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Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Administration
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96596-01
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Adding Nodes and Instances and Deleting Instances in Real Application Clusters

This chapter provides detailed procedures on how to add nodes and instances and how to delete instances in Real Application Clusters database environments. The topics in this chapter are:

Adding Nodes to a Cluster

This section explains how to dynamically add nodes to Real Application Clusters environments. The topics in this section are:

Overview of Procedures for Adding Nodes

The procedure for adding nodes to Real Application Clusters comprises two main steps:

The method for adding nodes at the clusterware layer is operating-system dependent as described in this chapter. For the second step, adding a node at the Oracle layer, the procedures in this chapter require using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) and the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). The procedures for the second step are generic and therefore apply to all platforms.

Adding a Node at the Clusterware Layer

On UNIX, unless you preconfigure your clusterware to accommodate additional nodes, you cannot dynamically add nodes. Therefore, you must stop the clusterware and reconfigure your clusterware to accommodate additional nodes. Then follow the procedures under the heading "Adding a Node at the Clusterware Layer on UNIX".


You can dynamically add nodes on some platforms without preconfiguring your clusterware.

On Windows NT and Windows 2000, Oracle supplies the cluster software or operating system-dependent (OSD) clusterware. This enables you to dynamically add nodes as described under the heading "Adding a Node at the Clusterware Layer on Windows NT and Windows 2000".

The topics in this section are:

Adding a Node at the Clusterware Layer on UNIX

You can take advantage of the scalability and high availability features of Real Application Clusters by adding new nodes to existing UNIX clusters that uses a Real Application Clusters database. As mentioned, you can add nodes without stopping your database if you have preconfigured your UNIX cluster to accommodate additional nodes.

Oracle Corporation recommends using the following procedures to add new nodes to existing Real Application Clusters in UNIX environments. These procedures assume that there is already a UNIX cluster running your Real Application Clusters database.

To prepare the new node, ensure that it is an exact clone of the existing nodes in terms of vendor operating system, clusterware software, and so on. Then perform the following tasks in the order shown to add a node at the clusterware layer on UNIX:

  1. Connect Node to Cluster
  2. Install Vendor Cluster Software
  3. Create Raw Devices (Optional)

Connect Node to Cluster

Connect the new node's hardware to the existing cluster. This includes electrical connections, network interconnects, shared disk subsystem connections, and so on. Refer to your hardware vendor documentation for details on this step.

Install Vendor Cluster Software

Install the cluster software by referring to your vendor's installation procedures. Also use your vendor documentation for procedures to make the new node an active member of your cluster.

Create Raw Devices (Optional)

If your platform supports a cluster file system and you not are using raw devices for your cluster database, then you do not need to create raw devices as described in this section. Proceed to "Adding a Node at the Oracle Layer".

As part of the preinstallation steps before installing the Real Application Clusters software on the new node, create at least two new disk volumes to accommodate the redo logs for the new instance. Refer to Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration for the requirements for these redo logs and the preinstallation steps.

Make the disk volumes for the redo logs the same size as the redo log volumes that you configured for your existing nodes' instances. Refer to your vendor documentation for procedures on creating disk volumes and raw devices.

If the cluster database to which you want to add a new node and instance uses automatic undo management, then create an additional raw volume for the new undo tablespace for the new instance. After completing this step, proceed to "Adding a Node at the Oracle Layer" to add the node at the Oracle layer.

See Also:

Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration for more information about creating raw devices

Adding a Node at the Clusterware Layer on Windows NT and Windows 2000

You can take advantage of the scalability and high availability features of Real Application Clusters by dynamically adding new nodes to an existing Windows cluster that uses a Real Application Clusters database.

Oracle Corporation recommends using the following procedures to add a node in Windows environments. These procedures assume that there is already a Windows cluster running your Real Application Clusters database and that the new node uses the same operating system that is running on the existing nodes of your cluster. For example, you should have installed Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 on all the nodes in your cluster.

Perform the following tasks in the order shown to add a new node at the clusterware layer on Windows NT and Windows 2000:

  1. Connect Node to Cluster
  2. Install Cluster Software
  3. Create Disk Partitions
  4. Create Links to Disk Partitions

Connect Node to Cluster

Connect the new node's hardware to the existing cluster. This includes electrical connections, network interconnects, shared disk subsystem connections, and so on. Refer to your hardware vendor documentation for details on this step.

Install Cluster Software

If you are using your operating system vendor supplied clusterware on the existing nodes, also install this vendor software on the new node using your vendor's installation procedures.

However, if you are using Oracle Corporation's reference clusterware/operating system-dependent software on the existing nodes of your cluster, you must also install these Oracle OSD clusterware on the new node using the Cluster Setup Wizard. To do this, perform the following steps from one of the existing nodes before running the wizard:

  1. If you use the Virtual Interface Architecture (VIA) interconnect on the existing cluster, make sure that VIA interconnect is also installed on the new node.
  2. If you have a private interconnect network on the existing cluster, make sure that the private interconnect network is also installed on the new node.
  3. If you are using a cluster file system, then skip this step: Determine the disk drive on which the cluster software was installed on the existing nodes. Make sure that you have at least 2MB of free space on the same drive on the new node to install the OSD clusterware and the Object Link Manager.
  4. Make sure that you can execute the following from each of the existing nodes of your cluster:
    NET USE \\host_name\C$

Where the host_name is the public network name of the new node. You have administrative privileges on each node if the operating system responds with:

Command completed successfully. 

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