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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide   


Indicates the number of consecutive monitor failures to be treated as a resource fault. A monitor attempt is considered a failure if it does not complete within the time specified by the MonitorTimeout attribute. When a monitor fails as many times as the value specified by this attribute, the corresponding resource is brought down by calling the clean entry point. The resource is then marked FAULTED, or it is restarted, depending on the value set in the Restart Limit attribute.

When FaultOnMonitorTimeouts is set to 0, monitor failures are not considered indicative of a resource fault. Default is 4. The FaultOnMonitorTimeouts attribute value can be overridden.

Note   Note    This attribute applies only to online resources. If a resource is offline, no special action is taken during monitor failures.


A "fire drill" refers to the process of bringing up a database or application on a secondary or standby system for the purpose of doing some processing on the secondary data, or to verify that the application is capable of onlining on the secondary in case of a primary fault. The FireDrill attribute specifies whether a resource type has fire drill enabled or not. A value of 1 for the FireDrill attribute indicates a fire drill is enabled. A value of 0 indicates a fire drill is not enabled. The default is 0.

Refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for details of how to set up and implement a fire drill.

The FireDrill attribute cannot be overridden.


Specifies the interval, in seconds, between successive invocations of the info entry point for a given resource. The default value of the InfoInterval attribute is 0, which specifies that the agent framework is not to schedule the info entry point periodically; the entry point can be invoked, however, by the user from the command line. The InfoInterval attribute value can be overridden.


A scalar integer specifying the time the agent framework is to allow for completion of the info entry point. The InfoTimeout attribute value can be overridden. The default is 30 seconds.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Agent Developer's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation