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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

resstatechange Event Trigger


- resstatechange  triggertype system  resource previous_state new_state

The variable triggertype represents whether trigger is custom (triggertype=0) or internal (triggertype=1).

Note    For this trigger, triggertype=0.

The variable system represents the name of the system.

The variable resource represents the name of the resource.

The variable previous_state represents the resource's previous state.

The variable new_state represents the resource's new state.


This event trigger is not enabled by default. You must enable resstatechange by setting the attribute TriggerResStateChange to 1 in the file, or by issuing the command:

hagrp -modify service_group TriggerResStateChange 1

This event trigger is configurable.

This trigger is invoked under the following conditions:

  • Resource goes from OFFLINE to ONLINE.
  • Resource goes from ONLINE to OFFLINE.
  • Resource goes from ONLINE to FAULTED.
  • Resource goes from FAULTED to OFFLINE. (When fault is cleared on non-persistent resource.)
  • Resource goes from FAULTED to ONLINE. (When faulted persistent resource goes online or faulted non-persistent resource is brought online outside VCS control.)
  • Resource is restarted by an agent because resource faulted and RestartLimit was greater than 0.

  • Note    Use the resstatechange trigger carefully. For example, enabling this trigger for a service group with 100 resources means 100 hatrigger processes and 100 resstatechange processes are fired each time the group is brought online or taken offline. Also, this is not a "wait-mode" trigger. Specifically, VCS invokes the trigger and does not wait for trigger to return to continue operation
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation