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Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Stopping VCS

The hastop command stops HAD and related processes. This command includes the following options:

hastop -all [-force]
hastop [-help]
hastop -local [-force | -evacuate | -noautodisable]
hastop -local [-force | -evacuate -noautodisable]
hastop -sys system ...  [-force | -evacuate | -noautodisable]
hastop -sys system ...  [-force | -evacuate -noautodisable]

The option -all stops HAD on all systems in the cluster and takes all service groups offline.

The option -help displays command usage.

The option -local stops HAD on the system on which you typed the command.

The option -force allows HAD to be stopped without taking service groups offline on the system.

The option -evacuate, when combined with -local or -sys, migrates the system's active service groups to another system in the cluster, before the system is stopped.

The option -noautodisable ensures that service groups that can run on the node where the hastop command was issued are not autodisabled. This option can be used with -evacuate but not with -force.

The option -sys stops HAD on the system you specified.

Stopping VCS Without -force Option

When VCS is stopped on a system without using the -force option to hastop, it enters the LEAVING state, and waits for all groups to go offline on the system. Use the output of the command hasys -display system to verify that the values of the SysState and the OnGrpCnt attributes are non-zero. VCS continues to wait for the service groups to go offline before it shuts down. See Troubleshooting Resources for more information.

Stopping VCS with Options Other Than -force

When VCS is stopped by options other than -force on a system with online service groups, the groups running on the system are taken offline and remain offline. This is indicated by VCS setting the attribute IntentOnline to 0. Using the option -force enables service groups to continue running while HAD is brought down and restarted (IntentOnline remains unchanged).

Additional Considerations for Stopping VCS

  • If using the command reboot, behavior is controlled by the ShutdownTimeOut parameter. After HAD exits, if GAB exits within the time designated in the ShutdownTimeout attribute, the remaining systems recognize this as a reboot and fail over service groups from the departed system. For systems running several applications, consider increasing the value in the ShutdownTimeout attribute.
  • Stopping VCS on a system autodisables each service group that include the system in their SystemList attribute. (This does not apply to systems that are powered off.)
  • If you use the -evacuate option, evacuation occurs before VCS is brought down.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation