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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Conditional Statements

Some query commands include an option for conditional statements. Conditional statements take three forms:

Attribute=Value (the attribute equals the value)
Attribute!=Value (the attribute does not equal the value)
Attribute=~Value (the value is the prefix of the attribute, for example a query for the state of a resource = ~FAULTED returns all resources whose state begins with FAULTED.)

Multiple conditional statements can be used and imply AND logic.

Note   Note    You can only query attribute-value pairs displayed in the output of command
hagrp -display, described in section Querying Service Groups.

  For a list of service groups whose values match a conditional statement

hagrp -list [conditional_statement]
If no conditional statement is specified, all service groups in the cluster are listed.

  For a list of resources whose values match a conditional statement

hares -list [conditional_statement]
If no conditional statement is specified, all resources in the cluster are listed.

  For a list of agents whose values match a conditional statement

haagent -list [conditional_statement]
If no conditional statement is specified, all agents in the cluster are listed.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation