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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   

Script Entry Point Syntax

The following paragraphs describe the syntax for script entry points.


monitor resource_name  ArgList_attribute_values

A script entry point combines the status and the confidence level in the exit value. For example:

  • 100 indicates offline.
  • 101 indicates online and confidence level 10.
  • 102–109 indicates online and confidence levels 20–90.
  • 110 indicates online and confidence level 100.

If the exit value falls outside the range 100–110, the status is considered unknown. For example, if the exit value equals 99, the status of the resource is considered UNKNOWN.


online resource_name  ArgList_attribute_values

The exit value is interpreted as the expected time (in seconds) for the online procedure to be effective. The exit value is typically 0.


offline resource_name  ArgList_attribute_values

The exit value is interpreted as the expected time (in seconds) for the offline procedure to be effective. The exit value is typically 0.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation