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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Querying Resources

  For a list of a resource's dependencies

hares -dep [resource]

  For information on a resource

hares -display [resource]
If resource is not specified, information regarding all resources is displayed.

  To confirm an attribute's values are the same on all systems

# hares -global resource  attribute  value ... | key... |
key value}...

  To display resources of a service group

hares -display -group service_group

  To display resources of a resource type

hares -display -type resource_type

  To display attributes of a system

hares -display -sys system

Querying Resource Types

  For a list of resource types

hatype -list

  For a list of all resources of a particular type

hatype -resources resource_type

  For information about a resource type

hatype -display resource_type
If resource_type is not specified, information regarding all types is displayed.

Querying Agents

  For an agent's run-time status

haagent -display [agent]
If agent is not specified, information regarding all agents is displayed.
Run-Time Status Definition


Indicates the number of agent faults and the time the faults began.


Displays various messages regarding agent status.


Indicates the agent is operating.


Indicates the file is executed by the VCS engine (HAD).

Querying Systems

  For a list of systems in the cluster

hasys -list

  For information about each system

hasys -display [system]

Querying Clusters

  For the value of a specific cluster attribute

haclus -value attribute

  For information about the cluster

haclus -display

Querying Status

  For the status of all service groups in the cluster, including resources


  For the status of a particular service group, including its resources

hastatus [-sound] -group service_group [-group service_group]...
If you do not specify a service group, the status of all service groups is displayed. The -sound option enables a bell to ring each time a resource faults.

  For the status of cluster faults, including faulted service groups, resources, systems, links, and agents

hastatus -summary
Note   Note    Unless executed with the -summary option, hastatus continues to produce output of online state transitions until you interrupt it with the command CTRL+C.

Querying Log Data Files (LDFs)

Log data files (LDFs) contain data regarding messages written to a corresponding English language file. Typically, for each English file there is a corresponding LDF.

  To display the hamsg usage list

hamsg -help

  To display the list of LDFs available on the current system

hamsg -list

  To display general LDF data

hamsg -info [-path path_name] LDF
The option -path specifies where hamsg looks for the specified LDF. If not specified, hamsg looks for files in the default directory /var/VRTSvcs/ldf.

  To display specific LDF data

hamsg [-any] [-tag A|B|C|D|E] [-otype VCS|RES|GRP|SYS|AGT]
    [-oname object_name] [-msgid message_ID] [-path path_name]
      [-lang languageLDF
The option -any specifies hamsg return messages matching any of the specified query options.
The option -tag specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified tag.
The option -otype specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified object type:
    VCS = general VCS messages
    RES = resource
    GRP = service group
    SYS = system
    AGT = agent
    The option -oname specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified object name.
    The option -msgid specifies hamsg return messages matching the specified message ID.
    The option -path specifies where hamsg looks for the specified LDF. If not specified, hamsg looks for files in the default directory /var/VRTSvcs/ldf.
    The option -lang specifies the language in which to display messages. For example, the value "en" specifies English and "ja" specifies Japanese.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation