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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides   
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide   

Creating a Dynamic (Shared) Disk Group

In the VEA GUI, use the New Dynamic Disk Group procedure on the CVM master node to create a dynamic disk group. Click the Cluster Nodes icon to find which cluster node is the master. Disks must be placed in dynamic disk groups before they can be used by CVM. The default disk group (rootdg) is usually created during VxVM installation and always exists on a system running VxVM. You can create additional dynamic disk groups to organize disks into logical sets. You cannot make rootdg a shared disk group.

When you place a disk under VxVM control, the disk is initialized. Initialization destroys any existing data on the disk.

  To create a new dynamic disk group

  1. Select the Disk Groups folder, or select a disk.
  2. Select Actions > New Dynamic Disk Group. The New Dynamic Disk Group wizard screen appears.
  3. Click Next to continue. A new screen appears.
  4. Enter a name for the dynamic disk group.
  5. Check the Create Cluster Group checkbox.
  6. Select Activation Mode and choose the mode from the displayed submenu.
    Click OK.
  7. Select the shared disks you want to include in the group. Make sure the disks you want to include are in the right pane of the window, then click Next.
  8. The next screen confirms the disks you have selected. Choose Yes to continue if the the disk selection is correct. If you want to change your selected disks, click the No button to go back to the previous screen.

    Typically you add all the disks you want in the group at this point. You can add more disks later with the Add Disk to Dynamic Disk Group command.

  9. The next screen displays the specifications. Click Finish to create the shared disk group.

    The New Dynamic Disk Group task requires a dynamic disk group name, the name of at least one disk, and must be done on the CVM master node.

    The dynamic disk group name must be unique.

    The new dynamic disk group must contain at least one disk.

    Only disks that are online and do not belong to a dynamic disk group can be used to create a dynamic disk group.

    The Volume Manager disk name must be unique within the dynamic disk group.

    If multiple disks are specified in the Disk Device(s) field and only one disk name is specified in Disk Name(s) field, VxVM appends numbers to the disk name so that each disk name is unique within its dynamic disk group.

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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides  
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation