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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides   
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide   

Adding a Node to a Cluster

If you want to add a new node to a multi-node cluster, first prepare the new system hardware. Physically connect the new system to the cluster using private networks and attach to any shared storage. Then install the required OS software (review the information under Cluster Platforms).

  To add a node to a cluster

  1. Log in to the new system as superuser.
  2. Determine the appropriate DVD-ROM device name. Enter:
                #    ioscan -fn -C disk
  3. Run the following commands to start PFS (Portable File System):
       # nohup pfs_mountd &
       # nohup pfsd &
  4. Create a directory under which to mount the VERITAS CD and mount the CD using the appropriate DVD-ROM drive name. For example:
       # mkdir /dvdrom
       # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rrip /dev/dsk/c3t2d0 /dvdrom
  5. Add /opt/VRTS/bin to your PATH and /opt/VRTS/man to your MANPATH environment variables Setting PATH and MANPATH Environment Variables.
  6. Change to the SFCFS directory.
      # cd storage_foundation_cluster_file_system
  7. Run the installsfcfs script with -installonly option to install all the required SFCFS packages on the new node.
      # ./installsfcfs -installonly
  8. Enter the system name of the new node to install SFCFS. For example,
    Enter the system names separted by spaces on which to install
    SFCFS: system03

      Press [Return] to continue:
  9. After the system check completes successfully, press Return to continue.
  10. After the infrastructure packages install successfully, press Return to continue.
    Enter a SFCFS license key for system03:[?]
  11. Enter a SFCFS license key. You are prompted to enter another license key.
    Do you want to enter another license key for system03? [y,n,q,?]
  12. Enter y or n for another license key.
  13. After SFCFS licensing completes successfully, press Return to continue. You are prompted to install the optional SFCFS packages.
    installsfcfs can install the following optional SFCFS packages:

      VRTSobgui VERITAS Enterprise Administrator
      VRTSvcsmn VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages
      VRTSvmdoc VERITAS Volume Manager Documentation
      VRTSvrdoc VERITAS Volume Replicator Documentation
      VRTSvrw VERITAS Volume Replicator Web Console
      VRTSap VERITAS Action Provider
      VRTStep VERITAS Task Provider
      VRTSfsdoc VERITAS File System Documentation
      VRTScfsdc VERITAS Cluster File System Documentation
      1) Install all of the optional packages
      2) Install none of the optional packages
      3) View package descriptions and select optional packages

    Select the optional packages to be installed on all systems?
    [1-3,q,?] (1)
  14. Select the optional packages to be installed on the systems.
  15. After the installer displays all the optional packages, press Return to continue.
  16. After the installation requirements completes successfully, press Return to continue.
  17. Enter y or n, for configuring I/O fencing. For more information on fencing, see the VERITAS VCS Administration Guide on the software disc.
    Would you like to install Storage Foundation Cluster File System
    on all systems simultaneously? [y,n,q,?] (y)
  18. Enter y to install SFCFS on all the systems simultaneously.
  19. After SFCFS installation completes successfully, press Return to continue.
  20. Create the /etc/llthosts file on the new node and modify /etc/llthosts on the other nodes to add the new node name. See /etc/llttab. Following the previous convention in this guide, add the name system03:
      0 system01
      1 system02
      2 system03

    The /etc/llthosts files on all the nodes must be the same.

  21. Create the /etc/llttab file the same as it looks on another node in the cluster. See /etc/llthosts. Change the set-node line to the name of the new node and specify that the LAN ports for the public and private networks are configured the same as on the other cluster nodes:
      set-node system03
      set-cluster 234
      link lan2 /dev/lan:2 - ether - -
      link lan0 /dev/lan:0 - ether - -
  22. Create /etc/gabtab file the same as it is on another node in the cluster. See /etc/gabtab. For example,
      /sbin/gabconfig -c -n 3

    There is no need to reboot the other nodes, just update the /etc/gabtab file on the other nodes in the cluster.

  23. Reboot the system that has been added.
      # /usr/sbin/shutdown -R -y 0
  24. Enable vxconfigd daemon on the system that has been added.
      # vxinstall
  25. After enabling vxconfigd daemon, proceed to Configuring CFS and CVM Agents on the New Node..
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Product: Storage Foundation Cluster File System Guides  
Manual: Cluster File System 4.1 Installation and Administration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation