
Use the sys_bootrestart variable to set the action that ALOM will take if the host fails to boot within the amount of time set through the sys_boottimeout variable.

sys_bootrestart has three options:

The default value is none.

For the xir and reset options, an event is logged to the ALOM event log.

If you set the sys_bootrestart property to xir, you must also set the OpenBoot PROM NVRAM variable auto-boot-on-error? to true and the error-reset-recovery variable to boot. In addition, for this option to work reliably, the system must reboot followed by an xir, which may not happen in all cases (for example, if the system fails to find the boot disk and drops down to the ok prompt). Because of these restrictions, you may want to set the sys_bootrestart property to reset for a more consistent behavior.

From the ALOM command shell:

Using the scadm utility:

About ALOM configuration variables

Managed system interface variables
