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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Querying Clusters

  For the value of a specific cluster attribute on a specific cluster

haclus -value attribute [cluster] [-localclus] 
The attribute must be specified in this command. If you do not specify the cluster name, the command displays the attribute value on the local cluster.

  To display the state of a local or remote cluster as seen from the local cluster

haclus -state [cluster] [-localclus] 
The variable cluster represents the cluster. If a cluster is not specified, the state of the local cluster and the state of all remote cluster objects as seen by the local cluster are displayed.

  For information on the state of a local or remote cluster as seen from the local cluster

haclus -display [cluster] [-localclus] 
If a cluster is not specified, information on the local cluster is displayed.

  For a list of local and remote clusters

haclus -list [conditionals]
Lists the clusters that meet the specified conditions, beginning with the local cluster.

  To display usage for the cluster command

haclus [-help [-modify]]

  To display the status of a faulted cluster

haclus -status cluster
Displays the status on the specified faulted cluster. If no cluster is specified, the command displays the status on all faulted clusters. It lists the service groups that were not in the OFFLINE or the FAULTED state before the fault occurred. It also suggests corrective action for the listed clusters and service groups.

Querying Status

  For the status of local and remote clusters


Querying Heartbeats

The hahb command is used to manage WAN heartbeats that emanate from the local cluster. Administrators can monitor the "health" of the remote cluster via heartbeat commands and mechanisms such as Internet, satellites, or storage replication technologies. Heartbeat commands are applicable only on the cluster from which they are issued.

Note   Note    You must have Cluster Administrator privileges to add, delete, and modify heartbeats.

The following commands are issued from the command line.

  For a list of heartbeats configured on the local cluster

hahb -list [conditionals]
The variable conditionals represents the conditions that must be met for the heartbeat to be listed.

  To display information on heartbeats configured in the local cluster

hahb -display [heartbeat ...]
If heartbeat is not specified, information regarding all heartbeats configured on the local cluster is displayed.

  To display the state of the heartbeats in remote clusters

hahb -state [heartbeat] [-clus cluster]
For example, to get the state of heartbeat ICMP from the local cluster to the remote cluster phoenix:

  # hahb -state ICMP -clus phoenix

  To display an attribute value of a configured heartbeat

hahb -value heartbeat attribute [-clus cluster]
The -value option provides the value of a single attribute for a specific heartbeat. The cluster name must be specified for cluster-specific attribute values, but not for global.
For example, to display the value of the ClusterList attribute for heartbeat ICMP:

  # hahb -value ICMP ClusterList
Note that ClusterList is a global attribute.

  To display usage for the command hahb

hahb [-help [-modify]]
If the -modify option is specified, the usage for the hahb -modify option is displayed.
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation