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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Managing the VCS Configuration File: The hacf Utility

The hacf utility translates the VCS configuration language into a syntax that can be read by the VCS engine. Specifically, hacf translates the contents of the main configuration file,, into commands for the VCS server.

Verifying a Configuration

Use hacf to verify (check syntax of) the and the type definition file, VCS does not execute if hacf detects errors in the configuration. No error message and a return value of zero indicates that the syntax is legal.

 # hacf -verify config_directory

The variable config_directory refers to directories containing a file and any .cf files included in

Loading a Configuration

The hacf utility verifies the configuration before loading it into VCS. The configuration is not loaded under the following conditions:

  • If or include files are missing.
  • If syntax errors appear in the .cf files.
  • If the configuration file is marked "stale." A .stale file is created in the configuration directory when you indicate that you intend to change a running configuration. See Setting the Configuration to Read/Write for details.

Dumping a Running Configuration

A configuration is dumped (written to disk) when you indicate that you have finished changing it. The configuration is also dumped on a system when the system joins the VCS cluster. When VCS dumps a running configuration, it is always pretty-printed. VCS removes the .stale file following a successful dump. You can dump a configuration from the command line using the haconf -dump -makero command.

Multiple Versions of .cf Files

When hacf creates a .cf file, it does not overwrite existing .cf files. A copy of the file remains in the directory, and its name includes a suffix of the date and time it was created, such as In addition, the previous version of any .cf file is saved with the suffix .previous; for example,

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation