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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Linking Service Groups

  To link a service group from Cluster Explorer

  1. Click a cluster in the configuration tree.
  2. In the view panel, click the Service Groups tab. This opens the service group dependency graph. To link a parent group with a child group:
    1. Click Link.
    2. Click the parent group.
    3. Move the mouse toward the child group. The yellow line "snaps" to the child group. If necessary, press Esc on the keyboard to delete the line between the parent and the pointer before it snaps to the child.
    4. Click the child group.
    5. In the Link Service Groups dialog box, click the group relationship and dependency type. See Categories of Service Group Dependencies for details on group dependencies.
    6. Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

    7. Click OK or perform steps 1 and 2, right-click the parent group, and click Link from the menu.
    8. Click the child group, relationship, and dependency type. See Categories of Service Group Dependencies for details on group dependencies.
    9. Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

    10. Click OK.

  To link a service group from Command Center

  1. In the Command Center configuration tree, expand Commands>Configuration>Dependencies>Link Service Groups.
  2. Click the parent resource group in the Service Groups box. After selecting the parent group, the potential groups that can serve as child groups are displayed in the Child Service Groups box.
  3. Click a child service group.
  4. Click the group relationship and dependency type. See Chapter 13 for details on group dependencies.
  5. Click Apply.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation