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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Users

    Checkmark  The VCS configuration must be in read/write mode.

    Checkmark  You can add, modify, and delete users on any system in the cluster.

    Note   Note    You must add users to the VCS configuration to monitor and administer VCS from the graphical user interface Cluster Manager.

User Management in Secure Mode

    Checkmark  If VCS is running in secure mode, you can add system or domain users to VCS and assign them VCS privileges. By default, VCS assigns Guest privileges to native users. You must specify fully-qualified user names, in the format username@domain.

    Checkmark  You cannot assign or change passwords for users when VCS is running in secure mode.

Setting the Configuration to Read/Write

The commands to add, modify, and delete a user must be executed only as root, and only if the VCS configuration is in read/write mode.

To set the mode to read/write, type the following command from any system in the cluster:

haconf -makerw

This command also designates the configuration stale by creating the default file $VCS_CONF/conf/config/.stale on all systems running VCS.

Setting the Configuration to Read-Only

When you have completed adding, modifying, and deleting users, reset the configuration to read-only:

haconf -dump -makero

In addition to setting the configuration to read-only, this command writes, or "dumps," the configuration to disk and removes the configuration's designation of stale.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation