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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide   

Share Agent

Shares, unshares, and monitors a single local resource for exporting an NFS file system to be mounted by remote systems.

Entry Points

  • Online---Shares an NFS file system.
  • Offline---Unshares an NFS file system.
  • Monitor---Reads /etc/xtab file and looks for an entry for the file system specified by PathName. If the entry exists, monitor returns ONLINE.

State Definitions

  • ONLINE---Indicates that specified directory is exported to the client.
  • OFFLINE---Indicates that the specified directory is not exported to the client.
  • UNKNOWN---Indicates that the agent could not determine the state of the resource or that the resource attributes are invalid.

Type Definition

type Share (
        static str ArgList[] = { PathName, Options }
        static int NumThreads = 1
        str PathName
        str Options

Required Attribute

Required Attribute Description, Type and Dimension, Default, and Example


Pathname of the file system to be shared.

Optional Attribute

Optional Attribute Description, Type and Dimension, Default, and Example


Options for the share command.

Sample Configuration

Share nfsshare1x (
 PathName = "/share1x"
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Bundled Agents Reference Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation