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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide   

Changing Minor Numbers

To change the minor numbers so that they are the same on all systems, do the following:

  1. On each system, identify the hardware path of the SCSI card to which the shared disk is attached. The hardware path for a SCSI device is in the format:

    For example, if a SCSI disk (scsi 9, lun 0) is connected on IO Adapter 8, card#8, then the complete hardware path for the SCSI disk is: 8/8.9.0. The hardware path for the SCSI card (on which a disk of an array is connected) is: 8/8.

    You should be able to identify the shared disk device in the ioscan -fnC disk output based on how it is physically connected. For example, on System A:

      # ioscan -fnC disk
      Class I  H/W Path     Driver  S/W State   H/W Type  Description
      disk  0  8/8.9.0      sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE    SEAGATE 
                   /dev/dsk/c0t6d0  /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0
      disk  1  10/12/5.2.0  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE    TOSHIBA
                   /dev/dsk/c1t2d0  /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0
  2. Identify the largest ICIN in use among all devices on each system by running the command ioscan -fnC ext_bus. For example, on System A, the largest ICIN number listed under the heading "I" is 3:
      # ioscan -fnC ext_bus
      Class     I  H/W Path  Driver      S/W State H/W Type  Description 
      ext_bus   0  8/4       c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE GSC add-on 
      Fast/Wide SCSI Interface
      ext_bus   1  8/8       c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE GSC add-on
      Fast/Wide SCSI Interface
      ext_bus   3  8/16/0    CentIf      CLAIMED   INTERFACE Built-in  
      Parallel Interface
      ext_bus   2  8/16/5    c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE Built-in SCSI

    On System B, the largest ICIN number is 4:

      # ioscan -fnC ext_bus
      Class     I  H/W Path  Driver      S/W State H/W Type  Description
      ext_bus   0  8/4       c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE GSC add-on
      Fast/Wide SCSI Interface
      ext_bus   1  8/6       c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE GSC add-on
      Fast/Wide SCSI Interface
      ext_bus   2  8/8       c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE GSC add-on
      Fast/Wide SCSI Interface
      ext_bus   4  8/16/0    CentIf      CLAIMED   INTERFACE Built-in
      Parallel Interface
      ext_bus   3  8/16/5    c720        CLAIMED   INTERFACE Built-in SCSI
  3. Choose a unique ICIN number. Since the highest ICIN assigned on System A is 3, and the highest assigned ICIN on System B is 4, an acceptable unique ICIN is 5, one greater than 4, the current maximum.
  4. On each system, create an ASCII "mapfile" with the following format:
      h/w path                class-of-device                 new ICIN

    Continuing the example above, the mapfile on System A should resemble:

      8/8                     ext_bus                         5

    And on System B, the file should resemble:

      8/8                     ext_bus                         5

    The class-of-device and new ICIN should be same for all systems as required for NFS failover to work correctly. However, since hardware path is system-specific, it may vary for each system.

  5. On each system, run the command:
      # ioinit -f mapfile -r
  6. Reboot the systems.
  7. When the systems come up, run the command:
      # insf -e
  8. Now the minor number for the shared device is the same on all systems and NFS failover is allowed.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation