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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

System Connectivity View

The System Connectivity View displays the status of system connections in a cluster. Use this view to monitor the system links and disk group heartbeats.

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

VCS monitors systems and their services over a private network. The systems communicate via heartbeats over an additional private network, which enables them to recognize which systems are active members of the cluster, which are joining or leaving the cluster, and which have failed.

VCS protects against network failure by requiring that all systems be connected by two or more communication channels. When a system is down to a single heartbeat connection, VCS can no longer discriminate between the loss of a system and the loss of a network connection. This situation is referred to as jeopardy.

Point to a system icon to display a ScreenTip on the links and disk group heartbeats. If a system in the cluster is experiencing a problem connecting to other systems, the system icon changes its appearance to indicate the link or disk heartbeat is down. In this situation, a jeopardy warning may appear in the ScreenTip for this system.

  To access the System Connectivity View

  1. From Cluster Explorer, click a cluster in the configuration tree.
  2. In the view panel, click the System Connectivity tab.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation