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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Monitoring Aggregate Events

This section describes how you can detect aggregate events by monitoring individual notifications.

Detecting Service Group Failover

VCS does not send any explicit traps when a failover occurs in response to a service group fault. When a service group faults, VCS generates the following notifications if the AutoFailOver attribute for the service group is set to 1:

  • Service Group Fault for the node on which the service group was online and faulted
  • Service Group Offline for the node on which the service group faulted
  • Service Group Online for the node to which the service group failed over.

Detecting Service Group Switch

When a service group is switched, VCS sends notification to indicate the following events:

  • Service group is being switched
  • Service Group Offline for the node from which the service group is switched
  • Service Group Online for the node to which the service group was switched. This notification is sent after VCS completes the service group switch operation.

  • Note   Note    You must configure appropriate severity for the notifier to receive these notifications. Specifically, to receive the notifications described above, the minimum acceptable severity level is Information.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation