or [boot] monitor

scadm send_event [-c] "message" => send message as event (-c CRITICAL)
scadm modem_setup => connect to modem port
scadm useradd <username> => add SC user account
scadm userdel <username> => delete SC user account
scadm usershow [username] =>show user details
scadm userpassword <username> => set user password
scadm userperm <username> [cuar] => set user permissions
scadm shownetwork => show network configuration
scadm loghistory => show SC event log
scadm version [-v] => show SC version (-v verbose)


scadm commands

scadm error messages