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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide   

Verifying LLT and GAB Configuration Files

The following files are required by the VCS communication services, LLT (Low Latency Transport) and GAB (Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast).


The file llthosts(4) is a database, containing one entry per system, that links the LLT system ID (in the first column) with the LLT host name. This file is identical on each system in the cluster.

For example, the file /etc/llthosts contains entries that resemble:

0  north
1  south


The file llttab(1M) contains information that is derived during installation and used by the utility lltconfig(1M). After installation, this file lists the private network links that correspond to the specific system.

For example, the file /etc/llttab contains entries that resemble:

set-node north
set-cluster 2
link lan1 /dev/lan:1 - ether - -
link lan2 /dev/lan:2 - ether - -

The first line identifies the system. The second line identifies the cluster (that is, the cluster ID you entered during installation). The next two lines, beginning with the link command, identify the two network cards used by the LLT protocol.

Refer to the llttab(4) manual page for details about how the LLT configuration may be modified. The manual page describes the ordering of the directives in the llttab file.


After installation, the file /etc/gabtab contains a gabconfig(1) command that configures the GAB driver for use.

The file /etc/gabtab contains a line that resembles:

/sbin/gabconfig -c -nN

where the -c option configures the driver for use and -nN specifies that the cluster is not formed until at least N systems are ready to form the cluster. By default, N is the number of systems in the cluster.

Note   Note    The use of the -c -x option for /sbin/gabconfig is not recommended. The Gigabit Ethernet controller does not support the use of -c -x.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation