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Product: File System Guides   
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Extent Attributes

VxFS allocates disk space to files in groups of one or more extents. VxFS also allows applications to control some aspects of the extent allocation. Extent attributes are the extent allocation policies associated with a file.

The setext and getext commands allow the administrator to set or view extent attributes associated with a file, as well as to preallocate space for a file. Refer to Extent Attributes, Application Interface, and the setext(1M) and getext(1M) manual pages for discussions on how to use extent attributes.

The vxtunefs command allows the administrator to set or view the default indirect data extent size. Refer to VxFS Performance: Creating, Mounting, and Tuning File Systems and the vxtunefs(1M) manual page for discussions on how to use the indirect data extent size feature.

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Product: File System Guides  
Manual: File System 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation