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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Querying Systems

  To display system attribute values across clusters

hasys -value system attribute [-clus cluster | -localclus]
The option -clus displays the values of a system attribute in the cluster as designated by the variable cluster; the option -localclus specifies the local cluster.

  To display the state of a system across clusters

hasys -state [system] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Displays the current state of the specified system. The option -clus displays the state in a cluster designated by the variable cluster; the option -localclus specifies the local cluster. If you do not specify a system, the command displays the states of all systems.

  For information about each system across clusters

hasys -display [systems] [-attribute attributes] [-clus cluster | 
The option -clus displays the attribute values on systems (if specified) in a cluster designated by the variable cluster; the option -localclus specifies the local cluster.

  For a list of systems across clusters

hasys -list [conditionals] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Displays a list of systems whose values match the given conditional statements. The option -clus displays the systems in a cluster designated by the variable cluster; the option -localclus specifies the local cluster.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation