Setting the noautoimport Flag for a Disk Group
VCS requires that the noautoimport flag of an imported disk group be explicitly set to true. This enables VCS to control the importation and deportation of disk groups as needed when bringing disk groups online and taking them offline.
If you enable a disk group configured as a DiskGroup resource that does not have the noautoimport flag set to true, VCS changes the noautoimport flag to true. VxVM provides this new option from version 4.1.
To check the status of the noautoimport flag for an imported disk group, type:
# vxprint -l disk_group | grep noautoimport
The following command changes the autoimport flag to false:
# vxdg -g disk_group set autoimport=no
Info Entry Point
The following steps are necessary to initiate the info entry point by setting the InfoInterval timing to a value greater than 0. For example,
# haconf -makerw
# hatype -modify DiskGroup InfoInterval 60
In this case, the info entry point will get executed every 60 seconds. The command to retrieve information about the DiskType and FreeSize of the DiskGroup resource is:
# hares -value diskgroupres ResourceInfo
Output will include the following information:
DiskType sliced
FreeSize 35354136