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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Setting Up a Campus Cluster Configuration

This section provides an overview of the steps involved in setting up a campus cluster.


    Checkmark  Verify VERITAS Volume Manager 4.1 is installed with the FMR license.

    Checkmark  You must have a single VCS cluster with at least one node in each of two sites, where the sites are separated by a physical distance of no more than 80 kilometers. they must share data and have a private heartbeat network.

    Checkmark  All volumes that have data required by the application must be evenly mirrored. Each site must have at least one plex of all volumes hosting application data, including the FMR Log volume.

    Checkmark  VERITAS recommends that you disable the Volume Manager Relocation Daemon to prevent plex relocation when the remote site suffers an outage.

    Checkmark  VERITAS recommends that you distinguish the physical location of each disk either by controller number or enclosure name. For example, controller 2 manages local devices and controller 3 manages remote devices. Differentiation by controller number avoids the need to scan all disks; differentiation by enclosure might help in disk placement.


  1. Set up the physical infrastructure. Verify each node is has access to the local storage arrays and to remote storage arrays.
  2. Install Volume Manager and VCS on the cluster nodes.
  3. Create a cluster disk group with disks from both sites.
  4. Create one or more mirrored volumes in the disk group; do not create a mirror between two disks at the same physical location, such as in the same array.
  5. Verify the disk group can be manually deported and imported on each node in the cluster.
  6. Configure the disk group in VCS.
  7. Configure the application and other related resources.
  8. Add a resource of type CampusCluster to the service group. Create resource dependencies such that the DiskGroup resource depends on the CampusCluster resource.
  9. Configure the CampusCluster resource.

    Set the DiskGroup attribute to the same name as the DiskGroup attribute of the resource which depends on it.

    If different controllers connect to the different sites, localize the RemoteCtlr attribute and set the attribute to the name of the controller that manages the remote disks from the point of view of the host. For instance, if controller c2 is connected to remote disks from standpoint of host vcs_a, then

      # hares -local campus RemoteCtlr
      # hares -modify campus RemoteCtlr c2 -sys vcs_a
  10. Bring the service group online.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation