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Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Other VCS Processes

In addition to the processes and components previously cited in this chapter, there are several others that play a key role in VCS operations.

Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The VCS command-line interface provides a comprehensive set of commands for managing and administering the cluster. For more information, see Administering the Cluster from the Command Line.

Cluster Manager (Java Console)

A cross-platform Java-based graphical user interface that provides complete administration capabilities for your cluster. The console runs on any system inside or outside the cluster, on any operating system that supports Java. For more information, see Administering the Cluster from Cluster Manager (Java Console).

Cluster Manager (Web Console)

A Web-based graphical user interface for monitoring and administering the cluster. For more information, see Administering the Cluster from Cluster Manager (Web Console).

The hacf Utility

Verifies a configuration file. Can also be used by HAD to load a configuration file at run time. See Managing the VCS Configuration File: The hacf Utility for more information about the utility.

The hashadow Process

A process that monitors and, when required, restarts HAD.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation