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Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Administering Service Groups

  To start a service group and bring its resources online

hagrp -online service_group -sys system

  To start a service group on a system and bring online only the resources already online on another system

hagrp -online service_group -sys system -checkpartial
If the service group does not have resources online on the other system, the service group is brought online on the original system and the checkpartial option is ignored.
Note that the checkpartial option is used by the Preonline trigger during failover. When a service group configured with Preonline =1 fails over to another system (system 2), the only resources brought online on system 2 are those that were previously online on system 1 prior to failover.

  To stop a service group and take its resources offline

hagrp -offline service_group -sys system

  To stop a service group only if all resources are probed on the system

hagrp -offline [-ifprobed] service_group -sys system

  To switch a service group from one system to another

hagrp -switch service_group -to system
A service group can be switched only if it is fully or partially online. The -switch option is not supported for switching parallel service groups and for switching hybrid service groups across system zones.

  To freeze a service group (disable onlining, offlining, and failover)

hagrp -freeze service_group [-persistent] 
The option -persistent enables the freeze to be "remembered" when the cluster is rebooted.

  To unfreeze a service group (reenable onlining, offlining, and failover)

hagrp -unfreeze service_group [-persistent]

  To enable a service group

hagrp -enable service_group [-sys system]
A group can be brought online only if it is enabled.

  To disable a service group

hagrp -disable service_group [-sys system]
A group cannot be brought online or switched if it is disabled.

  To enable all resources in a service group

hagrp -enableresources service_group

  To disable all resources in a service group

hagrp -disableresources service_group
Agents do not monitor group resources if resources are disabled.

  To clear faulted, non-persistent resources in a service group

hagrp -clear service_group [-sys system]
Clearing a resource initiates the online process previously blocked while waiting for the resource to become clear.

  • If system is specified, all faulted, non-persistent resources are cleared from that system only.
  • If system is not specified, the service group is cleared on all systems in the group's SystemList in which at least one non-persistent resource has faulted.

  To clear resources in ADMIN_WAIT state in a service group

hagrp -clearadminwait [-fault] service_group -sys system
See Clearing Resources in the ADMIN_WAIT State for more information.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation