- access paths
- cluster join, 8-6
- cluster scans, 1-35
- composite index, 8-8
- defined, 1-22
- execution plans, 1-18
- hash cluster key, 8-7
- hash scans, 1-36
- index scans, 1-28
- indexed cluster key, 8-7
- single row by cluster join, 8-4
- single row by hash cluster key (with unique key), 8-5
- single row by rowid, 8-4
- single row by unique or primary key, 8-6
- ALL operator, 2-23
- optimizer mode parameter, 1-7
- ALL_ROWS hint, 1-8, 5-7
- allocation
- of memory, 14-2
- ALTER INDEX statement, 4-7
- ALTER SESSION statement
- examples, 10-5
- ALTER SYSTEM statement
- DISPATCHERS initialization parameter, 19-4
- ANALYZE statement, 1-8, 22-22
- creating histograms, 3-22
- AND_EQUAL hint, 4-6, 5-17
- anti-joins, 1-43
- transformations not allowed, 1-44
- ANY operator, 2-22
- APPEND hint, 5-34
- tuning, 11-9
- applications
- data warehousing and star queries, 1-44
- ApplReg event, 12-15
- array interface, 23-13
- tuning, 11-10
- automatic segment-space management, 15-22, 22-28
- automatic undo management, 18-2
- settings, 11-2
- system variable, 11-2
- autotrace
- SQL*Plus, 11-1
- BEGIN_SNAP variable, 21-12
- BETWEEN comparison operator, 2-24
- binary files
- formatting using Oracle Trace, 12-3
- bind variables, 14-22
- optimization, 1-38
- BITMAP CONVERSION row source, 4-18
- bitmap indexes, 4-12, 4-17
- compared with B-tree indexes, 4-13
- inlist iterator, 9-19
- maintenance, 4-14
- on index-organized tables, 4-16
- on joins, 4-19
- when to use, 4-12
- BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter, 4-14, 4-17
- bitmaps
- mapping to rowids, 4-16
- block sampling, 3-4
- bottlenecks
- disk I/O, 15-3
- memory, 14-2
- resource, 22-26
- broadcast
- distribution value, 9-26
- B-tree indexes, 4-15, 4-18
- buffer busy wait events, 22-27
- actions, 22-28
- buffer caches
- reducing buffers, 14-12, 14-35
- buffer pools
- default cache, 14-14
- KEEP cache, 14-14
- multiple, 14-13
- RECYCLE cache, 14-14
- BYTES column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- CACHE hint, 5-35
- caching tables
- automatic caching of small tables, 5-35
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- cartesian joins, 1-50
- CATALOG.SQL script, 13-5
- CATPROC.SQL script, 13-5
- chained rows, 22-21
- CHAR datatype, 13-3
- character sets
- database options, 13-3
- checkpoints
- choosing checkpoint frequency, 17-3
- optimizer mode parameter, 1-7
- CHOOSE hint, 1-8, 5-9
- CLEAR TIMING command
- SQL*Plus, 11-7
- client/server applications, 16-12
- CLUSTER hint, 5-11
- clusters, 4-20
- hash and scans of, 1-36
- joins and, 8-4, 8-6
- scans of, 1-35, 8-4
- scans of hash, 8-5, 8-7
- scans of index, 8-7
- scans of joins, 8-6
- collections, 12-8
- columns
- pseudocolumn ROWNUM, 2-36, 2-45
- ROWNUM pseudocolumn, 8-15
- selectivity, 3-2
- selectivity estimates and histograms, 3-20
- to index, 4-3
- command files
- registering, 11-9
- complex view merging, 2-37
- composite indexes, 4-4
- composite partitioning
- examples of, 9-14
- CONNECT BY clause
- optimizing view queries, 2-36
- Connection event, 12-15
- connection manager, 23-14
- connection pooling, 19-4
- consistency
- read, 22-20
- consistent gets statistic, 14-9, 18-3
- consistent mode
- TKPROF, 10-13
- constants
- comparisons and, 2-19
- evaluation of expressions, 2-19
- when computed, 2-19
- constraints, 4-8
- contention
- disk, 15-3
- memory, 14-2, 22-1
- tuning, 22-1
- wait events, 22-41
- context switches, 16-13
- CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter, 13-13
- cost
- optimizer calculation, 1-10
- COST column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- cost-based optimizations, 1-10
- extensible optimization, 1-61
- histograms, 3-20
- procedures for plan stability, 7-12
- selectivity of predicates, 3-2
- selectivity of predicates and histograms, 3-20
- selectivity of predicates for user-defined, 1-62
- star queries, 1-44
- statistics, 3-2
- statistics and user-defined, 1-62
- upgrading to, 7-14
- user-defined costs, 1-63
- counter/accumulator views, 24-2
- CPU_COUNT initialization parameter, 17-19
- CPUs
- utilization, 16-11
- CREATE DATABASE statement, 13-3
- CREATE INDEX statement
- example, 14-71
- NOSORT clause, 14-71
- PARALLEL clause, 13-11
- CREATE OUTLINE statement, 7-5
- CREATE_BITMAP_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter, 4-14, 4-17
- creating databases, 13-2
- manually, 13-2
- parameters, 13-2
- with Installer, 13-2
- cross-facility 3 event, 12-18
- cross-product items
- See also cross-facility 3 event
- current mode
- TKPROF, 10-13
- current state views, 24-2
- CURSOR_NUM column
- TKPROF_TABLE table, 10-19
- CURSOR_SHARING initialization parameter, 1-58, 14-24, 14-44
- CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME initialization parameter
- setting, 14-39
- data cache, 16-2
- data dictionary, 14-34
- CATALOG.SQL scripts, 13-5
- CATPROC.SQL scripts, 13-5
- scripts, 13-5
- statistics in, 3-15
- views used in optimization, 3-15
- data indexing, 13-10
- data loading, 13-10
- Data Viewer
- collecting data for specific wait events, 12-35
- tips on using, 12-35
- data warehousing
- dimensions, 1-44
- star queries, 1-44
- Database Connection event, 12-2
- database options, 13-3
- Database Resource Manager, 16-6, 16-10, 22-8
- databases
- buffers, 14-12, 14-34
- character set options, 13-3
- creating, 13-2
- creating manually, 13-2
- creation parameters, 13-2
- creation with Installer, 13-2
- distributed statement optimization on, 2-13
- identifier (DBID), 21-3
- location of initial datafile, 13-4
- national character set options, 13-4
- optimization on distributed statement, 2-13
- SQL.BSQ file options, 13-4
- datatypes
- CHAR, 13-3
- NCHAR, 13-4
- NVARCHAR, 13-4
- NVARCHAR2, 13-4
- user-defined and statistics, 1-62
- VARCHAR, 13-3
- VARCHAR2, 13-3
- TKPROF_TABLE table, 10-19
- db block gets statistic, 14-9, 18-3
- DB file scattered read wait events, 22-29
- actions, 22-30
- DB file sequential read wait events
- actions, 22-32
- DB file sequential/scattered read wait events, 22-29, 22-31
- DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS initialization parameter, 14-12, 14-35
- DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter, 13-2, 13-14, 15-14
- DB_CACHE_ADVICE parameter, 14-12
- DB_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter, 13-14, 14-13
- DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter, 13-13
- initialization parameter, 1-24
- DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT initialization parameter, 1-58, 15-13, 15-14, 22-29
- cost-based optimization, 1-43
- initialization parameter, 14-17
- DB_NAME initialization parameter, 13-13
- DB_nK_CACHE_SIZE initialization parameter, 14-12
- initialization parameter, 14-18
- DB_WRITER_PROCESSES initialization parameter, 22-40
- DBA_OBJECTS view, 14-16
- database identifier, 21-3
- Statspack, 21-25
- DBMS_JOB procedure, 21-8
- DBMS_JOB.INTERVAL procedure, 21-9
- DBMS_OUTLN package, 7-4
- DBMS_OUTLN_EDIT package, 7-4
- DBMS_SHARED_POOL package, 14-42, 14-43
- DBMS_STATS package, 1-8, 3-5, 3-6
- creating histograms, 3-22
- default cache, 14-14
- DEFAULT_TABLESPACE variable, 21-6
- tuning, 11-10
- deleting
- data, 21-23
- snapshots, 21-23
- DEPTH column
- TKPROF_TABLE table, 10-19
- deterministic functions
- PL/SQL, 2-28
- dictionary managed tablespaces, 21-4
- dimensions
- star joins, 1-44
- star queries, 1-44
- direct path read events, 22-33
- actions, 22-34
- causes, 22-34
- direct path wait events, 22-35
- direct path write events
- actions, 22-35
- causes, 22-35
- direct-path INSERT, 5-34
- disabled constraints, 4-8
- Disconnect event, 12-15
- disk reads and buffer gets
- monitoring, 11-9
- disks
- contention, 15-3
- monitoring operating system file activity, 22-8
- dispatcher processes, 19-4
- DISPATCHERS initialization parameter, 19-4, 23-3
- DISTINCT operator
- optimizing views, 2-37
- distributed databases
- statement optimization on, 2-13
- distributed transactions
- optimizing, 2-13
- sample table scan not supported, 1-36
- distribution
- hints for, 5-31
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-25
- DML locks, 24-18
- domain indexes
- and EXPLAIN PLAN, 9-20
- extensible optimization, 1-61
- user-defined statistics, 1-62
- using, 4-19
- DRIVING_SITE hint, 5-27
- duration events
- in Oracle Trace, 12-2, 12-15
- dynamic performance views, 24-2
- DYNAMIC_SAMPLING hint, xxxii, 5-39
- enabled constraints, 4-8
- END_SNAP variable, 21-12
- enforced constraints, 4-8
- enqueue wait events
- actions, 22-37
- EPC_ERROR.LOG file, 12-37
- equijoins, 6-10
- ErrorStack event, 12-15
- event timings, 21-21
- examples
- ALTER SESSION statement, 10-5
- concurrently creating tablespaces, 13-7
- CREATE DATABASE script, 13-4
- CREATE INDEX statement, 14-71
- creating indexes efficiently, 13-12
- executing required data dictionary scripts, 13-5
- execution plan, 8-18
- EXPLAIN PLAN output, 8-18, 10-16
- full table scan, 8-19
- indexed query, 8-19
- minimal initialization file, 13-14
- NOSORT clause, 14-71
- SET TRANSACTION statement, 18-3
- SQL trace facility output, 10-16
- V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE view, 24-5
- V$FILESTAT view, 24-8
- V$LATCH view, 24-11
- V$LATCH_CHILDREN view, 24-13
- V$LATCHHOLDER view, 24-14
- V$LIBRARYCACHE view, 24-16
- V$LOCK view, 24-20
- V$OPEN_CURSOR view, 24-23, 24-24
- V$PROCESS view, 24-27
- V$ROLLSTAT view, 24-29
- V$SESSION view, 24-35
- V$SESSION_EVENT view, 24-37
- V$SESSION_WAIT view, 24-39
- V$SQLAREA view, 24-58, 24-59
- V$SQLTEXT view, 24-60
- Execute event, 12-15
- execution plans
- accessing views, 2-39, 2-42, 2-43
- comparing with PLAN_HASH_VALUE, 24-45
- complex statements, 2-34
- compound queries, 2-48, 2-49, 2-50
- examples, 2-34, 8-18, 10-7
- execution sequence of, 1-23
- joining views, 2-46
- joins, 1-40
- optimizer path, 11-3
- OR operators, 2-31, 8-18
- overview of, 1-18
- plan stability, 7-2
- preserving with plan stability, 7-2
- table output, 11-3
- TKPROF, 10-7, 10-11
- viewing with the utlxpls.sql script, 1-18
- EXPLAIN PLAN statement
- access paths, 1-36, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9, 8-10, 8-11, 8-12, 8-13, 8-14, 8-15
- and domain indexes, 9-20
- and full partition-wise joins, 9-17
- and partial partition-wise joins, 9-16
- and partitioned objects, 9-12
- basic steps, 1-19
- examples of output, 8-18, 10-16
- execution order of steps in output, 1-19
- invoking with the TKPROF program, 10-11
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-4
- restrictions, 9-22
- scripts for viewing output, 1-19
- viewing the output, 1-18
- Export utility
- copying statistics, 3-2
- exporting data, 21-22
- extensible optimization, 1-61
- user-defined costs, 1-63
- user-defined selectivity, 1-62
- user-defined statistics, 1-62
- FACT hint, 5-22
- fact tables
- star joins, 1-44
- star queries, 1-44
- fast full index scans, 1-34
- FAST_START_IO_TARGET initialization parameter, 17-4, 17-5
- FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter, 17-4, 17-5, 17-9, 17-12
- FAST_START_PARALLEL_ROLLBACK initialization parameter, 17-19
- FastCGI
- iSQL*Plus, 11-14
- fast-start checkpoints
- FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter, 17-6
- LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter, 17-7
- LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT initialization parameter, 17-7
- fast-start on-demand rollback, 17-18
- fast-start parallel rollback, 17-18
- features, new, xxxi
- Fetch event, 12-15
- optimizer mode parameter, 1-7
- FIRST_ROWS hint, 1-8
- FIRST_ROWS(n) hint, 1-8, 5-7
- optimizer mode parameter, 1-7
- tuning, 11-10
- FORCE_UNION_REWRITE hint, xxxii, 5-19
- FORMAT statement
- in Oracle Trace, 12-3
- formatter tables
- in Oracle Trace, 12-3
- free buffer wait events, 22-39
- FULL hint, 4-6, 5-10
- full outer joins, 1-54
- full partition-wise joins, 9-17
- full table scans, 8-14, 8-19, 22-34
- rule-based optimizer, 8-14
- function-based indexes, 4-10
- functions
- PL/SQL deterministic, 2-28
- SQL and optimizing view queries, 2-43
- user-defined and extensible optimization, 1-61
- in DBMS_STATS package, 3-6
- in DBMS_STATS package, 3-6
- in DBMS_STATS package, 3-6
- in DBMS_STATS package, 3-6
- GETMISSES column
- in V$ROWCACHE table, 14-34
- GETS column
- in V$ROWCACHE view, 14-34
- global hints, 5-44
- site profile, 11-3
- GROUP BY clause
- NOSORT clause, 14-72
- optimizing views, 2-37
- hash
- distribution value, 9-26
- hash clusters
- scans of, 1-36, 8-5, 8-7
- HASH hint, 5-12
- hash joins, 1-47
- index join, 1-35
- hash partitions, 9-12
- examples of, 9-12
- HASH_AJ hint, 1-43, 5-28
- HASH_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter, 1-58
- HASH_JOIN_ENABLED initialization parameter, 1-59
- HASH_SJ hint, 1-44, 5-28
- hashing, 4-21
- HIGH_VALUE statistics, 1-38
- hints, 5-2
- access paths, 5-9, 5-17
- ALL_ROWS hint, 5-7
- AND_EQUAL hint, 4-6, 5-17
- as used in outlines, 7-3
- CACHE hint, 5-35
- cannot override sample access path, 1-37
- CHOOSE hint, 5-9
- CLUSTER hint, 5-11
- degree of parallelism, 5-29
- extensible optimization, 1-62
- FACT hint, 5-22
- FIRST_ROWS hint, 5-7
- FIRST_ROWS(n) hint, 5-7
- FULL hint, 4-6, 5-10
- global, 5-44
- HASH hint, 5-12
- HASH_AJ hint, 5-28
- HASH_SJ hint, 5-28
- how to use, 5-2
- INDEX hint, 4-6, 5-12, 5-23
- INDEX_ASC hint, 5-14
- INDEX_DESC hint, 5-14, 5-15
- INDEX_FFS, 1-34
- INDEX_JOIN, 1-35
- join operations, 5-24
- LEADING hint, 5-27
- MERGE hint, 5-20
- MERGE_AJ and HASH_AJ, 1-43
- MERGE_AJ hint, 5-28
- MERGE_SJ and HASH_SJ, 1-44
- MERGE_SJ hint, 5-28
- NL_AJ hint, 5-28
- NL_SJ hint, 5-28
- NO_EXPAND hint, 5-18
- NO_FACT hint, 5-22
- NO_INDEX, 4-6
- NO_INDEX hint, 5-16
- NO_MERGE hint, 5-21
- NO_PUSH_PRED hint, 5-37
- NO_PUSH_SUBQ, 5-38
- NO_PUSH_SUBQ hint, 5-38
- NO_UNNEST hint, 5-37
- NOCACHE hint, 5-35
- NOPARALLEL hint, 5-30
- NOREWRITE hint, 5-20
- optimization approach and goal, 5-6
- ORDERED hint, 1-43, 5-23
- overriding optimizer choice, 1-37
- overriding OPTIMIZER_MODE, 1-8
- PARALLEL hint, 5-29
- parallel query option, 5-29
- PQ_DISTRIBUTE hint, 5-31
- PUSH_PRED hint, 5-37
- PUSH_SUBQ hint, 5-37
- REWRITE hint, 5-19
- ROWID hint, 5-11
- STAR hint, 5-23
- syntax, 5-3
- UNNEST hint, 5-36
- USE_CONCAT hint, 5-18
- USE_MERGE hint, 5-25
- USE_NL hint, 5-24
- histograms, 3-20
- number of buckets, 3-22
- HOLD_CURSOR clause, 14-27
- ID column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- idle timeout
- tuning, 11-14
- idle wait events, 22-49
- SQL*Net message from client, 22-26
- Import utility
- copying statistics, 3-2
- IN operator, 2-22
- merging views, 2-38
- IN subquery, 2-37
- INDEX hint, 4-6, 4-15, 5-12
- index joins, 1-35
- INDEX_ASC hint, 5-14
- INDEX_COMBINE hint, 4-6, 4-15
- INDEX_DESC hint, 5-14, 5-15
- INDEX_FFS hint, 1-34
- INDEX_JOIN hint, 1-35
- indexes
- avoiding the use of, 4-6
- bitmap, 4-12, 4-17
- choosing columns for, 4-3
- composite, 4-4, 8-8
- creating, 13-11
- domain, 4-19
- domain indexes and extensible optimization, 1-61
- domain indexes and user-defined statistics, 1-62
- dropping, 4-2
- enforcing uniqueness, 4-8
- ensuring the use of, 4-6
- example, 8-19
- function-based, 4-10
- improving selectivity, 4-4
- index joins, 1-35
- low selectivity, 4-6
- modifying values of, 4-4
- non-unique, 4-8
- optimization and, 2-30, 8-17
- placement on disk, 15-16
- rebuilding, 4-7
- re-creating, 4-7
- restrictions on scans of, 8-14
- scans of, 1-28
- scans of bounded range, 8-10
- scans of cluster key, 8-7
- scans of composite, 8-8
- scans of MAX or MIN, 8-13
- scans of ORDER BY, 8-13
- scans of single-column, 8-8
- scans of unbounded range, 8-11
- selectivity of, 4-3
- statement conversion and, 2-30, 8-17
- statistics gathering, 3-9
- indexing data, 13-10
- information views, 24-4
- initial database creation, 13-2
- initialization files, 13-2, 13-13
- initialization parameters
- CPU_COUNT, 17-19
- DB_BLOCK_SIZE, 13-2, 13-14
- DB_CACHE_SIZE, 13-14
- DB_DOMAIN, 13-13
- DB_NAME, 13-2, 13-13
- in Oracle Trace, 12-7
- INITRANS, 13-8
- OPTIMIZER_MODE, 1-6, 5-7, 8-2
- PROCESSES, 13-14
- SESSIONS, 13-14
- SORT_AREA_SIZE, 1-42, 13-12
- SQL_TRACE, 10-6
- INIT.ORA file
- ORACLE_TRACE_ENABLE parameter, 12-35
- INITRANS initialization parameter, 13-8
- IN-lists, 5-14, 5-18
- input parameters
- INPUT_IO item, 12-16
- INSERT statement
- append, 5-34
- instance configuration, 13-13
- instance numbers, 21-3
- Statspack, 21-25
- instrumentation
- of Oracle Server, 12-15
- INTERSECT operator
- example, 2-50
- optimizing view queries, 2-36
- intratransaction recovery, 17-19
- I/O
- and SQL statements, 22-31
- balancing, 15-4
- excessive I/O waits, 22-30
- objects causing I/O waits, 22-31
- reducing, 4-4
- iSQL*Plus
- FastCGI, 11-14
- idle timeout, 11-14
- interpreting statistics, 11-13
- iSQLPlusHashTableSize, 11-13
- iSQLPlusNumberOfThreads, 11-13
- iSQLPlusTimeOutInterval, 11-13
- parameters for tuning, 11-13
- server statistics report, 11-11
- statistics report, 11-11
- tuning statistics, 11-13
- isqlplus.conf file, 11-13
- iSQLPlusHashTableSize
- tuning, 11-13
- iSQLPlusNumberOfThreads
- impact on iSQLPlusHashTableSize, 11-13
- impact on request load, 11-13
- tuning, 11-13
- iSQLPlusTimeOutInterval
- tuning, 11-13
- items
- cross-product, 12-17
- standard resource utilization, 12-16
- types of, 12-16
- JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter, 13-14
- JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization parameter, 21-9
- joins
- anti-joins, 1-43
- cartesian, 1-50
- cluster, 8-4
- convert to subqueries, 2-33
- execution plans and, 1-40
- full outer, 1-54
- hash, 1-47
- index joins, 1-35
- join order and execution plans, 1-18
- join order and selectivity of predicates, 1-62, 3-2, 3-20
- nested loop, 1-45
- nested loops and cost-based optimization, 1-42
- optimization of, 8-16
- outer, 1-51
- outer and non-null values for nulls, 2-45
- parallel, and PQ_DISTRIBUTE hint, 5-31
- partition-wise
- examples of full, 9-17
- examples of partial, 9-16
- full, 9-17
- sample table scan not supported, 1-36
- searches on clusters, 8-6
- select-project-join views, 2-35
- semi-joins, 1-43
- sort merge, 1-49
- sort-merge and cost-based optimization, 1-42
- sort-merge example, 8-12
- star joins, 1-44
- star queries, 1-44
- KEEP cache, 14-14
- keys
- searches, 8-5
- LARGE_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter, 14-36
- latch free wait events
- actions, 22-42
- latches
- tuning, 24-12
- LEADING hint, 5-27
- level 7 snapshot
- Statspack, 21-18
- library cache
- memory allocation, 14-34
- LIKE operator, 2-22
- Lmode modes, 24-19
- load balancing, 15-4
- loading data, 13-10
- locally managed tablespaces, 21-4
- location of initial datafile
- database options, 13-4
- lock types
- common, 24-17
- ST (space transaction) locks, 24-18
- TM (DML) locks, 24-18
- TX (row transaction) locks, 24-18
- UL (user defined) locks, 24-19
- locking rows, 13-8
- locks and lock holders
- finding, 22-36
- log buffer tuning, 14-47
- log file switch wait events, 22-46
- log writer processes
- tuning, 15-18
- LOG_ARCHIVE_XXX initialization parameter, 13-14
- LOG_BUFFER initialization parameter, 14-47
- setting, 14-48
- LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL initialization parameter, 17-3
- recovery time, 17-7
- LOG_CHECKPOINT_TIMEOUT initialization parameter, 17-4
- recovery time, 17-7
- LOG_PARALLELISM initialization parameter, 17-8
- LogicalTX event, 12-15
- lookup tables
- star queries, 1-44
- LOW_VALUE statistics, 1-38
- aging policy, 14-13
- latch contention, 22-45
- manual database creation, 13-2
- max session memory statistic, 14-37
- MAX_DISPATCHERS initialization parameter, 19-4
- MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE initialization parameter
- SQL Trace, 10-4
- MAX_SHARED_SERVERS initialization parameter, 19-7
- MAXOPENCURSORS clause, 14-27
- MAXRS_SIZE item, 12-16
- mean time to recover, 17-4
- advisory, xxxv
- See also MTTR
- memory allocation
- importance, 14-2
- library cache, 14-34
- shared SQL areas, 14-34
- sort areas, 14-69
- tuning, 14-5
- MERGE hint, 5-20
- MERGE_AJ hint, 1-43, 5-28
- MERGE_SJ hint, 1-44, 5-28
- merging complex views, 2-37
- merging views into statements, 2-35
- migrated rows, 22-21
- Migration event, 12-15
- MINUS operator
- optimizing view queries, 2-36
- mirroring
- redo logs, 15-19
- modes
- Lmode, 24-19
- request, 24-19
- monitoring
- disk reads and buffer gets, 11-9
- MTBF (mean time between failures)
- tuning I/O, 15-2
- initialization parameter, 17-6
- mean time to recover advisory, xxxv
- See also mean time to recover
- multiple buffer pools, 14-13
- NAMESPACE column
- V$LIBRARYCACHE view, 14-29
- national character set database option, 13-4
- NCHAR datatype, 13-4
- nested loop joins, 1-45
- cost-based optimization, 1-42
- network
- array interface, 23-13
- detecting performance problems, 23-6
- problem solving, 23-8
- Session Data Unit, 23-13
- tuning, 23-1
- network communication wait events, 22-25
- DB file sequential/scattered read wait events, 22-29, 22-31
- SQL*Net message from Dblink, 22-27
- new features, xxxi
- NL_AJ hint, 5-28
- NL_SJ hint, 5-28
- NLS_SORT initialization parameter
- ORDER BY access path, 8-13
- NO_EXPAND hint, 5-18
- NO_FACT hint, 5-22
- NO_INDEX hint, 4-6, 5-16
- NO_MERGE hint, 5-21
- NO_PUSH_PRED hint, 5-37
- NO_UNNEST hint, 5-37
- NOAPPEND hint, 5-34
- NOCACHE hint, 5-35
- NOPARALLEL hint, 5-30
- NOREWRITE hint, 5-20
- NOSORT clause, 14-71, 14-72
- NOT IN subquery, 1-43
- NOT operator, 2-24
- NT performance, 16-7
- nulls
- non-null values for, 2-45
- USER_TAB_COLUMNS view, 1-38
- NUM_ROWS column
- USER_TABLES view, 1-38
- NVARCHAR datatype, 13-4
- NVARCHAR2 datatype, 13-4
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- OBJECT_NAME column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- OBJECT_NODE column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- OBJECT_TYPE column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter, 13-13
- increasing cursors for each session, 14-34
- operating system
- data cache, 16-2
- monitoring disk I/O, 22-8
- OPERATION column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23, 9-27
- OPTIMAL parameter, 18-3
- optimization
- choosing the approach, 1-6
- conversion of expressions and predicates, 2-2
- cost calculation, 1-10
- cost-based, 1-10
- cost-based and choosing an access path, 1-37
- cost-based and histograms, 3-20
- cost-based and star queries, 1-44
- cost-based and user-defined costs, 1-63
- cost-based examples, 1-37
- cost-based on remote databases, 2-14
- described, 1-3
- DISTINCT, 2-37
- distributed SQL statements, 2-13
- extensible optimizer, 1-61
- fast-response method, 1-9
- GROUP BY views, 2-37
- hints, 1-8, 1-34, 1-35
- manual, 1-8
- merging complex views, 2-37
- merging views into statements, 2-35
- non-null values for nulls, 2-45
- operations performed, 1-5
- rule-based, 8-2, 8-3, 8-16
- selectivity of predicates, 3-2
- selectivity of predicates and histograms, 3-20
- selectivity of predicates for user-defined, 1-62
- select-project-join views, 2-35
- semi-joins, 1-43
- statistics, 3-2
- statistics for user-defined, 1-62
- transitivity and, 2-25
- without merging, 2-45
- optimizer
- cost calculation, 1-10
- execution path, 11-3
- goals, 1-5
- introduction, 1-3
- operations, 1-5
- plan stability, 7-2
- response time, 1-5
- throughput, 1-5
- OPTIMIZER column
- PLAN_TABLE, 9-24
- optimizer mode parameters
- ALL_ROWS, 1-7
- CHOOSE, 1-7
- FIRST_ROWS_n, 1-7
- RULE, 1-7
- OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE initialization parameter, 1-34, 1-35, 1-56, 2-37
- OPTIMIZER_INDEX_CACHING initialization parameter, 1-59
- OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ initialization parameter, 1-59
- OPTIMIZER_MAX_PERMUTATIONS initialization parameter, 1-59
- OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter, 1-6, 1-7, 1-60, 5-7, 8-2
- hints affecting, 1-8
- OPTIONS column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- Oracle Forms, 10-6
- control of parsing and private SQL areas, 14-27
- Oracle Net Configuration Assistant, 23-14
- Oracle Performance Manager
- illustration, 20-5
- Oracle Real Application Clusters
- and Statspack, 21-25
- Oracle SQL Analyze
- illustration, 6-3
- Oracle Trace, 12-1
- accessing collected data, 12-3
- binary files, 12-3
- collection results, 12-12
- collections, 12-8
- command-line interface, 12-3
- deleting files, 12-7
- deprecated, xxxvii
- deprecated in future release, xxxvii
- duration events, 12-2
- events, 12-2
- FORMAT statement, 12-3
- formatter tables, 12-3
- parameters, 12-7
- point events, 12-2
- reporting utility, 12-14
- START statement, 12-3, 12-4
- STOP statement, 12-3, 12-6
- ORACLE_TRACE_COLLECTION_NAME initialization parameter, 12-7
- ORACLE_TRACE_COLLECTION_PATH initialization parameter, 12-8
- ORACLE_TRACE_COLLECTION_SIZE initialization parameter, 12-8
- ORACLE_TRACE_ENABLE initialization parameter, 12-8, 12-35
- ORACLE_TRACE_FACILITY_NAME initialization parameter, 12-8, 12-9
- ORACLE_TRACE_FACILITY_PATH initialization parameter, 12-8
- Oracle-managed files, 15-20
- tuning, 15-20
- ORDERED hint, 1-43, 5-23
- OTHER column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-25
- OTHER_TAG column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- outer joins, 1-51
- non-null values for nulls, 2-45
- Outline Editor
- illustration, 7-7
- outlines
- CREATE OUTLINE statement, 7-5
- creating and using, 7-4
- execution plans and plan stability, 7-2
- hints, 7-3
- moving tables, 7-11
- storage requirements, 7-4
- using, 7-6
- using to move to the cost-based optimizer, 7-13
- viewing data for, 7-10
- OUTPUT_IO item, 12-16
- overloaded disks, 15-10
- page table, 16-12
- PAGEFAULT_IO item, 12-16
- PAGEFAULTS item, 12-16
- paging, 16-12
- reducing, 14-4
- parallel broadcast, 1-57
- PARALLEL clause
- CREATE INDEX statement, 13-11
- RECOVER statement, 17-8
- parallel execution
- hints, 5-29
- PARALLEL hint, 5-29
- parallel joins
- and PQ_DISTRIBUTE hint, 5-31
- parallel recovery, 17-8
- PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS initialization parameter, 17-8
- parameter files, 13-2
- parameters
- iSQL*Plus tuning, 11-13
- PARENT_ID column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- Parse event, 12-15
- parsing
- Oracle Forms, 14-27
- Oracle precompilers, 14-27
- reducing unnecessary calls, 14-26
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-25
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-25
- PARTITION_VIEW_ENABLED initialization parameter, 1-60
- partitioned objects
- and EXPLAIN PLAN statement, 9-12
- partitioning
- distribution value, 9-26
- examples of, 9-12
- examples of composite, 9-14
- hash, 9-12
- range, 9-12
- start and stop columns, 9-13
- partitions
- statistics, 3-4
- partition-wise joins
- full, 9-17
- full, and EXPLAIN PLAN output, 9-17
- partial, and EXPLAIN PLAN output, 9-16
- PCTFREE parameter, 13-8, 22-22
- PCTINCREASE parameter, 18-4
- PCTUSED parameter, 22-22
- performance
- generating reports, 21-9
- mainframe, 16-8
- NT, 16-7
- of SQL statements, 11-2
- running reports, 21-3, 21-9
- UNIX-based systems, 16-7
- viewing execution plans, 1-18
- Performance Monitor
- NT, 16-12
- PERFSTAT user, 21-3, 21-4, 21-15
- PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter, 13-11, 14-50
- physical reads statistic, 14-10
- PhysicalTX event, 12-15
- plan stability, 7-2
- limitations of, 7-2
- preserving execution plans, 7-2
- procedures for the cost-based optimizer, 7-12
- use of hints, 7-2
- V$SQL view column, 24-45
- PLAN_TABLE table
- BYTES column, 9-24
- CARDINALITY column, 9-24
- COST column, 9-24
- creating, 9-4, 11-2
- DISTRIBUTION column, 9-25
- ID column, 9-24
- OBJECT_INSTANCE column, 9-23
- OBJECT_NAME column, 9-23
- OBJECT_NODE column, 9-23
- OBJECT_OWNER column, 9-23
- OBJECT_TYPE column, 9-23
- OPERATION column, 9-23
- OPTIMIZER column, 9-24
- OPTIONS column, 9-23
- OTHER column, 9-25
- OTHER_TAG column, 9-24
- PARENT_ID column, 9-24
- PARTITION_ID column, 9-25
- PARTITION_START column, 9-24
- PARTITION_STOP column, 9-25
- POSITION column, 9-24
- REMARKS column, 9-23
- SEARCH_COLUMNS column, 9-24
- STATEMENT_ID column, 9-23
- TIMESTAMP column, 9-23
- deterministic functions, 2-28
- creating role, 11-2
- granting role, 11-3
- PLUSTRACE role, 11-2
- point events
- in Oracle Trace, 12-2, 12-15
- POOL attribute, 19-4
- POSITION column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- PQ_DISTRIBUTE hint, 5-31
- precompilers
- control of parsing and private SQL areas, 14-27
- predicates
- pushing into a view, 2-38, 2-43
- pushing into a view examples, 2-39, 2-41
- selectivity, 3-2
- selectivity estimates and histograms, 3-20
- selectivity for user-defined, 1-62
- PRIMARY KEY constraint, 4-8
- primary keys
- optimization, 2-34
- searches, 8-6
- PRIVATE_SGA variable, 14-38
- procedures
- DBMS_JOB, 21-8
- deterministic functions, 2-28
- STATSPACK.SNAP, 21-7, 21-8, 21-19
- processes
- dispatcher process configuration, 19-4
- priority, 16-5
- scheduler, 16-5
- scheduling, 16-13
- PROCESSES initialization parameter, 13-14
- program global area (PGA)
- direct path read, 22-33
- direct path write, 22-35
- shared servers, 14-36
- pseudocolumns
- ROWNUM and optimizing view queries, 2-36, 2-45
- ROWNUM cannot use indexes, 8-15
- PUSH_PRED hint, 5-37
- queries
- avoiding the use of indexes, 4-6
- compound and optimization of, 2-48
- compound converted to ORs, 2-30
- compound with ORs converted to, 8-17
- ensuring the use of indexes, 4-6
- optimizing IN subquery, 2-37
- SAMPLE clause and cost-based optimization, 1-4
- star queries, 1-44
- tracing, 11-7
- QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED initialization parameter, 1-60
- range
- distribution value, 9-26
- range partitions, 9-12
- examples of, 9-12
- read consistency, 22-20
- read events
- direct path, 22-33
- read wait events
- scattered, 22-29
- REBUILD clause, 4-7
- RECOVER statement
- PARALLEL clause, 17-8
- recovery
- parallel intratransaction recovery, 17-19
- parallel processes for, 17-8
- PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS initialization parameter, 17-8
- setting number of processes to use, 17-8
- RECOVERY_PARALLELISM initialization parameter, 17-8
- recursive calls, 10-14
- RECYCLE cache, 14-14
- redo logs, 13-5
- mirroring, 15-19
- placement on disk, 15-17
- sizing, 13-5
- reducing
- contention with dispatchers, 19-4
- contention with operating system processes, 16-5
- contention with shared servers, 19-5
- data dictionary cache misses, 14-34
- paging and swapping, 14-4
- rollback segment contention, 18-3
- unnecessary parse calls, 14-26
- RELEASE_CURSOR clause, 14-27
- REMARKS column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- removing
- data, 21-23
- snapshots, 21-23
- REPORT_NAME variable, 21-12
- reports
- performance, 21-3, 21-9
- Statspack, 21-10
- request modes, 24-19
- resource bottlenecks, 22-26
- resource wait events, 22-31
- response time
- cost-based approach, 1-7
- optimizer goal, 1-5
- optimizing, 1-5, 5-7
- REWRITE hint, 5-18
- rollback segments, 22-21
- assigning to transactions, 18-3
- choosing how many, 18-3
- creating, 18-3
- rollback tablespaces, 13-6
- rollbacks
- fast-start on-demand, 17-18
- fast-start parallel, 17-18
- round-robin
- distribution value, 9-26
- row locking, 13-8
- row sampling, 3-4
- row sources, 1-22
- row transaction locks, 24-18
- ROWID hint, 5-11
- rowids
- mapping to bitmaps, 4-16
- table access by, 1-27
- ROWNUM pseudocolumn
- cannot use indexes, 8-15
- optimizing view queries, 2-36, 2-45
- rows
- row sources, 1-22
- rowids used to locate, 1-27, 8-4
- setting number retrieved at one time, 11-10
- RowSource event, 12-2, 12-15
- optimizer mode parameter, 1-7
- RULE hint
- rule-based optimization, 8-2, 8-3
- SAMPLE BLOCK clause, 1-36
- access path, 1-36
- access path and hints cannot override, 1-37
- SAMPLE clause, 1-36
- access path, 1-36
- access path and hints cannot override, 1-37
- cost-based optimization, 1-4
- sample table scans, 1-36
- hints cannot override, 1-37
- sar UNIX command, 16-12
- scans
- bounded range, 8-10
- cluster, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7
- cluster key, 8-7
- composite index, 8-8
- full table, 8-14
- full table using rule-based optimizer, 8-14
- hash cluster, 8-5, 8-7
- index, 1-28
- index bounded range, 8-10
- index cluster key, 8-7
- index joins, 1-35
- index of type bitmap, 1-35
- index restrictions, 8-14
- index with ORDER BY, 8-13
- MAX or MIN of index, 8-13
- range, 8-8
- range of MAX or MIN, 8-13
- range with ORDER BY, 8-13
- sample table, 1-36
- sample table and hints cannot override, 1-37
- single-column index, 8-8
- unbounded range, 8-11
- unbounded range index, 8-11
- unique, 8-6, 8-7
- scattered read wait events, 22-29
- actions, 22-30
- schemas
- star schemas, 1-44
- SCPU item, 12-16
- scripts
- registering automatically, 11-9
- SPAUTO.SQL, 21-9
- SPCPKG.SQL, 21-6
- SPCTAB.SQL, 21-6
- SPCUSR.SQL, 21-6
- SPPURGE.SQL, 21-23
- SPTRUNC.SQL, 21-25
- Statspack documentation scripts, 21-28
- Statspack installation scripts, 21-27
- Statspack performance data maintenance scripts, 21-28
- Statspack reporting and automation scripts, 21-27
- Statspack supplied scripts, 21-26
- upgrading Statspack scripts, 21-27
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-24
- segment-level statistics, 22-14
- SELECT statement
- SAMPLE clause, 1-36
- SAMPLE clause and access path, 1-36, 1-37
- SAMPLE clause and cost-based optimization, 1-4
- selectivity, 3-2
- histograms, 3-20
- improving for an index, 4-4
- indexes, 4-3, 4-6
- SQL statement predicate, 3-2
- user-defined, 1-62
- select-project-join views, 2-35
- semi-joins, 1-43
- transformations not allowed, 1-44
- sequential read wait events
- actions, 22-32
- tuning, 11-10
- Session Data Unit (SDU), 23-13
- session id, 21-19
- session memory statistic, 14-37
- SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS initialization parameter, 14-40
- SESSIONS initialization parameter, 13-14
- SET command
- APPINFO variable, 11-9
- ARRAYSIZE variable, 11-10
- SET TRANSACTION statement, 18-3
- setting
- system variables for SQL*PLUS performance, 11-9
- SGA size, 14-47
- shared server
- performance issues, 19-2
- reducing contention, 19-2
- tuning, 19-2
- tuning memory, 14-35
- shared SQL areas
- memory allocation, 14-34
- SHARED_POOL_RESERVED_SIZE initialization parameter, 14-42
- SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter, 13-14, 14-34, 14-42
- allocating library cache, 14-34
- tuning the shared pool, 14-38
- sharing data, 21-22
- SHOW SGA statement, 14-5
- sizing redo logs, 13-5
- snapshot levels, 21-15, 21-17
- snapshot thresholds, 21-15, 21-17
- snapshots
- begin and end, 21-10
- databases identifier (DBID), 21-3
- deleting, 21-23
- instance numbers, 21-3
- levels, 21-15, 21-17
- removing, 21-23
- SNAP_ID, 21-3
- Statspack, 21-3
- taken by Statspack, 21-3
- taking snapshots, 21-7
- thresholds, 21-15, 21-17
- SOME operator, 2-22
- sort areas
- memory allocation, 14-69
- sort merge joins, 1-49
- access path, 8-12
- cost-based optimization, 1-42
- example, 8-12
- SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter, 1-60, 4-14, 13-12
- configuring, 14-66
- cost-based optimization and, 1-42
- See also PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter
- tuning sorts, 14-70
- use PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, 1-42, 1-60, 13-12
- sorts
- (disk) statistic, 14-68
- (memory) statistic, 14-68
- avoiding on index creation, 14-71
- space transaction locks, 24-18
- SPAUTO.SQL script, 21-8, 21-9, 21-27
- SPCPKG.LIS output file, 21-6
- SPCPKG.SQL script, 21-6, 21-27
- SPCREATE.SQL script, 21-5, 21-27
- running, 21-6
- SPCTAB.LIS output file, 21-6
- SPCTAB.SQL script, 21-6, 21-27
- SPCUSR.LIS output file, 21-6
- SPCUSR.SQL script, 21-6, 21-27
- Statspack documentation, 21-28
- SPDROP.SQL script, 21-26, 21-27
- SPDTAB.LIS output file, 21-26
- SPDTAB.SQL script, 21-26, 21-27
- SPDUSR.LIS output file, 21-26
- SPDUSR.SQL script, 21-26, 21-27
- SPPURGE.SQL script, 21-23, 21-28
- SPREPINS.SQL script, 21-27
- SPREPORT.SQL script, 21-27
- performance report, 21-9
- running the script, 21-10
- SPREPSQL.SQL script, 21-27
- performance report, 21-10
- SPTRUNC.SQL script, 21-25, 21-28
- SPUEXP.PAR parameter file, 21-28
- SPUP816.SQL script, 21-27
- SPUP817.SQL script, 21-27
- SPUP90.SQL script, 21-27
- SQL functions
- optimizing view queries, 2-43
- SQL Parse event, 12-2
- SQL statements
- avoiding the use of indexes, 4-6
- complex, 2-33
- complex optimizing, 2-33
- converting examples, 2-30, 8-17
- distributed optimization, 2-13
- ensuring the use of indexes, 4-6
- execution plans of, 1-18
- modifying indexed data, 4-4
- optimization of complex statements, 2-33
- optimization of distributed, 2-13
- optimizing complex, 2-33
- processing overview, 1-2
- thresholds, 21-15, 21-17
- waiting for I/O, 22-31
- SQL trace facility, 10-2, 10-6
- example of output, 10-16
- output, 10-13
- statement truncation, 10-15
- steps to follow, 10-3
- trace files, 10-5
- SQL*Loader, 13-11
- SQL*Net message from client idle events, 22-26
- SQL*Net message from dblink wait events, 22-27
- SQL*Plus
- autotrace, 11-1
- BEGIN_SNAP variable, 21-12
- CLEAR TIMING command, 11-7
- DEFAULT_TABLESPACE variable, 21-6
- END_SNAP variable, 21-12
- REPORT_NAME variable, 21-12
- statistics, 11-4
- system variables influencing performance, 11-9
- TIMING command, 11-7
- initialization parameter, 10-6
- SQL.BSQ file, 13-4
- SQLSegment event, 12-15
- ST locks, 24-18
- standard resource utilization items, 12-16
- STAR hint, 5-23
- star joins, 1-44
- star query, 1-44
- star transformation, 5-21
- STAR_TRANSFORMATION_ENABLED initialization parameter, 1-61, 5-22
- start columns
- in partitioning and EXPLAIN PLAN statement, 9-13
- START statement in Oracle Trace, 12-3, 12-4
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- statistics
- automated collecting, 21-8
- automated gathering, 21-8
- collecting, 11-7, 21-8
- collection interval, 21-9
- consistent gets, 14-9, 18-3
- database server, 11-4
- db block gets, 14-9, 18-3
- estimates and block sampling, 3-4
- estimates and row sampling, 3-4
- exporting and importing, 3-2
- extensible optimization, 1-61
- from B-tree or bitmap index, 3-9
- gathering with DBMS_STATS package, 3-6
- generating, 3-3
- generating and managing with DBMS_STATS, 3-5
- generating for cost-based optimization, 3-3
- max session memory, 14-37
- optimizer mode, 1-7
- optimizer use of, 1-10, 3-2
- partitions and subpartitions, 3-4
- physical reads, 14-10
- segment-level, 22-14
- selectivity of predicates, 3-2
- selectivity of predicates and histograms, 3-20
- selectivity of predicates for user-defined, 1-62
- session memory, 14-37
- shared server processes, 19-5
- sorts (disk), 14-68
- sorts (memory), 14-68
- SQL*Plus, 11-4
- user-defined statistics, 1-62
- Statspack
- and Oracle Real Application Clusters, 21-25
- automatic statistics gathering, 21-8
- compared with BSTAT/ESTAT, 20-7, 21-3
- DBID, 21-25
- documentation, 21-28
- exporting data, 21-22
- installation scripts, 21-27
- installing in batch mode, 21-6
- installing interactively, 21-4
- level 7 snapshot, 21-18
- performance data maintenance scripts, 21-28
- removing, 21-26
- reporting and automation scripts, 21-27
- running reports, 21-10
- scripts, 21-26
- sharing data, 21-22
- SNAP_ID, 21-3
- snapshots, 21-3
- space requirements, 21-4
- SPDOC.TXT, 21-28
- uninstalling, 21-26
- upgrading scripts, 21-27
- using DBMS_JOB to gather statistics, 21-8
- STATSPACK.SNAP procedure, 21-7, 21-8, 21-19
- stop columns
- in partitioning and EXPLAIN PLAN statement, 9-13
- STOP statement in Oracle Trace, 12-3, 12-6
- STORAGE clause
- OPTIMAL parameter, 18-3
- stored outlines
- creating and using, 7-4
- execution plans and plan stability, 7-2
- hints, 7-3
- moving tables, 7-11
- storage requirements, 7-4
- using, 7-6
- viewing data for, 7-10
- striping, 15-4
- manual, 15-16
- subpartitions
- statistics, 3-4
- subqueries
- converting to joins, 2-33
- NOT IN, 1-43
- optimizing IN subquery, 2-37
- subquery unnesting, 6-21
- substitution variables
- parsing, 11-10
- swapping, 16-12
- reducing, 14-4
- switching processes, 16-13
- System Global Area tuning, 14-4
- system statistics
- gathering, 3-6
- system variables
- influencing SQL*Plus performance, 11-9
- tables
- creating, 13-7
- dimensions and star queries, 1-44
- fact tables and star queries, 1-44
- formatter in Oracle Trace, 12-3
- full scans, 22-34
- lookup tables, 1-44
- placement on disk, 15-16
- setting storage options, 13-7
- tablespaces, 13-6
- creating, 13-6
- dictionary managed, 21-4
- locally managed, 21-4
- rollback, 13-6
- temporary, 13-6
- TCP.NODELAY parameter, 23-14
- temporary tablespaces, 13-6
- thrashing, 16-12
- thread, 16-5
- thresholds
- SQL statement, 21-17
- SQL statements, 21-15
- throughput
- cost-based approach, 1-7
- optimizer goal, 1-5
- optimizing, 1-5, 5-7
- TIMED_STATISTICS initialization parameter, 21-7
- SQL Trace, 10-4
- TIMESTAMP column
- PLAN_TABLE table, 9-23
- TIMING command
- SQL*Plus, 11-7
- TKPROF program, 10-3, 10-6
- editing the output SQL script, 10-17
- example of output, 10-16
- generating the output SQL script, 10-17
- syntax, 10-8
- using the EXPLAIN PLAN statement, 10-11
- querying, 10-18
- TM locks, 24-18
- Trace, Oracle, 12-1
- tracing
- queries, 11-7
- tracing statements
- for performance statistics, 11-5
- for query execution path, 11-5
- using a database link, 11-6
- with parallel query option, 11-7
- transactions
- assigning rollback segments, 18-3
- tuning, 11-10
- tuning, 11-11
- truncating data, 21-25
- tuning
- DEFINE OFF, 11-10
- FLUSH OFF, 11-10
- iSQL*Plus parameters, 11-13
- latches, 24-12
- logical structure, 4-2
- memory allocation, 14-5
- resource contention, 22-1
- shared server, 19-2
- SQL statements, 11-2
- System Global Area (SGA), 14-4
- TRIMOUT, 11-10
- TRIMSPOOL, 11-11
- TX locks, 24-18
- UCPU item, 12-16
- UL locks, 24-19
- UNION ALL operator
- examples, 2-31, 2-33, 2-48
- optimizing view queries, 2-36
- transforming OR into, 2-30, 8-17
- UNION operator
- examples, 2-39, 2-49
- optimizing view queries, 2-36
- UNIQUE constraint, 4-8
- unique keys
- optimization, 2-34
- searches, 8-6
- uniqueness, 4-8
- UNIX system performance, 16-7
- UNNEST hint, 5-36
- upgrade
- to the cost-based optimizer, 7-14
- USE_CONCAT hint, 5-18
- USE_MERGE hint, 5-25
- USE_NL hint, 5-24
- USE_STORED_OUTLINES parameter, 7-6
- user defined locks, 24-19
- user global area (UGA)
- shared servers, 14-35, 19-2
- V$SESSTAT, 14-37
- USER_DUMP_DEST initialization parameter, 10-4
- SQL Trace, 10-4
- USER_ID column
- stored outline hints, 7-10
- stored outlines, 7-10
- USER_TAB_COLUMNS view, 1-38
- USER_TABLES view, 1-38
- user-defined costs, 1-63
- UTLCHN1.SQL script, 22-22
- utlxplp.sql
- SQL script for viewing EXPLAIN PLANs, 1-19
- utlxpls.sql
- SQL script for viewing EXPLAIN PLANs, 1-19
- V$BH view, 14-15
- V$DATAFILE view, 24-7
- V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE view, 14-6, 14-9, 14-11, 14-12, 14-15
- V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE view, 24-5
- V$FAST_START_SERVERS view, 17-19
- V$FILESTAT view, 24-6
- V$LATCH view, 24-9
- V$LATCH_CHILDREN view, 24-13
- V$LATCHHOLDER view, 24-13
- V$LIBRARYCACHE view, 24-15
- NAMESPACE column, 14-29
- V$LOCK view, 24-17
- V$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE view, 24-21
- V$MYSTAT view, 24-22
- V$OPEN_CURSOR view, 24-23
- V$PARAMETER view, 24-25
- V$PROCESS view, 24-26
- V$QUEUE view, 19-5
- V$ROLLSTAT view, 24-28
- V$ROWCACHE view, 24-29
- GETMISSES column, 14-34
- GETS column, 14-34
- performance statistics, 14-32
- V$SEGSTAT view, 24-32
- V$SEGSTAT_NAME view, 24-32
- V$SESSION view, 24-33
- V$SESSION_EVENT view, 24-36
- network information, 23-6
- V$SESSION_WAIT view, 22-13, 24-37
- network information, 23-6
- V$SESSTAT view, 22-8, 24-41
- network information, 23-6
- statistics, 24-42
- using, 14-37
- V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE view, 24-45
- V$SQL view, 24-45
- PLAN_HASH_VALUE column, 24-45
- V$SQL_PLAN view, 24-46
- V$SQLAREA view, 24-57
- V$SQLTEXT view, 24-59
- V$STATISTICS_LEVEL view, 24-61
- V$SYSSTAT view, 24-61
- redo buffer allocation, 14-47
- statistics, 24-63
- tuning sorts, 14-68
- using, 14-9
- V$SYSTEM_EVENT view, 24-67
- V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER view, 24-25
- V$UNDOSTAT view, 13-15, 24-69
- V$WAITSTAT view, 22-13, 24-70
- VARCHAR datatype, 13-3
- VARCHAR2 datatype, 13-3
- variables
- bind variables and optimization, 1-38
- views
- complex view merging, 2-37
- counter/accumulator, 24-2
- current state views, 24-2
- dynamic performance, 24-2
- histograms, 3-25
- information views, 24-4
- non-null values for nulls, 2-45
- select-project-join views, 2-35
- statistics, 3-15
- vmstat UNIX command, 16-12
- wait events
- buffer busy waits, 22-27
- contention wait events, 22-41
- direct path, 22-35
- event timings, 21-21
- free buffer waits, 22-39
- idle wait events, 22-49
- log file switch, 22-46
- network communication wait events, 22-25
- reasons for, 24-70
- resource wait events, 22-31
- time units, 21-20