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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide   


These agents always work together in pairs: IP and NIC, IPMultiNIC and MultiNICA, and IPMultiNICB and MultiNICB.

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IP and NIC Agents

  • Monitor a single NIC

IPMultiNIC and MultiNICA Agents

  • Monitor multiple NICs
  • Check backup NICs at fail over
  • Use the original base IP address when failing over to the backup NIC
  • Provide slower failover compared to MultiNICB but can function with fewer IP addresses
  • Only one active NIC at a time

IPMultiNICB and MultiNICB Agents

  • Monitor single or multiple NICs
  • Check the backup NICs as soon as it comes up
  • Require a pre-assigned base IP address for each NIC
  • Cannot transfer the original base IP address
  • Provide faster failover compared to MultiNICA but requires more IP addresses
  • Have more than one active NIC at a time

Defining IP Addresses

Here are some of terms used to describe IP addresses this guide:

Logical---any IP address assigned to a NIC.

Administrative---The operating system controls these IP addresses and brings them up even before VCS brings applications online. Use them to access a specific system over the network for doing administrative tasks, for example: examining logs to troubleshoot issues, cleaning up temp files to free space, etc. Typically, you have one administrative IP address per node.

Base---The first logical IP address, can be used as an administrative IP address.

Floating and virtual---IP addresses that can move from one NIC to another or from one node to another. VCS fails over these IP address with your application.

Test---IP addresses to help determine the state of a link by sending out a ping probe to another NIC (on another system.) Requires a return ping to complete the test. Test IP addresses can be the same as base IP addresses.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation