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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide   

Installing VCS Software Manually

On each system in the cluster, do the following steps to install VCS software.

  1. Log in as root user on the system where VCS is to be installed.
  2. Create a directory for installation:
      # mkdir /tmp/install
  3. Insert the software disc into a drive connected to the system.
  4. Change directory to the mount point, for example:
      # cd /cdrom
  5. Copy the compressed package files from the software disc to the temporary directory and list them:
      # cp -r depot/* /tmp/install
      # ls /tmp/install
    VRTSalloc/    VRTSdbdoc/    VRTSob/       VRTSvcsmn/    VRTSvrw/
    VRTSap/       VRTSdbed/     VRTSobgui/    VRTSvcsor/    VRTSvxfen/
    VRTSasld/     VRTSddlpr/    VRTSodm/      VRTSvcsvr/    VRTSvxfs/
    VRTSat/       VRTSfsdoc/    VRTSorgui/    VRTSvcsw/     VRTSvxmsa/
    VRTScpi/      VRTSfsman/    VRTSperl/     VRTSvlic/     VRTSvxvm/
    VRTScscm/     VRTSfspro/    VRTStep/      VRTSvmdev/    VRTSweb/
    VRTScscw/     VRTSgab/      VRTSvcs/      VRTSvmdoc/
    VRTScsocw/    VRTSjre/      VRTSvcsag/    VRTSvmpro/
    VRTScssim/    VRTSllt/      VRTSvcsdc/    VRTSvrdev/
    VRTScutil/    VRTSmualc/    VRTSvcsmg/    VRTSvrmcsg/

Installing the Infrastructure Packages

The packages collectively known as infrastructure packages are non-VCS packages that are required for VCS installation.

  1. Change to the temporary directory:
      # cd /tmp/install
  2. Install the infrastructure packages using swinstall (note that VRTScpi was not compressed) in the following order:
      # swinstall -s 'pwd' VRTScpi
      # swinstall -s 'pwd' VRTSvlic
      # swinstall -s 'pwd' VRTSperl 
      # swinstall -s 'pwd' VRTSob
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation