Configuring CFS and CVM Agents on the New Node
After rebooting the new system, you must configure the CFS and CVM agents on it. Use the command line procedure below.
To configure CFS and CVM agents on the new node
Start HAD and vxfen on system03.
- Use hastart on system03 for starting HAD.
- For starting vxfen, run the following commands on system03:
# echo vxfen_mode=disabled > /etc/vxfenmode
# /sbin/init.d/vxfen start
Check that there are no service groups dependent on CVM, such as CFS, that are still online:
# hagrp -dep cvm
If there are any dependencies, take them offline, then take the CVM service group offline:
# hagrp -offline cvm -sys system01
# hagrp -offline cvm -sys system02
Open the VCS configuration for writing:
# haconf ---makerw
Add the new node to the CVM system list and specify a failover priority of zero:
# hagrp ---modify cvm SystemList -add system03 X
where X is one more than the index of the last system in System list of CVM service group in /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
Add the new node to the CVM AutoStartList:
# hagrp ---modify cvm AutoStartList system01 system02 system03
Node ID can be obtained from CVMNodeId of /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ Add the new node, system03, and its node ID, #, to the cvm_clust resource:
# hares ---modify cvm_clus CVMNodeId -add system03 2
Write the new VCS configuration to disk:
# haconf ---dump -makero
Put the CVM resources back online, in the following order:
# hagrp -online cvm -sys system01
# hagrp -online cvm -sys system02
# hagrp -online cvm -sys system03
Check the system status to see whether the new node is online:
# hastatus ---sum
-- System State Frozen
A system01 RUNNING 0
A system02 RUNNING 0
A system03 RUNNING 0
-- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State
B cvm system01 Y N ONLINE
B cvm system02 Y N ONLINE
B cvm system03 Y N ONLINE
Add shared disk groups to the cluster configuration:
# cfsdgadm add cfsdg system03=sw
Create a /mnt on system03 and run the following commands:
# cfsmntadm modify /mnt add system03=rw
Refer to cfsmntadm man page for more details.
Use cfsmount command to cluster mount /mnt back on all the nodes:
# cfsmount /mnt