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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

preonline Event Trigger


- preonline  triggertype system service_group whyonlining [system_where_group_faulted]

The variable triggertype represents whether trigger is custom (triggertype=0) or internal (triggertype=1).

Note    For this trigger, triggertype=0.

The variable system represents the name of the system.

The variable service_group represents the name of the service group on which the hagrp command was issued or the fault occurred.

The variable whyonlining represents two values:

FAULT indicates that the group was brought online in response to a group failover or switch.

MANUAL indicates that group was brought online manually on the system represented by the variable system.

The variable system_where_group_faulted is optional. This variable is set when the engine invokes the trigger during a failover or switch. It represents the name of the system on which the group has faulted or from where it is switching.


Indicates that HAD should not online a service group in response to an hagrp -online command or a fault. It should instead call a user-defined script that checks for external conditions before bringing the group online.

Note    If it is OK to bring the group online, it is then the responsibility of the PreOnline event trigger to bring the group online using the format: hagrp -online -nopre service_group  -sys system

If the trigger does not exist, VCS continues to bring the group online.

If you do want to bring the group online, define the trigger to take no action.

This event trigger is configurable.

  • To enable this trigger, specify PreOnline=1 within the group definition, or use:
  •      hagrp -modify service_group PreOnline 1

  • To disable the trigger, specify PreOnline=0 within the group definition, or use:
  •      hagrp -modify service_group PreOnline 0

resadminwait Event Trigger


- resadminwait  system  resource adminwait_reason

 The variable system represents the name of the system.

The variable resource represents the name of the faulted resource.

The variable adminwait_reason represents the reason the resource entered the ADMIN_WAIT state. Values range from 0-5:

0 = The offline entry point did not complete within the expected time.

1 = The offline entry point was ineffective.

2 = The online entry point did not complete within the expected time.

3 = The online entry point was ineffective.

4 = The resource was taken offline unexpectedly.

5 = The monitor entry point consistently failed to complete within the expected time.


Invoked when a resource enters ADMIN_WAIT state. A resource enters this state when the ManageFaults attribute for the service group is set to NONE and one of the reasons cited above has occurred.

Note    When VCS sets a resource in the ADMIN_WAIT state, it invokes the ResAdminWait trigger according to the reason the resource entered the state. See Clearing Resources in the ADMIN_WAIT State for instructions on clearing resources in this state.

This event trigger is non-configurable.

resfault Event Trigger


- resfault triggertype system  resource previous_state

The variable triggertype represents whether trigger is custom (triggertype=0) or internal (triggertype=1).

Note    For this trigger, triggertype=0.

The variable system represents the name of the system.

The variable resource represents the name of the faulted resource.

The variable previous_state represents the resource's previous state.


Invoked on the system where a resource has faulted. Note that when a resource is faulted, resources within the upward path of the faulted resource are also brought down.

This event trigger is non-configurable.

resnotoff Event Trigger


- resnotoff  triggertype system  resource

The variable triggertype represents whether trigger is custom (triggertype=0) or internal (triggertype=1).

Note    For this trigger, triggertype=0.

The variable system represents the system on which the resource is not going offline.

The variable resource represents the name of the resource.


Invoked on the system if a resource in a service group does not go offline even after issuing the offline command to the resource.

This event trigger is configurable.

To configure this trigger, you must define the following:

Resource Name Define resources for which to invoke this trigger by entering their names in the following line in the script: @resources = ("resource1", "resource2") ;

If any of these resources do not go offline, the trigger is invoked with that resource name and system name as arguments to the script.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation